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Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:49 am
by Davyjones
As President Obama has had a setback at the polls and lost more influence at home can we ever hope he will give the JFK murder his attention. I thought when he was elected he was someone who would get involved?

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:08 pm
by kenmurray
Davyjones wrote:As President Obama has had a setback at the polls and lost more influence at home can we ever hope he will give the JFK murder his attention. I thought when he was elected he was someone who would get involved?Davy, Obama won't give the JFK murder another look. He is bought and paid for by the power elite in D.C. The elections yesterday that the House went Republican was a vote against the failed policies of Barack Obama.

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:28 pm
by Bob
This is my opinion only Davy, but the answer is no. I think there is good evidence uncovered by several researchers like Wayne Madsen, that Obama was once a CIA operative. And once you are can never leave. I think ever since Poppy Bu$h was elected in 1988, that the White House has had operatives as President ever since. We KNOW Poppy was in the CIA, dating back to the late 50's and the Bay of Pigs and certainly when JFK was assassinated in 1963, as Poppy was part of the conspiracy. Bill Clinton and Poppy were connected at the hip during the CIA drug running out of Mena, Arkansas, when Poppy was VP and Slick Willie was Governor of Arkansas. Dumbya Bu$h, like his father Poppy, used oil companies as fronts for his allegiance to the CIA. Poppy had Zapata, while Dumbya had Harkin and Arbusto. The bin Laden family of Texas actually invested in Arbusto. We know Osama bin Laden was a CIA operative in the 1980's when he was armed and funded by Ronny Reagan and Poppy as he was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. That was when al qaeda was created. BY the CIA. Madsen and others have shown strong evidence about Obama's past that also links him to the CIA. Articles like this one have been posted here about that... ... rt-ii/Lets us look at the scorecard of Obama since he has become President...-Gave the Wall Street criminals another $700 BILLION dollars, just like Dumbya Bu$h did-In Iraq there are still 50,000 troops there...protecting the many bases built and the OIL of course , while the war in Afghanistan has been escalated-Went out of his way to protect the CIA from any criminal threats for the use of torture -Passed a healthcare bill, but it had NO single payer or NO public option. In effect, the bill created millions of more customers for private insurance-The Wall Street reform which was passed was a joke, which still allows the Fed to be the fox who runs the hen house.-Has allowed BP to police itself through the worst environmental damage ever done in U.S. history-Shortly before the BP oil spill, Obama endorsed off shore drilling (he has now lifted the moratorium on off shore drilling)-Obama has brought in people like Rahm Emanuel, Bob Gates, Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, Leon Panetta and Ken Salazar into his administrationThat is just part of the scorecard. Obama would not a get a very good grade from me. Dumbya got a F (worst President in U.S. history), and right now I would give Obama a D. That is only because he is an excellent communicator and he looks and sounds Presidential. But through all of his first term thus far, he has gone out of his way to give help to the CIA, and the industries that the CIA is deeply entrenched with like the Military Industrial Complex, big banking and big oil.Just think of the guys who have run the CIA when these folks were in the White House as well. Currently you have Leon Panetta, a former Clinton aide. Under Dumbya, you had Slick Willie's CIA director George Tenet, who allowed 9/11 to take place. Dumbya also had Porter Goss as CIA director, who was a former Iran/Contra player and a former Operation 40 guy. Michael Hayden was someone from the Military Industrial Complex who was allowed to run the CIA with two wars waging in Iraq and Afghanistan. Poppy had current Secretary of Defense Bob Gates as one of his CIA directors. Gates is yet ANOTHER former Iran/Contra player. The CIA helped to assassinate JFK and now they basically run the White House, along with some other foxes (see Wall Street, Big Oil, the Miltary Industrial Complex, Big Insurance/Pharma, AIPAC/Israel ) that also run that hen house.

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:15 pm
by Davyjones
Well thats telling me Its really bad news as when he came in it looked like we might get some JFK style radical policies at some point.I live more in hope not in expectation! Thanks Bob and Ken

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:18 pm
by Barney
I doubt that Obama will reopen the Kennedy murder, but if he is not very very careful, he may well taste a bunch of the same griefs. I haverepeatedly warned our first black president that there are those in our great nation that cannot accept him as our president no matter howgood or how bad he may be for the country. I have told him repeatedly to never trust 100% the secret service, or the fbi. I also told him tohave the commandant of the marine corps to place at least 4 marine corps officers of captain or above to oversee his staff of some 800persons from the groundskeepers, chefs, ss, and other guards in and around the first and second family. security people in the right keyspots dont really have to do anything, they can just not do their jobs and a hit can go down on its very own.

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:09 pm
by Bob
Barney wrote:I doubt that Obama will reopen the Kennedy murder, but if he is not very very careful, he may well taste a bunch of the same griefs. I haverepeatedly warned our first black president that there are those in our great nation that cannot accept him as our president no matter howgood or how bad he may be for the country. I have told him repeatedly to never trust 100% the secret service, or the fbi. I also told him tohave the commandant of the marine corps to place at least 4 marine corps officers of captain or above to oversee his staff of some 800persons from the groundskeepers, chefs, ss, and other guards in and around the first and second family. security people in the right keyspots dont really have to do anything, they can just not do their jobs and a hit can go down on its very own.I don't think Obama will be threatened by the Wizards (the power elite), as he has done their bidding. Therefore I don't not see him being threatened by his own kind (the CIA) or factions like that. However, the rabid right wing of this country, in their hate speech frenzy, have created a lot of "lone nuts" in this country that may indeed try and take out the President. If that happens, then people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck need to be held accountable as well.

