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Project for Joe, Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:27 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, Jerry Craig, Ken Murray, and Pasquale DiFabrizio:Gentlemen - You four have recently stated that you will be in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.2010. I have a very serious, sincere two-fold project-request for the four of you if you are so pre-disposed, please. And it may prove intriguing for the four of you, and beneficial to the Members of the JFK Forum. I developed this idea recently re-watching the beginning of JFK II.Obtain a high power zoom telephoto camera that can go from 3X to much higher power. Project 1. Place two of you in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository window that Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly fired from, with the camera. One of you to take the pictures, and one of you to run interference.Simultaneously, place two of you outside, one each of the other two standing exactly where JFK was allegedly shot each of the two times by Lee Harvey Oswald from the window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, with taped X'S marking the spot on your bodies. Shot one to JFK'S back. Shot two, allegedly to JFK'S rear of the head. I have seen pictures, and read that the exact headshot location is already marked on the street.Take these pictures of the two alleged shots at 3X, the alleged power of Lee's scope. Then take them at various stages of enlargement.Project 2. Place two of you on the Grassy Knoll where James Earl Sutton/Files fired the kill shot to JFK. One of you to take the pictures, and one of you to run interference.Then place two of you at the X spot exactly where JFK was shot, alternately, placing one person first with your head almost erect as it was before the rear shot to JFK as Jimmy saw JFK when he aimed at JFK'S right eye. Next, then placing the other person with your head leaning forward as it was after the rear shot to JFK, when Jimmy's headshot made the contact-explosion propelling JFK'S head back and to the left.Take pictures at 3X the power of Jimmy's scope. Have an X over one person's right eye with the head erect, showing how JFK'S head was when Jimmy zeroed in on JFK and squeezed the trigger. Then have the other person with an X on the right temple leaning forward as Jimmy states that JFK's head was when he saw his shot actually hit JFK'S right temple area. After taking both positions at 3X, also take each shot at various stages of enlargement.I think that these Two Projects will be constructive, informative, and interesting for the four of you, and also for the JFK Forum Members when you Post those pictures.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:53 pm
by Bob
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Messrs. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, Jerry Craig, Ken Murray, and Pasquale DiFabrizio:Gentlemen - You four have recently stated that you will be in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.2010. I have a very serious, sincere two-fold project-request for the four of you if you are so pre-disposed, please. And it may prove intriguing for the four of you, and beneficial to the Members of the JFK Forum. I developed this idea recently re-watching the beginning of JFK II.Obtain a high power zoom telephoto camera that can go from 3X to much higher power. Project 1. Place two of you in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository window that Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly fired from, with the camera. One of you to take the pictures, and one of you to run interference.Simultaneously, place two of you outside, one each of the other two standing exactly where JFK was allegedly shot each of the two times by Lee Harvey Oswald from the window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, with taped X'S marking the spot on your bodies. Shot one to JFK'S back. Shot two, allegedly to JFK'S rear of the head. I have seen pictures, and read that the exact headshot location is already marked on the street.Take these pictures of the two alleged shots at 3X, the alleged power of Lee's scope. Then take them at various stages of enlargement.Project 2. Place two of you on the Grassy Knoll where James Earl Sutton/Files fired the kill shot to JFK. One of you to take the pictures, and one of you to run interference.Then place two of you at the X spot exactly where JFK was shot, alternately, placing one person first with your head almost erect as it was before the rear shot to JFK as Jimmy saw JFK when he aimed at JFK'S right eye. Next, then placing the other person with your head leaning forward as it was after the rear shot to JFK, when Jimmy's headshot made the contact-explosion propelling JFK'S head back and to the left.Take pictures at 3X the power of Jimmy's scope. Have an X over one person's right eye with the head erect, showing how JFK'S head was when Jimmy zeroed in on JFK and squeezed the trigger. Then have the other person with an X on the right temple leaning forward as Jimmy states that JFK's head was when he saw his shot actually hit JFK'S right temple area. After taking both positions at 3X, also take each shot at various stages of enlargement.I think that these Two Projects will be constructive, informative, and interesting for the four of you, and also for the JFK Forum Members when you Post those pictures.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Excellent idea. The only problem with it is that the 6th Floor Museum does not allow you to get near the LHO window, as it is enclosed by glass. You can access other windows on the 6th floor though. That part of the project might have to be done by the 5th floor window, if one can get to it.

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:32 pm
by kenmurray
Bruce that is an excellent idea. I would be up for it.

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:08 pm
by Dealey Joe
I think in the end Bruces idea might get us into a situation where we could also get pictures of the interrogation room and the cell area???

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:35 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
That sounds like a great idea. Like Bob said, the "Oswald" window is enclosed in glass. The knoll part of the project can be done. I'm up for it.

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:44 pm
by Dealey Joe
OK I am game for about anything.I don't think you can get pictures from the building.They don't want guys like us messing with their big lie.

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:37 pm
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:OK I am game for about anything.I don't think you can get pictures from the building.They don't want guys like us messing with their big lie.Joe, the 4 of us can take a tour to 6th floor museum and complain how one sided it is and then we demand to see Gary Mack to get our money back!

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:18 pm
by JDThomas
6th floor glassed-off:Remember how Bill Hicks put it:I love talking about Kennedy. I was just down in Dallas, Texas. y'know you can go down there to Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was assassinated. And you can actually go to the 6th floor of the Schoolbook Depository. It's a museum called: The Assassination Museum. I think they named that after the assassination, I can't be too sure of the chronology here but... Anyway they have the window set up to look exactly like it did on that day. And it's really accurate, you know, 'cuz Oswald's not in it. "Yeah, yeah... Wow that's cool." Painstaking accuracy, y'know. It's true, it's called the Sniper's Nest.It's glassed in, it's got the boxes sitting there. You can't actually get to the window itself and the reason they did that of course, they didn't want thousands of American tourists getting there each year going: "No f***ing way! I can't even see the road. ..............Not unless Oswald was hanging by his toes, upside down from the ledge. Either that or some pigeons grabbed onto him, flew him over the motorcade... Surely someone would have seen that. y'know there was rumours of anti-Castro pigeons seen drinking in bars. Someone overheard them saying 'coo, coo. coup...'" Unbelievable."You are free to do what they tell you

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:47 pm
by Dealey Joe
I have never been in the museum, I just can't force myself to give then Aholes my money.I am not sure just what assassination they are talking about.If you guys are game for it we can do it.Maybe we can email Mr. Mack and explain to him that we are researchers he will send us some free tickets?Might have Jerry ask him, I hear they are on speaking terms.If we told him we were from Ethiopia or somewhere in town to see where that awful LHO fired from, we would got a free guided tour?

Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:54 pm
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:I have never been in the museum, I just can't force myself to give then Aholes my money.I am not sure just what assassination they are talking about.If you guys are game for it we can do it.Maybe we can email Mr. Mack and explain to him that we are researchers he will send us some free tickets?Might have Jerry ask him, I hear they are on speaking terms.If we told him we were from Ethiopia or somewhere in town to see where that awful LHO fired from, we would got a free guided tour?Ethiopia