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need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:19 pm
by Jerry Craig
Ok i need everybodys input on Oswalds exit route from the TSBD to the theater i am working on a project that i need to make sure we all agree on

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:29 pm
by Dealey Joe
Well Jerry, good luck.Roger told you how he left so that rules out the bus and taxi to Oak Cliff

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:40 pm
by Jerry Craig
OK i guess i was out of line wanting to be open minded1!!!

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:58 pm
by Bob
Bottom line, I agree with your Uncle Roger's version of things. LHO left via a station wagon...not a bus...or a taxi. I think David Morales was the driver of the station wagon. I also think J.D. Tippit was a friend of LHO's. LHO definitely did NOT kill Tippit. I think Tippit, LHO and Jack Ruby all knew each other...quite well. I think Ruby may have been witness to Tippit's murder, as one witness saw the shooter as a young, taller man, who was with with an older, shorter and portly man.

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:10 am
by Jerry Craig
What is reasearch well it is getting ideas from what you and everybody else knows and finding the most LOGICAL solution that is what this was about i know what roger said i wanted to know what everybody else thought i guess reasearch is not possable on this SUBJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:50 am
by Dealey Joe
Now Jery keep your shirt on my friend.The subject you and I are interested in is pretty unique to us who live closer to dealey and Oak Cliff.Some of the guys here will most likely not even have an opinion of the route LHO tookother than what has previously been said.Here is what I think and it is pretty crosswise to what most others think.Lee was supposed to meet Tippit just across the bridge on the Oak Cliff side.But for some reason Oswald was picked up by the Rambler and did not go to meet Tippit.The Rambler dropped Oswald off at Jack Ruby's apartment but Jack was not Oswald left there in a while and headed towards his apartment or was looking for Tippitwhen he ran across the Tippit killing and so on...we need to make the possible routes when I get down there next.But you are on a subject here that is one of the most interest to me..What route do you think he took?

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:08 am
by Jerry Craig
i think rogers way is the most likely and the fastest way out.but im trying to figure out why anybody would say he went to the bus station cause he couldent have made good timming that way and it is not logical

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:13 am
by Dealey Joe
Jerry can you get us a nice big map of Oak Cliff?

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:13 am
by Jerry Craig
that is what i am working on now

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:26 am
by Dealey Joe
you might get one from the Chamber of commerce