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Couple of questions

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:38 pm
by kjell roald
I have read here that two Secret Service men were about to run towards the presidents limousine when they heard the first shot, but they were told to stay put, by Emory Roberts.What I don´t know is : Where did this information come from?I have read here that FBI agents Sibert and O´Neill signed a receipt for a "missile removed" during the autopsy of President Kennedy. ... 01a.htmI´m wondering : Did anyone ever ask Sibert or O´Neill about this missile? If they could tell us more about it?Is this in fact a misunderstanding, and the receipt in question is the receipt for two fragments that were removed?"Humes then "indicated the bullet had fragmented upon hitting the skull" and removed two fragments of metal. "He measured one and told Sibert and me it was 7 by 2 millimeters. The other one was measured 1 by 3 millimeters." They placed the fragments in a glass jar. The agents then signed a receipt "for both missiles." "

Re: Couple of questions

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:45 pm
by kenmurray
Great questions there. Check this out: ... mSomething appears amiss.

Re: Couple of questions

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:51 pm
by Kit Carp
The information of Emory Robert's betrayal of the President he was sworn to protect is all right in the reports filed at the time of the shooting and shortly thereafter. If any real pursuit of the crime had been made, they would have looked hard at the reactions of this guy, who was in charge of the followup car, and who set up the motorcade route, who moved the press photographers well back in the parade arrangement, who told the Dallas Sheriff Dept. they wouldnt be needed, and who was in charge of telling the motorcycle cops where exactly to be when . I believe there is solid evidence of his involvement in the conspiracy. 1. He is filmed forcing the agent who was about to take his spot on the President's running board to remain back at the airport. The agent resists, and has to be told two to three times to stay behind, and appears both bewildered, and pissed off. See video here. Roberts then includes this same agent, S.A Ribka, as being INSIDE THE CAR in his intial two reports! He has this blatant lie buttressed by having another agent also lie and list Ribka as being aboard in their report...when in fact, all the photos and films prove he was not. Roberts is forced to admit to this lie in a later report, but can never explain why he lied. [Shift Report, Nov.22, 1963, Emory Roberts]3. During the shooting, Roberts gives the order to not give aid to the President. S.A. Clint Hill, who was a last minute addition to the trip requested by Jackie, and therefore a wildcard not anticipated by the plotters, ignores the order , and goes anyways. The very new agent, Ready, who is in the best position to aid the president, and who, being young, probably has the quckest reaction time, follows Robert's order, staying with the car....though in his report, he claims he leaves the car to aid the president, but is CALLED BACK by Roberts. This is also admited to in the Warren Report."Special Agent Ready, on the right front running board of the Presidential follow-up car, heard noises that sounded like firecrackers and ran toward the President's limousine. But he was immediately called back by Special Agent Emory P. Roberts, in charge of the follow-up car, who did not believe that he could reach, the President's car at the speed it was then traveling."-WR4. In his report, Emory Roberts wildly lies about about the speed of the vehicles around the turn, and during the shooting, and also perjures himself about the distance between the followup car and the President's car. Look at the films, and ask yourself, how big are these lies??? Roberts uses these excuses as the reason he gave the order for the Secret Service agents not to go to Kennedy's aid...and they are obviously untruths. Roberts is guilty of involvement. Several of the other agents back Robert's in their reports, about the car speed/distance....why are they lying? [Roberts claims the cars were traveling 20 to 25 miles an hour, and the distance between the cars was 20-25 feet! Anyone can see the cars were maybe 5 feet apart, and slowed to a crawl, at best.]5. In his testimony, Roberts admits he recognized the sound of the initial rifle shot "immediately" for what it was. This does away with any notion of confusion as a motive for Robert's non-actions...(in fact active participation in stopping help from arriving!)6. In the famous Altgen's photo of the assassination, (the one with someone looking like Oswald in the doorway of the depository), right in the midst of the shooting...Emory Roberts can be seen with microphone to mouth. Whatever this transmission is completely unrecorded. Who could he be talking to as the President is gunned down? Roberts always claimed to have used the radio much later- but here he is on it as the President get's shot in the neck and still can be saved!7. Afterwards, as the cars arrived at Parkland, Roberts finally sprang into action, to make sure the President was really dead. This is one moment when Manchester's account seems quite honest. "Powers and O'Donnell bounded toward the Lincoln. Powers heard Emory Roberts shouting at him to stop but disregarded him; a second might save Kennedy's life. Emory Roberts brushed past O'Donnell, determined to make sure that Kennedy was dead. 'Get up,' he said to Jacqueline Kennedy. there was no reply. She was crooning faintly. From his side Roberts could see the President's face, so he lifted her elbow for a close look. He dropped it. To Kellerman, his superior, he said tersely, 'You stay with Kennedy. I'm gong to Johnson."8. Finally and tellingly."Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992. One month later, the Secret Service began its compliance efforts. However, in January 1995, the Secret Service destroyed presidential protection survey reports for some of President Kennedy’s trips in the fall of 1963. The Review Board learned of the destruction approximately one week after the Secret Service destroyed them, when the Board was drafting its request for additional information. The Board believed that the Secret Service files on the President’s travel in the weeks preceding his murder would be relevant. [Emphasis added.]As the ARRB’s Doug Horne wrote in a memo dated April 16, 1996: “The ‘final decision’ to approve the Texas trip made ‘late Tuesday night’ indicates that de-cision came on September 24, 1963 … the Secret Service Protective Survey Re-ports … which were destroyed in 1995 commence with trip files starting on this same date: September 24, 1963 [emphasis added].” In addition, the ARRB’s Joan Zimmerman noted in a May 1, 1997 Memorandum To File: “Thus far, the US Secret Service collection is in 6 gray archive boxes for documents, 7 large, flat gray boxes with newspapers and clippings, and 1 small box with a tape cassette … In Box 5 there are three folders marked “trip file”. All are empty.” The chairman of the ARRB, Judge Jack Tunheim, stated: “The Secret Service destroyed records after we were on the job and working. They claimed it was a mistake that it was just by the normal progression of records destruction.” Former PRS Agent Dale Wunderlich wrote to me: “I assumed that advance reports from the early 1960s had been destroyed years ago.” The agent’s assumption aside, why wait until 1995, after the ARRB began its work?***Any reasonable and logical look at Emory Roberts actions leads to inevitable suspicion. Why was he never grilled about all these issues? What happened to the guy, was he fired, at the very least, for his betrayal?He was actually PROMOTED after the assassination to the high position of INSPECTOR , as a reward for his "performance" in Dallas. There are rumors he committed suicide in the late 60s with his own sidearm, althought I have not heard this confirmed. If true, one has to wonder if it was guilt, or he was just another "loose end" in the case that had to be dealt with. Vince Palamara, who knows more about the Secret Service end of things than anyone I know, thinks Roberts was showing signs of cracking under the strain.

