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Why the US keeps minting coins people hate and won't use

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:23 pm
by JDThomas ... 019Because a coin can last four decades while a note lasts only a few years, replacing the dollar bill with the coin could save the US $500m to $700m per year in printing and paper costs.Hands up who agrees that:1. US citizens bite the bullet and accept the coin in the name fiscal prudence in these harsh economic times.then:2. Spend the 1st $500-700 million dollars of annual savings funding the long promised oversight hearings in the the Assasinations Records Review Bureau.3. Spend the next $500-700 paying the redundancy fees of the lawfully employed CIA staff following its being closed down following the completion of 2.4. Spend the next $500-700 investigating other illeagal US government activities resulting from disclosures in 3.5. Spend the next $500-700 investigating the complicit/indepandant actions of other 'allied countries' resulting from disclosure in 4. (e.g. Tony Blair et al).... Any further suggestions for spend, other than my personal Benevolent fund?

Re: Why the US keeps minting coins people hate and won't use

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:02 pm
by Brian White
JD, I think the REAL reason that dollar coins have never succeeded is thatthe Federal Reserve makes a bunch of money off the $1 bill. They only last about 18months in circulation,so more have to be printed constantly-making the Fed richer allthe time. They won't allow them to be discontinued. Remember the Sacagewea dollar-the dollar of the future? What a crock!

Why the US keeps minting coins people hate and won't use

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:19 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.28.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:08.10.2010 - JDThomas, who Posts a variety of Interesting and Intelligent Headlines, Posted this Headline.I remembered reading it, YESTERDAY.1. Twice within the last few months I was attempting to Deposit Cash Into My Own Chase Checking Account, in the Chase Bank, on camera, using my own Chase Bank Deposit Slip.Each time the Chase Teller asked for my Driver's License, advising me that it is New Chase Bank Deposit Policy.I had received No Prior Notification via U.S. Mail, nor On Line.2. This week I was in the Chase Bank attempting to Deposit CASH AND TEN (10) DOLLARS OF CHANGE to My Chase Bank Checking Account, on camera, using my own Chase Deposit Slip.I have an I - Pass, so I no longer use My Change on Tollways. So I accumulate change for months. I was up to $ 10.00 and decided to Deposit Cash PLUS Change to my Chase Checking Account all at once.This was mostly quarters, with some dimes and nickels. Only $ 00.10 was PENNIES.The Chase Teller asked for my Driver's License, AND REFUSED TO ACCEPT MY CHANGE AS NEW CHASE BANK POLICY THAT I HAD NO PRIOR NOTIFICATION OF IN ANY WAY.I was advised that they No Longer Have Change Machines. She suggested that I go to either a Jewel Grocery Store that has Free Change Counting Machines, ORGo to a Currency Exchange, but that some charge a Fee For Converting Change to Cash Bills.I remembered JDThomas' Headline and Post. Thanks JDThomas.Besides My Annoyance Level, THE REAL REASON THAT I RAISED ALL OF THIS IS TO POINT OUT MAJORCASH TRANSACTION RULES AND REGULATIONS AT CHASE BANK, AND I AM CERTIAN, OTHER BANKS,ARE EVOLVING WITHOUT NOTICE.THIS CERTAINLY HAS TO HAVE FEDERAL RESERVE AND HIGH CABAL CERTIFICATIONS AND SANCTIONS.I tend to Connect Dots, and Watch For Trends.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.