New Head Wound Info

JFK Assassination
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New Head Wound Info

Post by JDThomas »

Martin Hay has condensed info from hear No evil into an excellent summary:
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by kenmurray »

It's so incredible that the Warren Commission relied on drawings instead of autopsy photos and X-rays of JFK. Humes, Boswell, and Finck were all pathetic excuse for doctors. Thanks to them we have the worst medical autopsy known to mankind.
Kit Carp
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Kit Carp »

I dont think the problem was that Humes, Boswell, and Finck were terrible doctors.The truth is, they were surrounded by people who outranked them, some of whom were part of a conspiracy to assassinate the president, and these ranking Admirals and Generals convinced these lowly ranking doctors that it was some patriotic duty for them to lie, and convince the world that Kennedy was hit only from the back.Once these doctors began to walk down this course, they were caught up in the design themselves, and simply did not have the strength of character to ever tell the truth....even when it became obvious that it wasnt patriotism or a need to save the world from a war with Russia...but instead an coup inside our own goverment.Finck wasnt present to see the condition of the president's head, nor the removal of his he might actually be more or less innocent of complicity. He even admitted under oath that some high ranking persons were really running the autopsy, and not Humes, and he was "left out of the loop" about the 2nd brain exam. He even commented about the brain he examined being "different" than the one he saw at the autopsy.Humes, on the otherhand, was up to his neck in deciet.True, he was not a forensic pathologist, and had never autopsied a bullet wound case...but the state of the autopsy report has nothing to do with his actual skills as a doctor, I dont think.It doesnt take competance to illegally tear up your original autopsy report, for instance, and rewrite it at the instructions of your commanding officer, changing findings.The existing report is carefully designed to be hide facts. It isnt a sign of incompetance that the president's brain of the most basic facts needed in a gunshot case, is just plain missing from the report.The choice of measuring wound locations from malleable points on the body too, is just plain indicitive of an attempt to muddy precision. There were moments in each of Humes testimonies before official panels where he hints at the truth and makes statements for the record that any lawyer with a brain stem would catch, and ask about.....if said lawyer was interested in the truth.In each case, the lawyer involved carefully, knowingly avoids Hume's attempt to get to the real questions and answers.Famously is this little nugget from when he was asked by the House Select Committee to describe where the bullets entered and exited the head , Humes said: "It is impossible for the bullet to either have entered or exited from other than behind." In short, I dont think these were incompetant doctors at all.They were military doctors tasked with lying about the evidence, to support the notion of Oswald as the lone shooter. They altered evidence, they perjured themselves.The fact that they were made to do this by their superior is iron-clad proof of a high level conspiracy, within our own government, afoot at the time of the assassination.
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by kenmurray »

Kit. I disagree. I think they were incompetent. Humes by his own omission burned his preliminary autopsy notes. It appears that Humes wasn't the only one with "vanishing notes": ... s.htmHumes "Lincoln Chair" Fairy tale: ... hair.htmOn the plus side, I do give credit to Humes and Boswell for serving their country. I can't say that for Finck.
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by kenmurray »

Marin Hay's review of "Hear No Evil":
Jerry Craig
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Jerry Craig »

i dont think the doctors were lyeing on purpuse they were just doing what they were told.remember they were navy doctors if they did not do what they were told they faced court marshall's.
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by kenmurray »

Humes being interviewed by Dan Rather: ... mbeddedTim Smith And The Medical Evidence In the JFK Assassination: ... re=related
tom jeffers
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by tom jeffers »

kenmurray wrote:Kit. I disagree. I think they were incompetent. Humes by his own omission burned his preliminary autopsy notes. It appears that Humes wasn't the only one with "vanishing notes": ... s.htmHumes "Lincoln Chair" Fairy tale: ... hair.htmOn the plus side, I do give credit to Humes and Boswell for serving their country. I can't say that for Finck.maybe humes burned his notes so he wouldn't end up like pitzer. he was probably instructed to get rid of all evidence other than the official report.
Jerry Craig
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Jerry Craig »

that is my thinking i agree
barney 1961
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by barney 1961 »

8/26/10Dangerous Dan Marvin of Green Beret renown states in his tv interview, that during training with the CIA at Ft. Bragg, NC he wascalled to a pine thicket and asked by a Company man, if he would perform a task for the agency, for National Security purposes againsta US citizen, and he refused for various reasons of a personal nature. He told this man, he had volunteered to do such jobs and had beentrained to do them on subjects found overseas, not within the borders of the USA, thus declining this assignment and was shortly thereafterposted to Laos as an adviser to the Laotian army.One of his assignments, again which he refused was plan and participate in the assassinationof the Prince of Cambodia using his specially trained Laotian army special forces troops. This caused a "seek and destroy mission" against his own unit, by Company lead units of S. Vietnamese soldiers, which they were barely able to escape with their very own lives.Dangerous Dan indicated that the Company man way back in like 1964, later talked to a Green Beret associate by the name of Capt. DavidVaneck, who was soon no longer a part of the training program. However, Dan thoughtfully kept a copy of the training roster and there wasa Vaneck listed, but his whereabouts are unknown now. Within a very short time, a matter of months, Lt. Commander Pitzer of the BethesdaNaval Hospital staff and commander of the autopsy photo dept. was found dead in his office of a gunshot would by a .38 revolver lying beside his body. His right hand was badly mangled and the wound inflicted was to the right side of Pitzer's head, however, Pitzer was a "lefty' andwas often chided for dealing playing cards incorrectly, due to his left handed dominance issue. The Pitzer family never believed the Navyversion of events, but the widow Pitzer was threatened with loss of pension benefits, unless, she shut up and made no trouble for the Navy.Only after retirement from the military did Dangerous Dan find out that a Lt. Commander Pitzer was among a long list of suspicious deathsrelated to the JFK murder case, which caused him much pain and sorrow. So being a patriot, Dan called the widow Pitzer and confirmed what she had to say aabout his job, the autopsy photos he was alleged to have secretly videotaped and still photos which he hid out from his bosses, with the intention perhaps of selling those pictures upon his retirement to a magazine, such as Life Magazine in NY but his death ended this phase of his short life. Dan, volunteered information to Mrs. Pitzer, which closed this chapter of her life andtold her of the events years before at Ft. Bragg, answering many of her questions about her husband's mysterious death.