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John Newman

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:40 pm
by kjell roald
Saw this about a book by John Newman, and I don´t understand what they´re talking about. "the WWIII virus in Oswald's files" ?What are they talking about?-------------------------"A new edition of Oswald and the CIA was published in 2008. Newman argues that James Angleton was probably the key figure in the assassination of John F. Kennedy: "In my view, whoever Oswald's direct handler or handlers were, we must now seriously consider the possibility that Angleton was probably their general manager. No one else in the Agency had the access, the authority, and the diabolically ingenious mind to manage this sophisticated plot. No one else had the means necessary to plant the WWIII virus in Oswald's files and keep it dormant for six weeks until the president's assassination. Whoever those who were ultimately responsible for the decision to kill Kennedy were, their reach extended into the national intelligence apparatus to such a degree that they could call upon a person who knew its inner secrets and workings so well that he could design a failsafe mechanism into the fabric of the plot. The only person who could ensure that a national security cover-up of an apparent counterintelligence nightmare was the head of counterintelligence." "

"would kill 40 million in the first half-hour"

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:52 am
by Phil Dragoo
Lisa Pease in The Assassinations on Angleton: ... ng.htmlThe term WWIII Virus refers to the device CIA handed LBJ to silence questions as to whom Oswald was serving: reports of his trips to the Cuban and Soviet consulates in Mexico City presented the dark possibility that those countries were his sponsor in the assassination.We know LBJ knew better, for he did not—did not—heighten the defcon.The sponsors were not foreign, but domestic.I have Newman's 1995 edition of Oswald and the CIA. He's masterful and patient, and thorough, and knows the trade.Oswald played his part so well it helped convince many for a half-century.

Re: John Newman

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:13 am
by Kit Carp
John Newman's masterpiece on the CIA's scheme to blame the Russians and hide their own murderous deed is extremely complex but amazingly damning. Newman is on my "top ten" list of the most important authors who have dealt with the assassination of the President.Newman doesnt jump to conclusions, he simply reviews huge reams of documents, and lets the CIA cook itself in it's own juices.Below I've linked a superb and in depth review of the latest version of the book. Please do read this review, it is so worth your time.The book itself is dry and difficult isnt colorful and entertaining, just full of complex amounts of documents, and explanations of how they all fit together done in a timeline. This is far and away the strongest explnation of how the killers of JFK managed to walk away scott free. Really a brilliantly concieved plot, pulled off by the guy who was probably the most dangerous mastermind in the spy business, James Angleton.When I think of the title of the website here....his name is the one who most vividly springs to my mind, as he is the guy who ulitmately masterminded the scheme...the architect of the murder of John F. Kennedy.Someone else pulled the trigger, and powers above this shadowy figure probably put him into action. But more than anyone else, it was Angleton who ran the operation leading up to Kennedy's death.***

Re: John Newman

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:33 pm
by kenmurray
Phil or Kit, isn't John Newman no longer a part of the JFK research community? I heard somewhere that he no longer takes an active role in it.

John Newman, John Armstrong

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:29 pm
by Phil Dragoo
The Enduring JFK Mysteryby Lisa Pease November 22, 2005 ... y.htmlLone Assassin? Former military intelligence analyst John Newman was the only speaker willing to speculate about a potential conspirator, based on the documentary record.Professor Newman reviewed how CIA reports of Oswald's trips to the Cuban and Soviet embassies was a key factor in getting President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Warren Commission members to go with the Oswald as lone assassin line.Newman described how the reports in essence created a "World War III" virus, such that after the assassination, no one wanted to look too closely at who Oswald served, lest it touch off a nuclear war with the Soviets or the Cubans.Newman traced how false information that helped promote this WWIII virus got into Oswald's file and concluded that the person who controlled the file at those points was Ann Egerter, one of the six or so hand-picked operatives working in James Jesus Angleton's CI/SIG unit - the Special Investigations Group within the larger 200-man Counterintelligence group at CIA.Newman also pointed out how many in the Agency feared Angleton, feared for their lives if they crossed him, and suggested Egerter would not have manipulated Oswald's file on her own, but only under express instructions from Angleton himself.Phil's note: This page is a fascinating glimpse of a number of notables.Newman's work is republished in a 2008 edition praised by many. may be thinking of John Armstrong who has apparently reached a plateau of publishing and discussing his research.The following link will produce the most complete summary of that work—patience while the monks retrieve the scrolls from the dusty archives: ... /NID97.htm

Re: John Newman

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:36 pm
by kenmurray
Thanks Phil.

