"Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

JFK Assassination
Michael Dell
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"Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by Michael Dell »

The love of money is the root of all evil. And those roots trace directly to the Federal Reserve and central banking. There's no doubt in my mind Kennedy's challenging the bankers played a role in his death. And if you're unfamiliar with the Fed and its massive corruption, the best place to start is with Eustace Mullins' "Secrets of the Federal Reserve." The book can be read for free online here...http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... 6.htm#menu
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by ChristophMessner »

Let's not forget, that exorbitant central banking can be a defense against the exorbitant central banking of other superpowers. So the US started with being the most exorbitant central banking location of all.
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by Barney »

As goes the old Tom T Hall ballad, " Its faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money." these are about the only things in life worth a tinkers damned.
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by Bob »

I posted this once...JFK saw the future of the Fed and Wall Street with the changes he tried to make. Look at the hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars the bastards have extorted from the American people over the last couple of years.I once posted a list as to why JFK was assassinated. Here it is...1) Changes to Federal Reserve he tried to implement2) De-escalating the Vietnam conflict and stopping big war profiteering3) Attempting to make drastic changes to the structure of the CIA and the powers that they had4) Making big oil pay their fair share5) Having RFK go after the mob with vengeance6) Trying to create a peaceful existance for the entire worldThat is why he died. Now look at the world today and look at the list above. Today there is substantially more power and profit in all of those situations today, except for maybe the mob. JFK saw the future and tried to change it. They killed him for it. The names have changed, but those who killed JFK are still in power. Looking back on the list now, I would flip flop reasons two and three. But I would still keep the changes JFK was making to the Federal Reserve at the top. Again...look at the world today. Look at the power of the Fed. Look at Wall Street. Look at the never ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the influence the CIA had in making them happen. Look at the war profiteering. Think of Halliburton (also involved in the BP oil spill in the Gulf) and Blackwater. Look at big oil and the massive profits they make and look at the excruciating environmental mess BP just caused in the Gulf, while Obama just looks away.Still, it all comes down to power and money. That is why the Federal Reserve is on the top of my list. The power elite still runs this world. Just ask the Bilderbergers.Anyone care to debate?
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by Barney »

In my humble uninformed opinion, the Federal Reserve Act should be repealed by a unanimous congressional vote and signed byPres. Obama. The grand scale theft of our human labor and capitol needs to be stopped immediately and should have never beenpermitted to start in 1913. Paul Warburg of England agreed to come to the aid of JP Morgan a shill for the Rothschild family ofEuropean bankers who controlled all or at least most of the govts. of Europe via their control over the flow of money availableto the rulers and the governments in charge. The funds in metal bullion held in the 12 Fed. Reserve banks needs to be confiscatedfrom all 12 bank vaults and placed in a repository in Washington DC under 24-7 lock and key, under continual US military guardof such size in numbers and weaponry to prevail in a shootout of any scale. No precious metals should be sold abroad, as theyare the only real measure of a nations wealth, paper is just that paper, with ink on it, and has nothing but inflated artificialvalue attributed to it, whereas metal always holds or exceeds the nominal value on the paper. Each state should have its ownbankiing commissions to organize, certify the assets of any state bank, and close any state bank that is in trouble or insolvent.
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by Bob »

Barney wrote:In my humble uninformed opinion, the Federal Reserve Act should be repealed by a unanimous congressional vote and signed byPres. Obama. The grand scale theft of our human labor and capitol needs to be stopped immediately and should have never beenpermitted to start in 1913. Paul Warburg of England agreed to come to the aid of JP Morgan a shill for the Rothschild family ofEuropean bankers who controlled all or at least most of the govts. of Europe via their control over the flow of money availableto the rulers and the governments in charge. The funds in metal bullion held in the 12 Fed. Reserve banks needs to be confiscatedfrom all 12 bank vaults and placed in a repository in Washington DC under 24-7 lock and key, under continual US military guardof such size in numbers and weaponry to prevail in a shootout of any scale. No precious metals should be sold abroad, as theyare the only real measure of a nations wealth, paper is just that paper, with ink on it, and has nothing but inflated artificialvalue attributed to it, whereas metal always holds or exceeds the nominal value on the paper. Each state should have its ownbankiing commissions to organize, certify the assets of any state bank, and close any state bank that is in trouble or insolvent.Unfortunately Barney, the Wizards that control the Federal Reserve also control Barky Obama. He showed that hand when he gave Wall Street another $700 BILLION bailout, after the first one was given by Dumbya Bu$h. In addition, the Wall Street "reform" that was passed by Congress, is like the healthcare bill, a sellout to special interests. The Fed is still the fox guarding the hen house in that bill.
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Jesse Ventura Exposes Wall Street

Post by kenmurray »

In case you missed it, here is Jesse's latest episode on conspiracy theory first shown on Friday night:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvaGbb6P ... re=related
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Re: Jesse Ventura Exposes Wall Street

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:In case you missed it, here is Jesse's latest episode on conspiracy theory first shown on Friday night:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvaGbb6P ... relatedI'm watching this contribution of yours as I write this Abraken Linkin.
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by Bob »

I just watched the entire episode of that particular Conspiracy Theory episode, as provided by Link Murraydale.That was the BEST episode I have ever seen so far with all of Jesse's shows. The others were great as well, but this one was really good. Plus, I'm as mad as hell now...but thankfully I'll be able to watch a little football today to help my aggressive state of mind. Pass this episode on to anyone you can.
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Re: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:I just watched the entire episode of that particular Conspiracy Theory episode, as provided by Link Murraydale.That was the BEST episode I have ever seen so far with all of Jesse's shows. The others were great as well, but this one was really good. Plus, I'm as mad as hell now...but thankfully I'll be able to watch a little football today to help my aggressive state of mind. Pass this episode on to anyone you can.Bob you "mad as hell" like this guy was. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WINDtlPXmmE