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Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:20 pm
by kjell roald
I understand that the controversy about a hole in the windshield is a bit of a hot potato.So let me first say that I don´t have an opinion either way. I simply don´t know what to think.Now, over to what I want you to have a look at.I want you to keep an eye on the windshield exactly 9 seconds out : almost looks like something is "exploding" against the windshield, not? But is it just a reflection of something on the oppsite side of Elm Street?( Even if it is something other than a reflection, it doesn´t tell us either way if it was something going through the windshield, or something making a crack. )

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:33 pm
by Billy Boggs
You are correct, their is an obvious light anomaly at 9 seconds. But, I believe it is only the effect of the sun hitting the "just right" angle on the bullet hole that was already there. Go to aprox 4 seconds and you can see the actual impact of the bullet. Look right next to the drivers head, his right side and you can see the hole appear. It is just at the point where the car disappears behind the sign.

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:03 pm
by Dealey Joe
Here is an actual blow up of the limo windshield crackAnd here is a photo of a real hole through a windshield

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:30 pm
by Billy Boggs
Joe, it appears there is far more research you can do in this area. We have many witnesses who state in no uncertain terms, there was a bullet hole in the front windshield, that came from the front.This is but one of them. don't know who you work for, or why you will not consider all the evidence. There are few options when considering your position. All I know is I would never hire you to investigate who stole my child's lolly pop, or for that matter, anything else. Your investigative skills are few to none.

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:51 pm
by Jerry Craig
ive looked at the video several times and have concluded that the windshield was hit by a bullet from the front at that point!!!

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:55 pm
by Jerry Craig
Billy Boggs wrote:Joe, it appears there is far more research you can do in this area. We have many witnesses who state in no uncertain terms, there was a bullet hole in the front windshield, that came from the front.This is but one of them. don't know who you work for, or why you will not consider all the evidence. There are few options when considering your position. All I know is I would never hire you to investigate who stole my child's lolly pop, or for that matter, anything else. Your investigative skills are few to none. nobody here has said they are an expert that was just out of line to front joe like that!!now we can get on with busness and drop the insults!!!!!!

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:09 pm
by dankbaar
Billy Boggs wrote:Joe, it appears there is far more research you can do in this area. We have many witnesses who state in no uncertain terms, there was a bullet hole in the front windshield, that came from the front.This is but one of them. don't know who you work for, or why you will not consider all the evidence. There are few options when considering your position. All I know is I would never hire you to investigate who stole my child's lolly pop, or for that matter, anything else. Your investigative skills are few to none. odd remarks. Please sum up your "many witnesses" and how they arrived to the conclusion that the bullet hole came from the front.I trust the answer will give me a better understanding of your "investigative skills"........??Wim

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:14 pm
by Jerry Craig
good idea wim i would love to hear this one

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:09 pm
by Kit Carp
The windshield evidence is utterly unreliable. If you carefully read all of the testimony of all the people who "saw" the crack or hole, and the varying state of the windshield as it was handled in the days after the assassination, about the only "solid" thing one can arrive at is that the evidence changed along the way. Kellerman goes from a crack he is able to feel on the inside to a crack he feels on the outside. More than one witness at the Hospital clearly believed there was a that you could put a pencil through, that they examined. This testimony is the most likely "untainted" evidence. certainly once the windshield was taken out of the car, they might have done anything to it.There is no "proving" when various pictures in evidence of the car were taken. I wouldnt put much stock in any photo that isnt of the actual assassination. It is a relatively easy matter to prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that much evidence in this case was changed or intrepeted incorrectly to support an "Oswald did it alone" theory, thus, in my opinion....about all one can state with any degree of certainty is that the windshield took a hit near the rear view mirror. The following individuals say they saw a physical "hole" and not a crack at Parkland- DPD motorcycle officer's Stavis Ellis and his partner Officer Freeman. Nursing student Evangelea Glanges. St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Richerd Dudman.SA Bill Greer stated it was a hole to Nick Prencipe the evening of the assassination. ("a bullet came through the windshield).Were they all mistaken?At night, in the White House garage, two Secret Service agents examine the car. Geis and Davis claim the the outer surface is smooth and undamaged....damage in on the inside of the windshield. (Means a hit outside, though they might not have realized that).After Greer tells Prencipe about the hole in the windshield, the guy goes to the garage to look.....he walks up to the car, which was parked in the middle of the garage, top up, under a tarp, and looked at the windshield. He stated he saw no damage near the rear-view mirror, but saw a 'hole' low on the passenger side of the windshield.Early in the morning another group with SA Frazier arrives. SA Taylor writes in his report "small hole in the windshield of 100X from which bullet fragments were removed."This is all before the alleged windshield switching that later took may have took place. What do these various accounts suggest? I think it's unsafe to arrive at any hard conlusions about this particular issue.

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:49 pm
by kenmurray
JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS100X: