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Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:46 am
by Davyjones
To me ,a novice,the conspiracy is proved if Marinas evidence is untrue. I find on what I have read that she is unwilling to talk further on the detail due to memory loss! How suspect is she? Can we expect more from her? Do members have any recent finds that are worth sharing.

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:58 am
by Dealey Joe
Davy be sure to get Judyth Vary Bakers new book "Me & Lee"should be available in November.I am sure a lot about Marine will be covered.I think she was a pawn for some reason. Maybe another way to control reason live witnesses will no longer talk is because of the harassment they receive.A lot that probably could be rumored about her is left undone because of Her and Lee's two daughters.Marina's connections to Michael and Ruth Paine is telltale, The Paines have dirty hands.Just a few weeks ago the City of Irving gave Ruth Paine the honors of "Key to the City"

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:24 am
by Davyjones
Thanks Dealey Joe.. you and Kenmurray do respond to newbys comments and that helps to focus the mind. I think Oswalds children have thr right to know the truth more than most.They are starting to communicate in public and I hope they keep the pressure up. JD Tippits folks need the truth as well.

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:38 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Dealey Joe wrote:Davy be sure to get Judyth Vary Bakers new book "Me & Lee"should be available in November.I am sure a lot about Marine will be covered.I think she was a pawn for some reason. Maybe another way to control reason live witnesses will no longer talk is because of the harassment they receive.A lot that probably could be rumored about her is left undone because of Her and Lee's two daughters.Marina's connections to Michael and Ruth Paine is telltale, The Paines have dirty hands.Just a few weeks ago the City of Irving gave Ruth Paine the honors of "Key to the City"I wonder if Ms. Paine could even HOLD that key with that blood on her hands. I've always considered her to be an accessory before and after the fact. I can barely tolerate hearing her on those supposed "documentaries," as she bashes Oswald. In my opinion, she a piece of s**t, and I hope the same masters that she served end up turning on her.

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:28 pm
by kenmurray
Gerald McKnight is working on another book on the JFK assassination. He says that he has documented proof that the government used threats of deportation to get Marina Oswald to cooperate with its investigation. ... yID=105669

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:40 pm
by Dealey Joe
I think there is much more to the Marina thing than we even imagine.There are some things I can say but can't prove.Keep in Mind she lived with others more than she ever did with LHO?You can tell by watching the girls you can definitely see they are his.

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:39 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:28 pm
by Kit Carp
I think kenmurray is on the mark with the intelligence agency's leaning very hard on Marina to cooperate. They isolated her completely, they stuck cia mistress Priscilla on her to handle her, they strongly threatened to deport her, if she did not incriminate her husband. At that point, she probably was thinking about her children's furture, and was scared for her life.She has stated all this later in life.Think about it...there are reasons spouses are protected against doing just this sort of forced testimony by law.Fortunately, you can see pretty readily by actually reading all of her WC testimony, that what she says often does not make sense, and she quite often changes what she says, in a quite confused manner. They were feeding her stuff, and when the evidence would change, (like the additional photos of "oswald holding the rifle"), her testimony would then change too, to match the "new" evidence. What does this say?Even the lower end WC lawyers thought her testimony was useless in a real case...yet, because she tended to incriminate Lee each step of the way, the WC bigwigs were all over her like she was reliable, just like they were their other ridiculous star witnesses Brennan and Markham and GIvens.None of them would have likely made it even into court, because they were so easy to completely destroy in an honest setting in court. Marina was coached, Brennan couldnt ID Oswald at a lineup, and was half blind at any distance. Markham was crazy even to the WC lawyers, and described someone absolutely unlike Osawald. Givens would better have served the defense- in his original statement, he said he saw Oswald in the lunchroom at exactly the time he much later testified to the WC to leaving him on the sixth floor.In short, Marina's testimony was absolutely of no use in any court in the USA, and perjury is perfectly obvious just in her existing testimony.

Mr. & Mrs. Spook Come to America

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:04 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Marina was a vulnerable victim in the sense that Ruby's motive was to spare Jacqueline. ... htmlDeport? She was not going to be deported—she was expedited in immigrating and was the willing handmaiden to Paine and the Painiacs.Hooker and spook and liar for hire.Oh Lee told me to take picture of him vit dese veapons.Oh Lee shot at General Walker.Oh I locked Lee in bathroom so he no shoot Nixon.Oh Lee beat me.Priscilla got the exclusive on the “defector” in 59, and Priscilla got the exclusive on the grieving widow in 63 and beyond. And Priscilla is a spook or there are no spooks.Check the link on Marina's phony no-can-speaka-de-English routine.Uncle MVD. To get out of Soviet Union you work for KGB.Lee work for ONI, CIA, FBI. Marriage made in heaven.Oh the rifle was in the blanket—it's a mystery how there's no oil on the blanket or fibers on the rifle.What a hideous betrayer, the perfect ladie's home companion to Paine.Khruschev was replaced in 64. Too soft, can't have detente. Must have Cold War.Lee and Marina was the romance of the age, the love that kept the Cold War hot.Oh gee-eye I love you so much. You take me to oo-sah? I love you long time.

Re: Marina Oswald,is she for real?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:33 pm
by Dealey Joe
There is much more to the Marina/Ruth thing than we know.She was said to have been a prostitute in Russia?Marina and Lee got together too quickly and left Russia for ir to be coincidence.I am hoping Judyth has some information on that in the book.