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DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:08 am
by Dealey Joe
We are within about 60 days of the 47th anniversary of the Assassination of our President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, on November 23, 1963 We are planning our first World Convention of members.If you intend to be in Dallas any time that weekend please RSVP so we will know what to plan on.One of the highlights to me will be the in depth tour of Oak Cliff and the study of LHO and JD Tippit.along with the presentation by Ed Haslam of Judyth Vary Bakers new book, "Me & Lee" at the prestigious COPA Conferenceat the Lawrence Hotel. As of last week there were still a few rooms available at conference discount ratesCombine this with the rumor of a new book to be released in the near future by James Earl Files and one of our Senior Members, Bruce Patrick Brychek, we see some pretty exciting times ahead.If there is any way you can attend please do so.Ken Murray and Pasquale DiFabrizio and Jerry Craig are in charge of this event.Please post any ideas or info you may have here on this topic.

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:24 am
by Jerry Craig
well you know i will be there if that helps. becouse the 23rd is my birthday

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:48 am
by Dealey Joe
Well I certainly hope so.We would most likely not be able to do it without you.You are our man on the scene.Have you heard anything about Roberts court deal??

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:49 am
by Jerry Craig
i got your mapwhat do you need me to do as of now to help?

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:04 am
by Dealey Joe
If you have any ideas of what you want to do make a list.Do you think we should rent a small meeting room at the Lawrence?you might check on that?

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:04 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, Jerry Craig, and Fellow JFK Forum Members;Joe and Jerry - Good Luck with all that you do from a student of these Subject Matters. I am no Senior Member of anything. Every JFK Forum Member is a spoke in the wheel that contributes to our gyroscopic alignment and balance. I am merely another opinion and voice, and would like to be thought of as so.Joe - Jimmy's and my Game Plan is for 2013, The 50th Year Anniversary of JFK'S Assassination/Coup de' tat. Jimmy's idea and our several backers and supporters are interested in that date. I am following The Game Plan because a lot can't be rushed.In 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 JFK'S Assassination wasn't even mentioned in Illinois on radio, T.V., or any major news in papers. You had to look for it. Several students and teachers that I polled said that it wasn't even mentioned in any classes.A few high school teachers that I knew asked about covering it in class, and were told that it did not fit the Modern Curriculum. Also, that it was best to move on, as most students never heard much about JFK, and "Osmond" killed him because "The Court Case said so."Anybody talked to Donny Osmond about it ?EVERYBODY: Without raising a fuss, play stupid on 11.22.2010, and ask students and teachers, and also check local news media, and see how much JFK Subject Matter is raised, and how much.Ask college students that you know also, please.YOU BE YOUR OWN JUDGE.Let's see if there is any geographic pattern also.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:09 am
by Jerry Craig
Dealey Joe wrote:If you have any ideas of what you want to do make a list.Do you think we should rent a small meeting room at the Lawrence?you might check on that?they are going to want to know how many are attending so they can make shure they have a open space big enouph to accomidate the party

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:00 am
by ChristophMessner
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote: I am no Senior Member of anything. Every JFK Forum Member is a spoke in the wheel that contributes to our gyroscopic alignment and balance. I am merely another opinion and voice, and would like to be thought of as so. Dear Mr. Brychek, aren't you a senior member of humans, who rather want to live and experience thrilling and interesting and funny things than being dead or braindead or without feelings? Does the individual originality go so far, that we don't sit in the same boat of essentials anymore? So if you rather want to pour sand into the gear of the JFK-case-solving-process with your scepticism and protection of Jimmy, does it boil down to: Jimmy&Bruce would have to sacrifice themselves, if the public shall ever get to know the full truth about how it was back then? Respectfully, Christoph Messner P.S.: Osmond just called me and asked whether JFK was killed ... I said "Yes!" and he was amazed and upset and I said: "Take it easy! Nothing of great importance compared to the developements in jazz ... " ... ature=fvwp

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:59 am
by bob franklin
I WAS going to go this year, but I was fired from my 9yrs + job shortly after requesting time off in November (I had something on the order of 250 hrs of paid time off saved up) to attend NID. Funny, the timing on that...Point being, CAREFUL not to spill the beans on your politics/reason for wanting a few days off.

Re: DIN - Dallas in November

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:15 am
by Jerry Craig
try to come we need all the people we can get ive been out of work for over 2 years so i know how it is