Help With A College Project

JFK Assassination
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Help With A College Project

Post by Alec »

In Speech Class, I am required to make a PERSUASIVE speech. I have considered using the JFK Assassination topic, and trying to persuade my audience toward the conspiracy side. However, there is SOOOO much information regarding the wierd events that day, and I will only have 5-7 minutes to make my argument.If it is not so much to ask, maybe give me some help of what things I NEED to include and what things I should probably leave out. I have considered making a slideshow on powerpoint to compliment my speech. Any thoughts on this?Any other ideas in particular?Thanks guys!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Dealey Joe »

AlecI think a good 5-7 min. presentation would be to explore why the only information allowed at Dealey Plaza is the Lone Nut Theory presented by the 6th Floor Museum.No literature or mention of a possible conspiracy is allowed there. Why?
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Alec »

Thanks Joe!Interesting idea
Phil Dragoo
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Persuasive college speech

Post by Phil Dragoo »

THE DEATH OF JFK:  PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF CONSPIRACY*Michael T. Griffith JFK 10-Point Programby Joseph E. Green"10 REASONS WHY I BELIEVE THE "OSWALD RIFLE" ISN'T OSWALD'S"By Gil Jesus ( 2010 ) ... ge=Alecken can provide image links for your powerpoint presentation.(He is actually a main-frame computer somewhere under Yucca Mountain--the nuclear waste disposal was merely a limited hangout plausible denial cover.)Joe can phrase every complex concept in simple sound bytes from CB and saddle.When we were young, we were told a stork brought us, and that a fellow who didn't own nor fire a rifle from a position he was not in, to make shots neither he nor any one could make, to inflict wounds not proven upon which no one agrees bringing a war no one wanted and a president who despised his successor, was killed by a gun-running mobster who sauntered into the heavily secured police station.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by kenmurray »

Alec, Joe and Phil have provided excellent choices. Another one to consider is the "Single Bullet Theory" aka "Magic Bullet" This is the main crux of the Govt's and the Warren Commission's case of one Assassin. Without it, their case comes tumbling like a house of cards. Which it has. One of the most absurd and ridiculous theory known to mankind. Here is some links on the subject. ... bullet.htm
Michael Dell
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Michael Dell »

I agree with Ken. I'd focus on the single bullet theory. If more than three shots were fired, it's a definite conspiracy. And the physical evidence indicates more than three shots were fired. But you're right. There's so much information indicating conspiracy, it can be overwhelming to people unfamiliar with the case. Then when you try telling someone about it, you come across sounding like a lunatic. So it's best to just focus on one or two key points. And for me, I always start with the single bullet theory. That should eat up 5 minutes easy...
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by ChristophMessner »

Alec, if you want to spice it up with suspicious figures on Dealey Plaza, you can add the photos of "radio man", "umbrella man", the dark man (James Files?) on the Bothun photo (right corner) and the many "familiar faces" of the INTERPEN guerilla group, who were trained by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro, and who you see on Dealey Plaza on photo on 22/11/63 on this page: ... FiDP-2/And you can ask into the auditorium: "Why, if Oswald allegedely is the sole assassin, are there so many suspicious figures on photo on Dealey Plaza that day?""And why did secret service man Robert Emory call off the bodyguards from the limo at Love Field Airport already as you see on authentic film on youtube?"Crossing my fingers for your presentation, Christoph
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by kenmurray »

Umbrella Man and Dark-Complected Man: ... 866E43From Helmer Reenberg's outstanding you tube channel.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Alec »

Wow!Thank you everyone who has contributed so far!I really do want to focus on the "mysterious" figures in Dealey that day. Just to get the audience's attention, and get them thinking.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Bob »

Alec, here is my two cents. First, everyone has given you excellent suggestions. I would do this in two parts if it was me. First, I would talk about why the lone nut theory is a bad one and talk about the ridiculous single bullet theory, as Ken and Michael talked about. I would also use this to offer credence as to why the theory is outlandish. in itself should show your class that a conspiracy definitely took place. You can also mention Lee Harvey Oswald's connection to both the CIA and FBI if you like. But bringing up the "characters" that were in Dealey Plaza that day would be good as well. If you only have seven minutes, you want to make sure that each section of your presentation can connect to the other portions of your delivery. Finally, as a side note, you may want to incorporate perhaps the best speech JFK ever delivered, and he had many. speech really hits home today with the secrecy that is undertaken by governments, the media and the powerful elite.