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Oswald photos

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:00 pm
by Ray Mitcham
Don't know if this has ever been raised before (forgive me if it has) but on another site this came up."Compare the gunsling on the rifle shown by the Police as being Oswald's@ ... ih=498with the one of Oswald in his yard. (centre photo) ... g.jpgSeems to be that the gunstraps are different on the rifle shown by the Police and the one in the yard. Anybody care to comment?"

Re: Oswald phots

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:18 pm
by kenmurray

Top 10 Reasons Jesus Doubts "Oswald's Rifle"

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:15 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Number Ten is the sling-mount anomaly. ... 5804&page=

Re: Oswald phots

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:29 am
by ChristophMessner
Anyhow the criminalistic investigation of the case by the authorities back in 22/23/24/11/63 was excellent and it left no doubts at all.

Re: Oswald phots

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:51 pm
by kenmurray
ChristophMessner wrote:Anyhow the criminalistic investigation of the case by the authorities back in 22/23/24/11/63 was excellent and it left no doubts at all. Yeah and led by Captain Will Fritz. Barney Fife could do a better job than Fritz.

The Evasive Man In Charge

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:37 pm
by kenmurray

Reflections On JFK

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:39 pm
by kenmurray
Frank Cellura on the Real Deal: ... nipulation Of the Evidence by the DPD and Proof of a second gunman: ... llura.html

Re: Oswald photos

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:25 pm
by Barney
10/24/10I recently purchased a fine book of information and photos of Lee Oswald published by noted author, Robert J Groden,"The Search For Lee HarveyOswald", copyrighted and published in 1995 by Bloomsbury Pub., London, England. and Viking Press, USA 1995.For those wishing to have a copy of a works covering Oswald from his earliest childhood to Dallas, this is a book for you.

Re: Oswald phots

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:51 pm
by Barney
In reading over Groden's book and pictures, In Search Of LHO, I ran onto some very interesting pictures and info. His bookraises all kinds of suspicions about the Dallas Police Dept. handling of the entire investigation from the gitgo. Accd. to Groden, based upon conservative figures, the crowd didnt really react to the shooting of the Pres. limo until some fewminutes, not seconds occurred. People were more or less in a daze as to what the heard and what they saw taking placeright before them. Groden states that LHO was in the break room eating a sandwich when the limo drove by the TSBDand then rode the elevator up to the second floor to purchase a coke, and possibly await a telephone call which may ormay not have come from someone, Ruby, the FBI, the Mafia, the CIA. Later on, perhaps as long as 10 minutes LHO exitedthe bldg. by the front stairwell and went outside and stood around. He noticed his immediate supervisor and went overand talked to him, and was told due to the shooting, the TSBD was probably done for the day, so LHO set about his journeyto go back home to his rooming house and to a movie playing at the Texas Theater. Later, after LHO was arrested his formersupervisor disavowed talking to him in front of the bldg. but did admit to being out in front of the bldg. in Elm Street.At the theater, LHO changed places several times, first in the balcony, then down below, and several seat changes there.There were only about 25 patrons in this large theater so his actions were pretty erratic and noticable to others. One youngman stated he looked worried, but got up and went and bought some popcorn to eat and returned. Soon the police arrivedand came up on the stage and turned up the house lights. The Hardy shoe store salesman pointed out LHO to the police whoadvanced on him and told him to stand up, whereupon he shouted, this is it, and drew his revolver and attempted to shootofficer McDondald, but his gun misfired and he was arrested. In the audience was one Jacob Rubenstein according to thiswitness, who he only recognized when Ruby shot LHO on nationwide tv and his picture and name was broadcast.

Re: Oswald phots

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:59 pm
by kenmurray
In Groden's new book "Absolute Proof" which we all hope will get published soon, Groden interviewed a witness who claims that Oswald was with her the moment the shots were fired. This witness did not want her named revealed until after her death. She has since passed away and the woman's name is revealed in this book. Many suspect this witness was Geneva Hines.