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Zack Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:57 pm
by tom jeffers
Zach was interviewed by playboy and it appears in the November 2010 issue. I am away from home this weekend but I do have the electronic verson of that issue and when I get home I will use my acrobat to cut out the interview and post it. He does include opinions of other fbi retirees that feel he was right on track. One of the interesting items is the fact that he verifies that Tony Accordo was still in charge of the chicago outfit during this time. those who were inside knew it and those who thought they knew everything keep saying that giancana was the man. Accordo was a slippery devil and alluded everyone for years to make them think he was retired. this was a big issue because alot of people discredit jimmy because he kept saying the hit came down from Accardo.

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:27 pm
by ChristophMessner
Acc"a"rdo. Zacharias Shelton had an interview with Wim Dankbaar and Jan de Vries, too, maybe Wim can show it.

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:33 pm
by tom jeffers

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:56 am
by Barney
Well, after much hoopla, Zack Shelton's Playboy interview left me feeling let down somewhat. He downplays the importance of James Files knowledgeof the assassination plans and carry thru on Kennedy, almost 50 years ago. 90% of the info developed in the article was contained in the dvds and theinterview and book by Jimmy Files and Wim Dankbaar.One must understand, that even up to this date, Jimmy Files refuses to discuss many of the plans, persons, and activities, involved with the Outfit andhis dealings with the CIA, before, during and long after the Kennedy thing. To Jimmy the K thing was a sideshow to other projects that he was working onand worked on during his long career, and the K murder was not that important to him in the scheme of things, or the so-called Big Picture. Barney

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:05 am
by ChristophMessner
The playboy is certainly a place of truth-finding. Jewish cabale and money orientation.

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:56 pm
by tom jeffers
barney,i did not get the impression that you did when i read the article. he clearly states his facts that he gets from other fbi sources and contacts. In a way he states that jimmy might have embellished his role but he definately agrees that jimmy was there and I think that he was more inclined to believe him than not.tom

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:49 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:42 pm
by Barney
Members; dont get me wrong here, I dont think Zack did a bad job on the interview. I just think he withheld a good bit of information he has accessto via his former FBI associates as federal agents at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Particularly since J Edgar Hoover put a major clamp down ondisclosure of important information readily available from the agency either to not embarass his agency as he thought of it, or out of utter hatred for thethree Kennedy brothers, the Triumvirate as he and Johnson called it.At this time, we all know with reasonable certainty from Agent James Hosty, that LHO was a paid informant, having a secret code number and beingpaid between $200 and $300 per month. When LHO moved to Ft. Worth and Dallas area, Agent Hosty was assigned the job of keeping tabs on LHO, seeking information on the Cuban and Russian community that he had contacts with. George DeMohrenschild was the CIA associate who was assigned tokeep tabs on Marina and Lee Oswald for the agency.It should be of interest, that George and Jackie Kennedy were very close friends, they visited often prior to her marriage to JFK, as her mother datedGeorge for a time, after her divorce from BlackJack Bouvier, her name being Janet Auchincloss I think it was. She and her sister and cousins called him,our beloved Uncle George.Would it not be odd, that George may have played some role in enabling the murder years later of her husband, our President in 1963, on the streets ofDallas, Tx. a place that both felt was rude, crude, and a wildwest town from a bygone era at best, but probably much worse.

Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:43 pm
by tom jeffers
don't forget that although Zach is retired, "once an fbi agent, always an fbi agent". I am sure that playboy had its own agenda and cut much of Zach's information. Notice how Zach never mentions any alphabet soup agency? He is not going to jeopardize his pension. He will remain mum on many facts that he knows.

Familiar ground, blood-soaked

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:14 pm
by Phil Dragoo
There's a story here, but it's not in this article—which is out of focus, intentionally so, to, as Chauncey Holt put it, “muddy the waters.”We don't trust the FBI, not then, not now, not ever.We don't trust Robert Blakey—the liar—who lied that all Bethesda personnel agreed with the autopsy photos, and none did not—when, in fact, these witnesses agreed with the Parkland witnesses as to the large occipital exit wound.What DO we know?Working backwards, Charles Nicoletti and George DeMohrenschildt were killed ON THE SAME DAY, March 29, 1977.Before they could testify before Blakey's whitewash posse. Blakey was the CIA's punk, installed in lieu of Sprague, who rewrote the report to protect CIA.We are on firm ground affirming that Maheu of the Hughes group was used to bring in Roselli—who brought in Giancana, Nicoletti—who brought in Files.That it was the Roselli group tasked with the Castro hit, that this CIA op was used to get Kennedy.Holt and Plumlee are pilasters in this wall, buttressing the seeming anomaly of outfit people in the Dealey plan.Was it, as Holt said, “to muddy the waters”--we know Braden/Brading was nabbed in the Dal-Tex Building, the source for the back shot, the Tague shot, perhaps the EOP shot.Was it Files who did the frontal shot—he describes it accurately as it was seen at Bethesda, and by several at Parkland, over the eye, in the hairline, where it was excised.He describes the rear exit wound.And Ruby—what was he, chopped liver? On November 7, 1963, Jack Ruby received a collect call from George R. (Barney) Baker which lasted 17 minutes. Baker was an “associate” of James R. Hoffa.So, James Files is popped for murder in Laos in 1960, is training up Cubans for BOP in 1961, is racing stockcars and tapped by Charles Nicoletti as wheelman, winds up in Dallas with Nicoletti, and Rosetti, Oswald, and Ruby.But a couple of FBI agents “burn Dick Clark”--hey, we're shocked—ordinarily the FBI is all about truth, justice and the American way—suddenly they take time to blow up a hot lead in the JFK hit.And Katzenbach gets a mention—that would be the Katzenbach in on the decision to create the Warren Commission to “assure the American people that Oswald alone was responsible and would have been convicted at trial.”Point being, when the muddy water sits, and the sediment settles, we find LBJ was “good friends” with Hoover who turned a blind eye to “organized crime” which cooperated FULLY with the CIA which was running the wars, notably in Vietnam, later in Nicaragua, Afghanistan—wherever.It's not “either/or”--it's both/and, all-of-the-above, and the only rules are three can keep a secret if two are dead, or one is in jail and smeared with the label of liar, publicity-seeker, what-have-you.There is a trail of metal on the lateral X-ray from the right eye to the Harper fragment—which fragment has at its right edge a trace of lead.The signatures of Files and Nicoletti on the contract sent down from a council of concerned citizens, some in uniform, some in the shadows, all of them powerful and without scruple.Baddabing, baddaboom.