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The History Channel has no backbone

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:14 pm
by Timothy Franzen
The History Channel presented another John F. Kennedy AssassinationTwo hour program to do computer imagery showing how Lee Harvey Oswaldwas able to fire three shots from the TSBD and naturally explaining the "Magic Bullet Theory". The History Channel, which had aired "The Men WhoKilled Kenney in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Tragedy, apparently has backed off on the truth opting instead to only sell "The MenWho Killed Kennedy" in their DVD Store. The only Brave thing they did March 11th was air JFK by Oliver Stone.Even more amusing, was a review of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy I foundby doing a google search ridiculing the program, not for the reliable interviews conducted but for some questionable conspirators that were interviewed in France. What are everybody's views on what used to be a reputable source in the History Channel and how they've backed off on airing important historicinformation? I know there was controversy surrounding the program on LBJ's alleged involvement in the Assassination but there was good information in most of the programs. I'm just relieved that I taped the airing of the Men Who Killed Kennedy back in 2003.Tim

Reply to Tim re: History Channel

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:34 pm
by John Zeroski
Maybe 4-5 years ago I thought the Men Who Killed Kennedy series was a highly informative documentary that every "buff" should know about, but over the years I have begun to think that this series is a British disinfo caper.
My initial problem was with the young researcher who contributed the Corsican Mafia BS. I think I recently read somewhere that he is now writing screenplays in Hollywood.
I think the way the scam works is to have reliable people interspersed with probable BS artists. A prime example would be Jack White teamed up with Gary Mack, who, for all intents and purposes, appears to have sold out. Now all one can do is wonder about the whole "badgeman" idea.
Lately I've begun to think there is a lot of British BS out there. Looks to me like the Simkin forum is little more than the free-flow of BS, interspersed with loads of info that have no basic relevance as to what force gave the nod to have the president assassinated.
The problem for me is, when you begin to doubt some material, you have to begin to wonder just exactly what can be believed.
As the fat man says, we must judge for ourselves.

There was still some quality information in the TMWKK

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:24 pm
by Timothy Franzen
Point well taken, although some of the information revealed in the program was valid. What my main gripe with the History Channelis the quality of their overall programming now and the fact that theytook the opportunity to regress by promoting the ludicrous "MagicBullet Theory". There were interviews with people who were at ParklandHospital, i.e. a medical professional who noticed the bullet holes in the front windshield of the limo, etc.Somebody obviously got the History Channel in a big way to silence thatkind of progressive programming on air.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:39 pm
by john geraghty
Tim, Maybe 4-5 years ago I thought the Men Who Killed Kennedy series was a highly informative documentary that every "buff" should know about, but over the years I have begun to think that this series is a British disinfo caper.

British disinfo?


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:50 pm
by Timothy Franzen
What I think is that a British journalism team had the "balls" to come over here and try to at least blow the lid off what really happened To JFK. Our own castrated mainstream media wouldn't even attempt to tackle the real events of the JFK Coup de tat. (spelling correct? oh I don't care) That's myopinion and I'm sticking it to it.


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:06 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Timothy Franzen,

I have just reviewed your post about The History Channel.
I could NOT AGREE WITH you more. Very well put.

Of course, cynics will say that I agree with you because Jimmy Files and
Wim Dankbaar are my two (2) greatest friends. But without them, what
would we have for "the truth" ?

Two very simple arguments of mine:

1. Why did over 100 eyewitnesses charge the Grassy Knoll, saying they
heard, saw, and smelled something ? Are we to believe that they were
planted in advance by "us conspiracy nuts" ?

2. The shell casing found on the Grassy Knoll was perfectly described by
Jimmy Files, right down to his teeth marks. Either Jimmy fired the shot
from the Grassy Knoll, or it's the greatest coincidence in the recorded
history of mankind.

Anyway, I totally agree with you about The History Channel as far as Arlan Specter's Magic Bullet Theory.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:58 pm
by Timothy Franzen
Hi Bruce and everyone,Thanks. Discrediting the British documentary team just got under myskin and quite frankly that p'd me off. Instead of undermining whatthey uncovered, we ought to be roasting our spineless mainstream mediafor cowering to the Government coverup.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:08 pm
by Bob
This article might help explain why the MSM in the U.S. is so spineless. Because they are in bed with their masters. The MSM, Wall Street and the CIA have been in bed for years. What family is connected to all three? You guessed it, the Bu$hes!!! ... gbird.html


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:10 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Timothy Franzen,

I have just reviewed your last post. And yet again, I really agree with you.

Wim Dankbaar, Jimmy Files, and I often discuss how well the government, or government agencies control the mainstream media.

Wim, I hope you read this post by Timothy Franzen.

Tim, this is an issue that really needs some research.

Excellent point.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:18 pm
by Bob
Here is another interesting site that addresses this issue and has other fascinating material...