Kennedy Presidential Library Announces Ground Breaking....

JFK Assassination
willem kaauw
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Kennedy Presidential Library Announces Ground Breaking....

Post by willem kaauw »

Kennedy Presidential Library Announces Ground Breaking Initiative to Permanently Preserve the Archives of JFK

For Immediate Release: June 9, 2006
Further information: Brent R. Carney - Kennedy Library Foundation (617) 514-1662,
Patrick Cooley - EMC Corporation (508) 293-6583,

Boston, MA – Twenty-nine years after participating in the formal groundbreaking of the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum on Columbia Point, Senator Edward M. Kennedy today announced a major and unprecedented effort by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to build a new library – a digital one consisting of the entire collection of papers, documents, photographs and audio recordings of President John F. Kennedy, eventually making them accessible to citizens throughout the world via the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum’s website.

Senator Kennedy was joined by Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States, and Joe Tucci, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of EMC Corporation, whose company is providing the National Archives and archivists at the Kennedy Presidential Library with the technology and technical expertise needed to undertake the project.

The initiative announced today to digitize, index and archive millions of presidential documents, manuscripts, photographs and audio/visual recordings at a presidential library collection is the first of its kind in the nation. It materialized as the result of the leadership of the Kennedy Library Foundation, which has forged a strong public-private partnership with the Kennedy Presidential Library and its Director Deborah Leff. The Kennedy Library Foundation is a private non-profit organization that provides creative resources and financial support to the Kennedy Presidential Library. The Foundation’s President is Caroline Kennedy.

Included among the millions of historical papers, documents and images that will be permanently preserved are precious and irreplaceable records of the nation’s struggle for Civil Rights; its conflict with the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War; its efforts to land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth by the end of the decade; its commitment to public service through the creation of the Peace Corps; its prevention of a nuclear holocaust during the Cuban Missile Crisis; and its embrace of American art and culture under the guidance of first lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

The ground breaking initiative has been made possible by EMC, the Hopkinton, Massachusetts-based world leader in information management and storage, whose in-kind donation in software, hardware and technical support and services is expected to exceed $1 million for the total project.

EMC was approached for its support of the project by Paul G. Kirk, Jr., Board Chairman of the Kennedy Library Foundation, John Shattuck, CEO of the Kennedy Library Foundation, and Foundation Board member Ed Schlossberg, husband of Caroline Kennedy, and principle of ESI Design , one of the world’s foremost experiential design firms whose work includes the Ellis Island Visitors website. Schlossberg, who designed the new Kennedy Presidential Library website launched last March, envisioned a data asset management system that would enable the Kennedy Presidential Library to eventually make its archives available and accessible to a world wide audience through the new website. It was through the efforts of the Kennedy Library Foundation that the cost for the design and technical development of the Kennedy Presidential Library’s new website was funded by private donations.

The Kennedy Presidential Library’s research facilities are among the busiest of presidential libraries. Its archives currently include more than 8.4 million pages of the personal, congressional and presidential papers of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and more than 40 million pages of over 300 other individuals who were associated with the Kennedy Administration or mid-20th Century American history. In addition, the archives hold more than 400,000 still photographs; 9,000 hours of audio recordings; 7.5 million feet of motion picture film; and 1,200 hours of video recordings. The project to digitize the collection is expected to take more than 10 years and will begin with the official papers of President Kennedy.

“President Kennedy wrote that history was the means by which a nation establishes its sense of identity and purpose,â€
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Thats great news and will be a great research tool for those interested in President Kennedy. At present, if you live outside the US, as I understad it , the process of obtaining any of these records is quite difficult and time consuming.
This process should be followed by other presedential libraries and possibly the National Archives and hopefully previous disclosures, such as the documents released under the JFK Act.
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Post by dankbaar »


What do you think of the DVD and book?

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Kennedy Presidential Library Announces Ground Breaking..

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.10. 2006 - Mr. Willem Kaauw Posted this informative Headline.01.05.2013 - Is anybody aware of the status of the project ?Would it be appropriate to make a significant section of this library dedicated to The Total Truth Of JFK's Assassination ?What are your opinions both Pro and Con ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.