What Jaqueline reached out for

JFK Assassination
kjell roald
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What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kjell roald »

Maybe you all know about this...I came across this videoclip that I found interesting. Going three minutes out, you can see something white on the trunk of the limousine.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 831723Then I saw the tape from the opposite angle, and Irealized that the white thing must be a scarf or something.But then I came across this video :http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 908853#And 16:28 out in this video you can see that the ( big ) white thing must indeed be a scarf or something, but you can also see two or three smaller white things that slided down the trunk of the car before the scarf. And it´s those two or three, that makes Jaqueline start to crawl out on the trunk of the car. ( And doing so, the scarf comes sliding too. )What do you all think?
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kenmurray »

Jackie was wearing white gloves that day. The white thing you described looks like her glove. And no doubt to me she was retrieving a portion of JFK's skull.
kjell roald
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kjell roald »

Thanks.Could well be that it´s one of the gloves.Has anybody made a youtube clip, shoving the last clip I linked to in extra slow motion, and pointing out the two or three "objects" that slide across the trunk of the limousine, before Jaqueline gets up, to crawl out on the trunk?I´m just thinking, I never noticed this before, and it seems to me to be a pretty strong affirmation that there was really scull pieces/ brain matter from the back of Kenneys head sliding across the trunk of the car.So it ought to be presented in a youtube clip.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Dealey Joe »

If you watch closely you can see Jackie's right hand flip up just as that object falls onto the trunk lid and then slides backward and Hill picks it up and hands it back to Jackie.I don't know what it is but I strongly suspect it was something she had in her hand.I don't think that particular piece was a skull fragment although there were pieces splattered around.Also I would say any large pieces flew further away with the force. some were found in the grass.Jackie also still had her white gloves on.
Wayne Stracener
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Wayne Stracener »

Dress in Pink and carry a big knife.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Kjell Roald, Wayne Stracener, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Kjell and Wayne - You two have been long time JFK Forum Member favorites of mine. I recently commented on older Posts and Headlines from both of you.Good to read and see that you both are still making great contributions.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Wayne Stracener
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Wayne Stracener »

Thank you Bruce,I only post a lttle bit around the forums, because of the type of photo work that i do post it cost me time from my family spending hours defending It.Brue I would like to know If James has ever seen the moorman polaroid?
Wayne Stracener
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Wayne Stracener »

Now from the Zapruder filmRed square is not mineMy green arrows show standing markerslink to full photohttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx183/twsxpress/Forum2/standonyourmark-1.jpg
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wayne Stracener, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wayne - Jimmy stands on his 1993 and 2003 Interviews, and has become so fed up with the JFK Research Community that he drew a line in the sand several years ago. And at his request and insistence I never communicate any facts from him beyond what is on the record. We have moved on with several other projects.That said, I can tell you to the absolute best of my knowledge, as of today, he has never seen the Moorman Polaroid. Jimmy has virtually no interest in the entire JFK Matter any more. He feels that he took two attempts at honesty, and has been burned thousands of times since then because of it. Jimmy has never made one penny, yet everybody around him is out for the money.While we have been compiling his autobiography-biography-memoirs since the 1960'S which we may never publish, Jimmy believes that many, many other CIA and Black Ops matters that he handled were much more significant.But I do understand the other point of view. Jimmy sees this assignment as only one shot, one kill. Others look at the consequences of JFK'S death.Government agencies have perpetrated far worse in this century. I know that is debatable depending upon your point of interest. I do not mean to sound absolute for everybody.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Bob »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wayne Stracener, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wayne - Jimmy stands on his 1993 and 2003 Interviews, and has become so fed up with the JFK Research Community that he drew a line in the sand several years ago. And at his request and insistence I never communicate any facts from him beyond what is on the record. We have moved on with several other projects.That said, I can tell you to the absolute best of my knowledge, as of today, he has never seen the Moorman Polaroid. Jimmy has virtually no interest in the entire JFK Matter any more. He feels that he took two attempts at honesty, and has been burned thousands of times since then because of it. Jimmy has never made one penny, yet everybody around him is out for the money.While we have been compiling his autobiography-biography-memoirs since the 1960'S which we may never publish, Jimmy believes that many, many other CIA and Black Ops matters that he handled were much more significant.But I do understand the other point of view. Jimmy sees this assignment as only one shot, one kill. Others look at the consequences of JFK'S death.Government agencies have perpetrated far worse in this century. I know that is debatable depending upon your point of interest. I do not mean to sound absolute for everybody.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Jimmy Files has never made a penny from his confession and his version of the events on 11/22/1963, but the truth he has exposed has made me a much richer man in terms of the wealth of knowledge I have tried to obtain regarding the JFK assassination.