Ed Haslam & New Orleans

JFK Assassination
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Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Mark68 »

I fully realize that Ed Haslam is old news here but I, personally, am much more fascinated w/ Dr Mary's Monkey & its understated connection to JFK than who did what & when in Dallas, although that stuff is more relevant than most people understand . I wonder if JFK had knowledge of, if any at all, a catastophic biological weapon being developed in new orleans? This makes me wonder just how much intelligence activity actually was being conducted in early 1960's new orleans. I am convinced that Haslam barely scratched the surface. Again I'm reminded of Stone'e assertion of just how wild of a town new orleans was in the early 60's. I also think if 1960's new orleans was such a hotbed of spy vs. spy shananagins how much is still being done. After all our friend in the caribbean Hugo Chavez most likely has several 24/7/365 multi-personal teams assigned to him, much like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I'm sure.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Here's my two cents on the Haslam material and the book Dr. Mary's Monkey.It kind of looks like to me that Jim Garrison didn't realize that he had stumbled on the crew that was mainly working on developing cancer cells as a bioweapon. David Ferrie, for example, DID have lab mice in his apartment. He told people that he was working on a cure for cancer or something like that, when it seems that in reality, they were using his apartment to store a lot of those lab mice for the lab work that Judyth Baker and Dr. Mary Sherman were doing.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Dealey Joe »

I wonder just who would have recognised the implication of mice in an apartment?I would have just thought it was because he was mentally disturbed.I would have not had a clue about anything sinister.I don't think Garrison had a clue what he really stumbled upon?
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Mark68 »

I completely agree. I would love to have been a witness at Jack Martin & David Ferrie's final interviews. The biggest, screaming "red-herring" is that fact Dr Mary Sherman's arm (specifically her humerous) was cleanly burned off AND vaporized yet this severing was soley attributed to a relatively small carpet fire by the NOPD. Bone requires around 1800 degrees for cremation to BEGIN not completley vaporize. Carpet will burn at around 400 degrees. Hmmm that looks like at least a 1200+ degrees difference. To top it all off the severed appendage not only burned hot enough to severe off at a very peculair location w/ NO other trunk tisue showed ANY signs of a burn. Maybe, possibly, could be the arm was burned off in a supposed "accident" at a completely seperate location by a particle accelerator, which btw will easily vaporize human tissue; muscle and bone in less than a second. It takes a particle accelerator to scramble the DNA/RNA of a SIV to slightly resemle what is currently known as HIV.HMMM......
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Barney »

Several years ago, JudythBaker, wrote to me and said that she was working with Dr. Mary Sherman, on highly viral cancer cellsin mice, to extract only the most virulant cells from the mice, to be used in further research for a bioweapon for the CIA.She stated that her sponsor in New Orleans, Dr. Oeschner of the world famous Oeschner Clinic and Hospital was interested inthis project along with cures for polio and other diseases using live cell therapy versus dead cell therapy, which is what isusually used so that the patient does not develop full blown diseases. How about the West Nile scare, they wanted us all to beinnoculated with this immune system drug to prevent it, using live cells,but the takers were few and far between, so the mfg.probably lost a bundle on that project one would think, or perhaps its frozen just waiting for another outbreak.
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Jsnow915 »

its amazing how they give out the flu shot for free...I personally won't get it...when was the last time you got something for free from the medical world or the government...something stinks
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:its amazing how they give out the flu shot for free...I personally won't get it...when was the last time you got something for free from the medical world or the government...something stinksExactly.Look at how helpful those vaccinations are for children these days. Autism is everywhere. It's like they're trying to bring down our immune systems.
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by Barney »

Dr. Mary Sherman was not only a noted virus researcher of her time, but she just happened to be associated with DavidFerrie, Dr. Oschner, and Judyth Vary Baker and many others doing cancer research using live victims unaware that they werebeing injected with viral live cancer cells at the mental institution located at Clinton, La. where LHO had applied for a jobafter filing for voter registration there, as it was a local requirement that only voters could work at the hospital other thanjanitors. LHO applied for an electricians job at the insane asylum at the time. He was observed as the only white personstanding in line to register to vote that day, and in a Black Caddy over across the street sat none other than Dave Ferrie andClay Shaw, as recognized later by locals who observed them there for several hours time.Dr. Sherman may have been the victim of a terrible accident with the linear accelerator located near Tulane Univ. and theMedical Center which she used in her cancer research projects, to increase the levels of cancer cell reproduction and theincrease in rate of growth of said cancer cells. If there was an on purpose short or accid. short in the lever to turn on thelinear accelerator, she would have received a horrific shock to her body touching the machine that generated well over1,000,000 volts. Some feel that her death was a mercy killing by thrusts to the heart with a medical scapel or lancet. Shewould have been in utter agony with her charred arm stump from this elec. burn episode. Others feel she was murderedelsewhere and brought back to her apartment to die in a make believe house burglary and murder. That still would notcorrectly explain how her arm was burned off into a charred stump, requiring over 1800 degrees to cremate in a mortuaryfurnace setting and certainly not from a blanket fire on her bed.
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Re: Ed Haslam & New Orleans

Post by kenmurray »

On Coast to Coast AM 9/14/16. Oswald's Secret Life:http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/09/14