Re: Couple of questions

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:13 pm
by kjell roald
What an excellent post Kit. Thanks a lot. And you too Ken.

Re: Couple of questions

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:18 pm
by kenmurray

Hardly secret; hardly service.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:29 am
by Phil Dragoo
A graduate student, James Gochenaur, revealed to both the Church Committee and to the HSCA in the mid-1970s that Secret Service Agent Elmer Moore had confessed to him in 1970 that he had "leaned on Dr. Perry" shortly after the Bethesda autopsy to get him to stop describing the bullet wound in President Kennedy's throat as an entrance wound. (The Bethesda autopsy report concluded it was an exit wound.) According to Gochenaur, Moore also told him that the Secret Service had to investigate the assassination in an expected, predetermined way or they would "get their heads chopped off." Moore, unfortunately, also told Gochenaur that sometimes he thought President Kennedy was "a traitor" because he was "giving things away to the Russians." Secret Service that stripped Kennedy's security, slowed for the head shot, stole his body, facilitated the fraudulent autopsy, intimidated Perry from stating the entry nature of the throat wound, deems Kennedy a “traitor.”Behold the newthink wherein truth is not for you to perceive; truth is for you to receive from the Kafkaesque shadow government.

Re: Couple of questions

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:03 am
by kjell roald
Kit Carp wrote:There are rumors he committed suicide in the late 60s with his own sidearm, althought I have not heard this confirmed. If true, one has to wonder if it was guiltLooks like it´s not true :"Roberts retired from the Secret Service in February 1973." ... etail.html