Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

JFK Assassination
Michael Dell
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Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Michael Dell »

James Corbett did a show recently on Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the D.C. Madam. For those who don't remember, Palfrey ran a high-priced escort service for the Washington elite and was found dead from apparent suicide on May 1, 2008. Palfrey told everyone who would listen she would never kill herself and intended to go to court. Funny how that happens. But one thing I didn't realize until listening to James' report was that Dan "Sirhan Did It" Moldea played a major role in helping hush up any investigation into Palfrey's death. Moldea was apparently planning to write a book with Palfrey. On the very day she died, Time ran a story with quotes from Moldea saying that Palfrey told him she intended to kill herself rather than go to prison. Of course, Moldea has no written or taped records of Palfrey stating her intentions. Meanwhile, there are countless witnesses who will go on record stating Palfrey would never kill herself, and we even have Palfrey stating she would never kill herself numerous times on audio and video. Yet when she's found dead, Moldea runs to the press to help support the suicide notion, and the press coverage dies down. Also, Palfrey was found hanged. Typically, suicidal women don't hang themselves; they tend to take pills. Yet Palfrey and one of the girls who worked for her, who also said she was willing to testify, were both found hanged. Gee, what are the odds? Keep in mind, Palfrey gave her records to ABC News believing it would run the story and her list of clients. But following Palfrey's death, ABC refused to run the names and federal investigators sealed all records. Those close to Palfrey have indicated Dick Cheney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and many other powerful folks were among the clients. So please don't forget about the D.C Madam. Keep her story alive. And here's a link to James' website where you can find his work...http://www.corbettreport.com/
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Re: Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Bob »

Dan Moldea...like Gary Mack...once was a real investigator...but then sold his soul to the dark side. Again...like Larry Dunkel...aka...Gary Mack. Why? Perhaps threats. But like everything else, one needs to follow the money. Moldea definitely followed the money like Mack did, and they both are following orders as well. From who? From the same people that control the government and the MSM. Another hint. Who definitely played a major part in both the JFK and RFK assassinations? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. The CIA baby. The same folks that have had an operative in the White House ever since 1988. Right Barky? Right Dumbya? Right Slick Willie? Right Poppy?
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Re: 9/11 Conspiracy Connection to DC Madam Murder

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/ma ... htmAnother nice piece provided by the Wizard of Link. Wayne Madsen doesn't get enough credit for all the things he uncovers, whether it's about the JFK assassination or 9/11 which leads into the Bu$h family's treasonous past or recently about Barky Obama's CIA history. Here is another interesting piece about this subject matter...http://www.militarycorruption.com/palfrey4.htm
Michael Calder
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Re: Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Michael Calder »

Michael Dell,I thought at the time that CIA had struck again and wondered if anyone would look into her murder. I'll check out the Corbettreport site. Thanks for the posting.Michael Calder jfkcia.com
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Re: Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Bob »

Always great to hear from you Michael. Both Michael's...Dell and Calder. I hope things are going well in your investigation regarding the RFK assassination Mr. Calder. Has anyone identified the guy who steered RFK towards the pantry yet?
Michael Calder
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Re: Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob,Thanks for remembering. I showed the photo to Uno Timonsin and he said the guy never worked at the hotel. Jeff Greenfield, the "courageous" CBS News political reporter, refuses to answer my inquiry and he certainly knows who this guy is as Greenfield worked with the advance men including Jerry Bruno on the RFK campaign. Robert Shapiro, the attorney, also could not identify this guy. Shapiro worked on the campaign with the advance men in Los Angeles so I believe i'm right that this guy is working with Jerry Bruno coming from back east. Michael Calder jfkcia.com
Phil Dragoo
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Michael Calder requests

Post by Phil Dragoo »

If you are able to identify the circled man, notify Michael Calder, http://www.jfkcia.com/:
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Re: Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Barney »

Caulder needs to speak with Frank Mankewitz(sp) the campaign director for RFK, if he is still alive and able to give an interview. He is theperson who spoke to Bobby Kennedy, and told him their time was up in the hotel convention room, and they needed to move on to the pressconference room to meet with the news media. Whether or not he was involved I have no idea. If he was a Mossad agent, most likely hewas part and parcel of an assassination team in some manner, if no more than directing the victim into shooting range of the assassins.
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Re: Dan Moldea and the D.C. Madam

Post by Barney »

I have read that there is a tiny broom closet just inside the kitchen pantry door on the right, and that this may well be the hiding place ofthe real RFK handgun assassin, not Sirhan Sirhan. As RFK strolled by shaking hands with kitchen help, this person darted out behind RFKand quickly placed a small handgun to his head behind his right ear and shot him there, and then shot him twice in the back near the armpit of his suit coat. This accounts for the three fatal wounds found by Dr. Noguchi, the LA Coroner at that time who also did the autopsy onMarilyn Monroe.