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'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:49 pm
by kjell roald
Here is an interview with G. Paul Chambers about his book "Head Shot" : ... 09152.html( Scroll down for the interview. )

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:30 am
by Barney
Mr. Chambers, if JFK was shot from the right front, how is it that in ZAP film frames 312-313-314, blood and bone fragments are seen projectng upward and forward in about a 15 degree pattern from 12:00centerline. The explosive head wound creates a massive explosion of blood, brain matter, fluids, and skull fragments ie Harper fragment. But, these are upward and backward in motion thus spraying all overthe rear riding motorcycle cops. I am concerned with that almost projectile like fragment going upward and forward, so any explanation for that???? Barney

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:07 am
by Dealey Joe
JFK's head recoiled back and to the left from energy from the right front.Fragmentation was caused by the bullet exploding and sending matter in many direction.Actually we are talking about two separate reactions here.

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:21 pm
by Barney
Dealey Joe: I think two of the shooters, whether they fired or not, were placed in the storm sewer drainholes alongside Elm Street and forobvious reasons, proximity to the targeted victim(s). I have the opinion, that the backwards shooters were for show, to create mainly adistraction from the shooters laying in wait ahead, ie driver William Greer, slams on the brakes and comes to a stop per Roy Truly, KennyO'Donnel, some Secret Service agents in the followup car, and witnesses in front of the TSBD. The first shot was fired some distance beforethe limo reached the Stemmons Freeway sign on the right side of Elm Street. This sign was removed within hours, once it was discovered tohave one or more bullet holes in it. Wonder who and why did this??

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:50 pm
by kjell roald
G. Paul Chambers will be on Coast to Coast tonight ( Monday ) with some other guests. "The second show, The JFK Assassination Special, airs on Monday night and features 4 different guests, each addressing a different aspect of the assassination.Former FBI investigator Donald A. Adams believes he knows the true identity of the assassin. Craig Hulet will discuss the connection between the Secret Service and the assassination. Tim Miller has new information that proves there was a conspiracy, and G. Paul Chambers will discuss the science behind the physical evidence." ... n-specialI find out now ( too late ) that there was a conference this weekend. "November 20, Saturday(...)2:00 pm – Dr. G. Paul Chambers, PhD., Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFKAssassination." ... ce-online/

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:58 pm
by Ray Mitcham
Barney, you say that Frame 313 shows head fragments shooting up from the shot. Equally this could be the track of the bullet which caused the head wound. It comes from the right direction (over Zapruder's right shoulder) and if it was a low trajectory, that could account for the track of the bullet being visible on film.Maybe a firearms or movie expert could say whether or not the track of the bullet could be caught in the frame.

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:49 pm
by kjell roald
kjell roald wrote:G. Paul Chambers will be on Coast to Coast tonight ( Monday ) with some other guests. You can listen to the program at this site : Tuesday, November 23, 2010 )G. Paul Chambers is on in the fourth segment.

Concentration of Vector

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:33 am
by Phil Dragoo
G. Paul Chambers author of Headshot with George Noory.Single Bullet Theory can't account for throat wound at Z210 and Connally lapel flap at Z236—in a frame the round is 400 yards downrange.Multiple shooters, two or more assassins.Z313 impact; Z314 moving backward—humans can't react that fast, but a bullet can push a human back.Warren had a priori Oswald lone assassin theory. Backwound moved up by Ford. They altered the data to fit the theory. ARRB presents Ford explaining he altered the location of the wound “for clarification.”Acoustic evidence 1978 HSCA: six shots.Small caliber from front, larger from rear.Behind fence to X on pavement: 90 feet. Driver stopped.Driver looks back and waits for hit to go.West Side Grassy Knoll. Behind fence. Fifty witnesses. Multiple proofs..223—must be small, high velocity.(Files used .222 Fireball 2600-2700 fps )No better shot in Dealey Plaza.Two methods of proof:Vector: concentration of vector: velocity/direction >> picket fence.Acoustic evidence >> picket fence.(Add fifty witnesses >> picket fence/grassy knoll)Chambers does not speculate on who sponsored the assassination or who fired the shots. He states the succeeding presidents have known it was not the act of one man, but have allowed the Warren Commission lie to stand.Earlier, Chambers found the trajectory of the SBT to be laughably impossible: into the back, hitting the lung, bounding up and out the throat—he says, at this point it would go over the driver's head and over the windshield—not into Connally.The government from 1963 on, in my view, has aggressively peed on our leg and insisted it's raining.A nation cannot be based upon a succession of lies.The hope and change of the extant poseur has been more of the same.The files on George Joannides remain sealed.

Re: Concentration of Vector

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:30 pm
by kjell roald
Phil Dragoo wrote:G. Paul Chambers author of Headshot with George Noory.Single Bullet Theory can't account for throat wound at Z210 and Connally lapel flap at Z236—in a frame the round is 400 yards downrange.Thanks for the run-through.This thing about Kennedy allready having reacted to being hit, before the lapel flap ( Connally ), was the part that hit me the most. Why haven´t I thought about this(!) ?The lapel-flap is from frame 223 to frame 224.But when you look at frame 225 it is obvious that Kennedy had allready reacted to being hit, before frames 223 and 224.If Kennedy had held his right arm just a little bit higher, his arm would be blocking the alleged path of the magic bullet at frames 223-225 : : Having a second look, it does pretty much look like it DID block that alleged path.

Re: 'Head Shot' ( G. Paul Chambers )

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:33 pm
by Barney
In my opinion, the timeframe of the Kennedy shooting incident on 11-22-1963 cannot be solved until the Zapruder film in an untampered with format is found and published starting right after the limo turn from Houston ontoElms Street, all frames intact, enhanced, and in sequential order, with no moving and shuffling around of theframes or deletion of multiple or single frames, which entirely distorts the sequence of these events. If theWarren Report states that Oswald fired off only 3 rounds in about 6.8 seconds, how do we know this, unless wecan use a reliable film such as the Zapruder film, to determine by film sequence, timing, reactions of the victims to shots, and distances, just how many shots LHO could have fired, and the direction by body movements as toshots fired from rear, side, frontal shots, he or others, could have fired within a determined timeframe..