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James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:15 pm
by Davyjones
No its not happening but what if it was? Its important that young people are motivated to carry the torch forward and the only way this can happen is if a blockbuster movie is made. None of us will see the final verdict on what happened that day but some young guy or gal out there with motivation might be the one to change the pages of history from what we have now. I suggest Brad Pitt as Oswald Angelina Jolie as Marina and Jack Nicholsonj as Ruby. Any suggestions for cast and plot? I have my own storyboard worked out but I will spare you it for now.

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:44 pm
by Davyjones
OK so the post was a joke,but the point that I made that what was needed was a mass communication of the thrust of this forum opinions. NOBODY is paying attention out there and this forum is not winning the battle. My view is that a big movie that shows what happened that day will capture the imagination of new young people who will carry the flag forward to getting the truth told. WHATS WRONG WITH THAT?

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:00 pm
by kenmurray
Davyjones wrote:OK so the post was a joke,but the point that I made that what was needed was a mass communication of the thrust of this forum opinions. NOBODY is paying attention out there and this forum is not winning the battle. My view is that a big movie that shows what happened that day will capture the imagination of new young people who will carry the flag forward to getting the truth told. WHATS WRONG WITH THAT?Davy, there's nothing wrong with that but I don't see a movie that tells what really happen in Dallas will come forth. Look at what Oliver Stone went through with his movie "JFK". Newsweek magazine was critical of the movie BEFORE it was released to theaters.The MSM would do the same if another movie similar to that would come out. But wait and see. When Tom Hanks HBO series on JFK comes out in 2013, the MSM will worship it like it was the second coming.

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:09 am
by Jerry Craig
you know if i had help we could make a movie based on rogers book!!

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:06 pm
by bob franklin
That's a project I could behind. Roger defied the criminals behind the lie, even at the cost of his life. You can't help but admire that kind of heroism. Wish I had the cash to fund such a movie.

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:31 pm
by kenmurray
bob franklin wrote:That's a project I could behind. Roger defied the criminals behind the lie, even at the cost of his life. You can't help but admire that kind of heroism. Wish I had the cash to fund such a movie.I agree Bob. That would be a great project.

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:52 pm
by Davyjones
I did see any movie being a radical ,none O Stone style murder thriller with the best of the current thinking being dramatised including Roger Craigs story and of course James Files account.

Re: James Cameron starts filming JFK2 Oswald Returns

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:57 pm
by tom jeffers
i personally see joe pesci as ruby. holly hunter as ruth paine, chaz palminteri as george demorenscildt, drew barrymore as jackie.