Re: John Newman

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:15 am
Phil has anyone else confirm Armstrongs work about the two Oswalds? It would be sure nice to find the other one alive! Didn't Jack White suspect this too? Like Garrison said there was Oswalds popping up everywhere! Just wish Jimmy would give us the whole story and not just bits and pieces. I think i read a book on the great Zapruder film hoax where someone thought that Norton guy mentioned in Armstrongs story was the second Oswald. What do you think?

The 500 Hats of Batholomew Cubbins

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:27 am
by Phil Dragoo ... fk.htmlMae Brussell, John Judge and Bill Kelly have looked at Donald O. Norton. I believe Jack White has written that Armstrong has much on the topic which he has not published, both because his extant work is already voluminous, and that Armstrong's standard is two verifiable sources. Much like Hathcock's kills stand at 93 confirmed and several times that number unconfirmed.I believe duplicity is the currency of intelligence work, confusion, disinformation, deception, cognitive dissonance, and that coupled with the repeated appearance of Oswald look-alikes and impersonators in New Orleans, Dallas-Fort Worth, Mexico City, Moscow, Minsk is part of the project.I do believe Oswald was doubled from the age of twelve, that it is no accident his brother Robert entered the Marines in 1952 and that Lee followed in 1956. Robert and Marina and Ruth Paine and George DeMohrenschildt all helped frame Lee after his death.I don't believe the thesis of research is that Norton is the living impersonator, only that he was an intelligence asset whose career path crossed that of Lee Oswald.The Oswald double picked up by Ralph Yates November 20, and the Oswald double boarding the CIA plane with Sgt. Robert Vinson November 22, join legions of others buying cars or trucks, shooting rifles, demanding visas, all part of the dance of seven veils.Jimmy Files presented as entirely credible to me from the first, and I am not surprised at the violent negative reception to his narrative from many quarters. The apparatus of the government propaganda is in the hands of thugs and morons.What Jimmy has said has profited him nothing—nor anyone for that matter. It has come due to an FBI agent's provocation, and has been according to a code of honor, in my view—something which is entirely alien to our national security establishment, lost beneath mountains of expedience, profit, treachery, and fear of discovery.I find nothing in Armstrong—or Newman—which is contradictory or exclusive of Files—or for that matter, Judyth Baker, Roger Craig, and a basic conclusion to date;that the national security establishment, with a seamless tangential involvement of criminal and political and corporate interests—planned the operation from the recruiting of the patsy twelve years prior to the most recent mockingbird efforts by Vince and Gerald et al forty seven years out.I believe their Mayan calendar ends in 2013 and they will all be stretched on the rack.Let them come to Dealey Plaza and show cause on that November.Further this deponent sayeth not.

Re: John Newman

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:55 am
by Kit Carp
Here it is, the intricate, delicate virus laid into the American Intelligence Organizations in the months beforethe assassination, that was set into place to insure that only the "lone assassin" would be blamed for killing the President.This is John Newman's late 1999 lecture. It reveals exactly how the deed was accomplished, with all the actual documents set into the lecture. This is valuable, must read material. It doesnt rely on he said, she said stuff. It simply uses existing now unclassified documents from the CIA, FBI and so on.You want solidly research work that is hard evidence and not guesswork? Want to know how the conspirators pulled it off? Here it is.I cant stress how excellent this material is. Once you read this, you will want to buy Newman's book."JFK Murder Solved", indeed.

Re: John Newman

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:14 am
by Barney
There are some JFK researchers, in fact quite a number, that believe the real Lee Harvey Oswald, born in New Orleans, was murdered bythe Soviet KGB shortly after he arrived in Russia, his body stored in deep cold refrigeration until it was needed again. Thus, the emergenceof the second Oswald, who learned to speak fluent flawless Russian, a difficult language to master, to the point that his future wife,Marine,thought he was a Russkie student. The second Oswald was sent to Minsk to work in the radio factory instead of the NO Oswald, to meet andmarry the lovely Marina, neice of a Russian military aide, similar to our FBI Special Agents where she resided with his family until she metand married LHO.There is much speculation, that LHO gave the Russians no U-2 spy plane data which would allow them to shoot down the Gary PowersU-2 plane well into Russian territory. The real facts are that someone failed to fill the nitrogen storage tanks inside the fuselage andthis was necessary for this ultra powerful super secret spy plane to fly so high and so fast to escape rockets and even detection. GaryPowes landed his U-2 plane in Russia and it did not crash as many have been lied to and believed by our own govt. media outlets. Thatspy plane sits in a hanger in Russia for study and back engineering purposes. Many U-2 planes as well as early on B-29 bombers emergencylanded in the former Soviet Union and were back engineered by Stalin's talented aerial engineers.