The town has no need to be nervous

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:51 am
by Phil Dragoo
The CIA under Panetta is even more secretive than before.The Jefferson Morley suit against CIA to release its files on George Joannides is being stonewalled.DCI Gates was named Secretary of Defense by George Walker Bush and retained as such by Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.Our exit from Afghanistan is announced yet we believe nothing we are told and half of what we're shown.Webb Hubbell at Justice under the Clintons told late-night television hosts he would find out about JFK and UFOs. He and Suzie learned to fear Marsha and roll over for the First Lady.Did we steamroll JFK and go to Vietnam for Brown & Root, Bell Helicopter, Dow and dope.Will we leave all the opium for the Taliban to burn—and is the Taliban a creation of ISI and what was Barry Soetero doing in pock-ee-stahn in 1981, well, a little blow if you can afford it and hey let's watch Dancing With the Stars.Can there be crafted another OKCBomb for the sake of the ratings.As for real danger, the only such for 44 is boredom at so much golf, so many hoops.The heavy lifting is done by Soros (taking out 500 million) and Bernanke (putting in a trillion).The border remains open for business; the poppy crop is thriving. The lesson of Dealey Plaza has been to allow the Shadow Government to operate.It's odd: one late-night host, Craig Something, ran a Snipers Wanted vidoe clip of Bush-43; now, some fear for the safety of 44.I posit no president since Reagan March 1981 has faced legitimate peril; and we must pray for the safety of each regardless of the pamphlets blowing in the wind.Just remember Brennan ran Analysis Corp. whose subcontractors sanitized the O Files—for which Brennan was named DCI and when that didn't fly, National Security Adviser.One hand washes the other.Did a left-wing nut kill Kennedy.Check the looking-glass: did a right-wing nut do OKCBomb.Dennis Mahon the FBI informant taught McVey about ANFO.Andreas Carl Strassmeier of German military intelligence reconnoitered targets with McVey.Nichols met with Ramzi Yousef.With the Chinese money it was enough to reelect Charlie Trie's daddy.Now is it a competition to see who can kiss-ass the most with Saudi royalty.And where are you tonight, Huma Abedin.It's a slam dunkel the Warrenati are remaining in the closet.Seven veils and the silver train is running.The Shadow Government invites you to tune in to Dancing With The Stars.

Re: The town has no need to be nervous

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:37 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:The CIA under Panetta is even more secretive than before.The Jefferson Morley suit against CIA to release its files on George Joannides is being stonewalled.DCI Gates was named Secretary of Defense by George Walker Bush and retained as such by Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.Our exit from Afghanistan is announced yet we believe nothing we are told and half of what we're shown.Webb Hubbell at Justice under the Clintons told late-night television hosts he would find out about JFK and UFOs. He and Suzie learned to fear Marsha and roll over for the First Lady.Did we steamroll JFK and go to Vietnam for Brown & Root, Bell Helicopter, Dow and dope.Will we leave all the opium for the Taliban to burn—and is the Taliban a creation of ISI and what was Barry Soetero doing in pock-ee-stahn in 1981, well, a little blow if you can afford it and hey let's watch Dancing With the Stars.Can there be crafted another OKCBomb for the sake of the ratings.As for real danger, the only such for 44 is boredom at so much golf, so many hoops.The heavy lifting is done by Soros (taking out 500 million) and Bernanke (putting in a trillion).The border remains open for business; the poppy crop is thriving. The lesson of Dealey Plaza has been to allow the Shadow Government to operate.It's odd: one late-night host, Craig Something, ran a Snipers Wanted vidoe clip of Bush-43; now, some fear for the safety of 44.I posit no president since Reagan March 1981 has faced legitimate peril; and we must pray for the safety of each regardless of the pamphlets blowing in the wind.Just remember Brennan ran Analysis Corp. whose subcontractors sanitized the O Files—for which Brennan was named DCI and when that didn't fly, National Security Adviser.One hand washes the other.Did a left-wing nut kill Kennedy.Check the looking-glass: did a right-wing nut do OKCBomb.Dennis Mahon the FBI informant taught McVey about ANFO.Andreas Carl Strassmeier of German military intelligence reconnoitered targets with McVey.Nichols met with Ramzi Yousef.With the Chinese money it was enough to reelect Charlie Trie's daddy.Now is it a competition to see who can kiss-ass the most with Saudi royalty.And where are you tonight, Huma Abedin.It's a slam dunkel the Warrenati are remaining in the closet.Seven veils and the silver train is running.The Shadow Government invites you to tune in to Dancing With The Stars. verbage again Phil. Lady Liberty is definitely under someone's thumb.

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:23 pm
by ChristophMessner
Obviously the Vatican does not want it either. So it's up to the people. Imagine the Vatican would be blown up by a nuclear device from CIA-Mossad and USrael would blame it on Al Qaida. I guess the mere hope of the people that a later US-president would help reopen this case would open nothing either.

Re: Obama..Will he ever reopen the JFK murder?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:29 pm
by Bob
ChristophMessner wrote:Obviously the Vatican does not want it either. So it's up to the people. Imagine the Vatican would be blown up by a nuclear device from CIA-Mossad and USrael would blame it on Al Qaida. I guess the mere hope of the people that a later US-president would help reopen this case would open nothing either.The Vatican doesn't want a lot of information to come out. They have tried to hide the fact that the Church has fostered and protected pedophile priests for a number of years. Every couple of years or so, we seem to find out about yet another molesting man of God. The other thing that the Church REALLY wants to keep under cover is anything to do with extraterrestrial life. Because if it was ever proven to be true, and that the ETs had visited the Earth in the past, as with the Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs etc., than everything about religion would be basically thrown out the window. Not just for the Christian faiths, but the Jewish faith, the Muslim faith and all others.