My opinion on 9/11 cause

JFK Assassination
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My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

I firmly beleive boards such as this are basically the reason for 9/11. By that I mean the powers-that- be could no longer control the exchange of information and free, uncontrolled/eavesdropped information exchage extinguishes a helluva lotta fabricated, very useful fear (threat level "magenta") and we slowly but very surely realize we don't need to be "protected" from the fictious "boogey man" which much like a BS christian god which most certainly does NOT exist.9/11 was supposed to be a catch all fear factory which failed miserably. The bullshit Patriot Act will eventually be dismantled, hopefully all the Illumenati attempts at control such as the world bank will also fail.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by ChristophMessner »

I hope so too, Mark. In my opinion 911 was orchestrated by the Bushes, Wolfowitz, Chertoff, Zelikow, Rumsfeld, Cheney, ... group plus Mossad-Sharon-Silverstein group to change from the old balance-of-terror-doctrine to the unilateral world-against-terror-governance in the long term and to accelerate the growing-together of the three biblical religions by catalyzing American and European presence in the Near and Middle East. A NWO as "world in constant war against terror" will turn out into a globalized one world terror state and the terror is not so much in the weaponry but in the dictatorship of money & computer control.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

My biggest problem w/ the whole "terror" BS is terrorists don't stop until they're dead (see pscyhopaths). If it was a true terrorist attack which it certainly wasn't it has to be most lucky act in the history of man. Not only super incredibly lucky w/ tower 1 but even far, far luckier w/ the collapse of tower 2. The conservative odds of this happening has got to be in excess of 1 in a few million. If not even less. To insult our intelligence even further the finding of Attah's driver's license besides being yet more outright bullshit is even less odds, like 1 in few hundred million.Your right in that it definitely was the first strike towards a NWO, then the fake economic collapse that soley benefitted the world bank. The funniest thing (not ha-ha) is the more desperate THEY become and more DESPERATE acts they commit the weaker they become and ultimately the more they're gonna lose. I'll never lose my faith in goodness and karma. Not "christianity". Buddhism is helluva lost closer to a true "religion" than a collection of BS lie stories exaggerated more as time goes by.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by JDB4JFK »

Mark what do you mean about a BS christian god? You don't beleive in god or Jesus Christ? If so I feel sorry for you! There are four things in life that are for sure:1. YOU WILL LIVE!2. YOU WILL PAY TAXES!3. YOU WILL DIE!4. YOU WILL BOW DOWN AND FACE THE LORD!
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by turtleman »

Oh please don't throw that "bow down and face the lord" crap at us JDB4JFK. Our religious fringe is as wacky as the Taliban we are at war with. I have had it with our christian god B.S. too. And do yourself a favor. Don't feel sorry for those that don't subscribe to your beliefs. Mark68 I don't know where or when you fell out of the sky but you have not said anything I don't agree with. You don't mince words.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Jsnow915 »

I like no filters on posts....kudos the same token JD has his right also...I dont necessarily believe it either...but he has a right.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

I'm not saying by any means this chick (nice Umma Thurman wide-set eyes btw) has all the answers but she's a helluva lot closer than the any christian BS I've ever heard. > am a god of love...Now gimme your money or I'll send ya to hell....Ha ha ha hypocrits are always amusing.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by JDB4JFK »

Not here to argue religious beliefs just trying to figure out who killed OUR PRESIDENT! However don't judge me on who you think I am, if don't beleive in god or jesus Christ thats your problem. I don't know what weirdo church you've been too, but I've never went to a church that said give me your money or you go to hell! That church must be in weirdo-ville where you're from. I don't judge a man totally on his belief but on his content. If you think we came from monkeys or apes that's your belief not mine. The funny thing about that is if we evolved from apes than why are there still apes? Lets just talk about The JFK Conspiracy and not your or my religious beliefs it has nothing to do with the case of conspiracy! Sorry I questioned your post about BS Christian god it just struck me as a odd post because it has no correlation to the JFK MURDER! WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IN GOD OR NOT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TRUTH ABOUT THE JFK ASSASSINATION. It's just weird you would correlate the two?By the way JFK BELIEVED IN JESUS CHRIST AND GOD!
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Jsnow915 »

whether JFK believed in God or not...he was still a human being and he had quite a few skeletons in his the rest of the Kennedy clan....they werent as perfect as you might think.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

The religious correlation is the organization which orchestrated the murder of JFK (Christians In Action) are the "problem solving" section of the protestant oligarchy (sp?) aka Scottish Rites/Freemasons. Kinda of "funny" the very people who killed Kennedy basically because they knew he wasn't going to pursue a war in Vietnam which was going to prevent some key "religous" people from making billions are the same people who posture to be members the Scottish Rites and/or Freemasons which both are fundamentalist christian organizations.>