why Ruby killed Oswald

JFK Assassination
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why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by Jsnow915 »

I found this on the web...but it does make sense“Another motive was put forth by Frank Sheeran, a hitman for the Mafia, in a conversation he had with the then-former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. During the conversation, Hoffa claimed that Ruby was assigned the task of coordinating police officers loyal to Ruby to murder Oswald while he was in their custody. As Ruby evidently mismanaged the operation, he was given a choice to either finish the job himself or forfeit his life.” (No one denies Sheeran was a Mob hitman).
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Interesting indeed Jsnow. Speaking of Hoffa and Sheeran:http://www.hoffasolved.com/
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by Jsnow915 »

you got it Ken....thats where I got the info from.
barney 1961
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by barney 1961 »

In his book, " I Hear You Paint Houses," Sheeran a Teamster-Mafia enforcer and hitman, alleges he was forced and paid to kill his friend,mentor, and onetime idol, Jimmy Hoffa, by a crime boss from Buffalo, NY. after Nixon pardoned Jimmy Hoffa to get out of prison and attempted to re-claim the NationwidePresidency of the Teamsters Union, against the Mafia bosses wishes. Hoffa was a stronger leader and President of the Teamsters thanthe interim leader, Fitzsimmoms, who played ball with the gangsters who financed the casinos and other gaming operations from theunion trust and pension funds without any qualms.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.09.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:John - Excellent contribution as per your usual. You have strongly revitalized by interest to research and study this Subject Matter more deeply. I have always been interested in Jack Ruby, formerly known as Jacob Rubenstein within the Chicago Mafia. He was granted a reprieve and "allowed to move" to Dallas, Texas and remain on the straight and narrow under the name Jack Ruby, while still answering to The Chicago Mafia.This theory is very strongly acceptable to my thinking as it seemingly answers three glaring questions for me:1. How and Why were the Dallas Police so immediately, and powerfully focused on Oswald ?2. Why did parts of The Dallas Law Enforcement Community clearly look the other way with Ruby while allowing him to shoot to kill Oswald ?3. Why did Ruby ask, beg, and plead to be removed from Dallas, Texas ?Ken - Excellent like always. I will follow-up more easily because of your assistance as usual.Barney - My recollection is that an undisclosed condition of Hoffa's release and pardon was an agreement that Hoffa would never run for President of the U.S., or back a candidate. He was that feared.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by Jsnow915 »

Bruce....we know Ruby had his connections...got himself into the press conference and the basement ...maybe Tippit was one of his connections ,maybe Tippit didnt fulfill his end of the bargain,but still a big question mark...I know it wouldnt hold up in court,but makes alot of sense to me.
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce, J Snow, and Barney, as Bruce mentioned Ruby was within the Chicago mob. Plus look at these connections:1. The same Chicago that Dallas D A Henry Wade of Dallas ran the FBI.2. The same Chicago Guy Bannister was from.3. Wade and Bannister BOTH worked in the FBI office of Chicago.4. The same Jack Ruby that DPD Detective Jim Leavelle admitted was a DPD informant.These and much more information from Tom Rossley's site:http://whokilledjfk.net/JackRuby.htm
barney 1961
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by barney 1961 »

Forum Members; have you guys seen the interview given by Frank Angelo Fiorini aka Frank A. Sturgis, born 12/9/1926 and died of cancer on12/4/1993, given in 1977 to one Bill O'Reilly of recent Fox Cable News anchor fame or infamy, as your obnxious meter registers on him.In that two part interview, Frank, as he was commonly known in his circle of friends and associates, stated that he was part and parcel ofOperation 40, and worked with and against Fidel Castro in and away from Cuba, as a double agent reporting directly to the CIA.He stated rather emphatically the thing that got Kennedy murdered was his handling of the Cuban thing, the abandonment of the landinggroups who were pulling off an anti-communist invasion of Cuba to oust Fidel and his brother Raul Castro from control of the revolutionaryforces inside of Cuba, after the ouster of Batista's regime. He admitted that he was sent to Dallas to participate in the assassination of Kalong with various other named and unnamed members of the Florida Cuban community. The rather odd things said were; 1. the actual shooters were neither US or Cubans, but Russian KGB agents who he refused to name, 2. that there were two Lee H Oswalds in circulation in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Cuba. 3. the job of Jack Ruby in the original Plan Awas to find and extract the fake Oswald from the shooting scene near the TSBD, however things became fouled up and Oswald(2) gothimself arrested before he could safely escape the area, necessitating the demand, you cannot refuse, that Ruby liquidate Oswald (2)and that later on Oswald (1) body was substituted for the phony Oswald, a Russian agent-spy and assassin named Ivan ????, could notspell the middle and last names of same. 4. Ruby was made certain threats and promises for carrying out a job which everyone knew hewould be arrested in the DPD basement once he shot Oswald(2). He was promised death and perhaps death to his immediate family if hefailed to carry out orders from the top, He was promised a very short trial, short sentence, and early release as a hero for killing the assassinnutjob, who had killed the much loved Kennedy, thus emerging from prison as a semi-hero. 5. That a Johnson-Hoover-McCone-Dulles leadinvestigation would not permit this information to become known to the US citizenry, as it might prompt demands for an attack on Cuba, anda resulting nuclear war with Castro's benefactor, Russia, which was still smarting from the bad publicity Mr. K got from his withdrawal ofsome of the medium range nuke missiles from Cuba, due to the US Navy blockade ordered by Kennedy and his military aides and advisors.If not previously seen, this is a very interesting interview, even if its untrue by Frank A. Sturgis, who we all remember as being one of theNixon era Watergate Plumbers who broke into the Democrat Hdqtrs. in the Watergate Building and were caught and arrested, indicted andconvicted of various charges and all spent some jail time for this. The resultant political bungling and fallout, caused the resignation ofPresident Nixon who was eyeball deep in many curious and suspicious activities over the decades.
tom jeffers
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by tom jeffers »

frank sturgis interview:http://www.megavideo.com/?v=7MD4HY1Ki think some of his interview is dis info....what do you think?
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Re: why Ruby killed Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Gaeton Fonzi on Marita Lorenz:http://www.jfk-online.com/lorenz.html