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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:56 pm
by Barney


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:07 pm
by kenmurray
Barney, the Republican party would be out of their mind if they nominate Jeb Bush for President in 2012. They would lose for sure.


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:27 pm
by Bob
Never underestimate what racism and disinformation will do to an electorate. Look at Tuesday's election results.


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:48 pm
by Dealey Joe
Speaking of which..We received a royal screwing here in South Eastern Oklahoma.Lost a great 8 year State Senator to a "TEA PARTY" snot nosed kid who don't know come here from sic-cum.But with the play on Obama a couple of the old time crooks in the senate threw a BUNCH of cash his way and VA-VA-VOOM he will be their puppet.

No JEB, not today, not tomorrow, not ever

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:51 pm
by Phil Dragoo
The strongest testimony against a JEB candidacy is from a dead witness.Terri Schiavo-Schindler.He's (politically) dead, Jim.

Jeb Bush For President

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:36 pm
by kenmurray


Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:44 pm
by Barney


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:02 am
by Bob
As we discuss the possibility of Jeb, first a little history. It's very important to understand the issues that face the world currently, or as Wim says, "Knowing the truth about the Kennedy Assassination is understanding America today." That is why it is so important to know the political history of the Bu$h family, and how relates to not only modern times, but also for events that have occured for almost a century now, going back to Samuel Bu$h, who sold arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was in the war, to Prescott Bu$h, and then to Poppy Bu$h, a conspirator in JFK's assassination and now Dumbya Bu$h, who has fullfilled his family's evil and treasonous intentions with his actions from 2001-2008. Check out the story below... Bush Fulfills His Grandfather's DreamBy David SwansonIt's remarkably common for a grandson to take up his grandfather's major project. This occurred to me when I read recently of Thor Heyerdahl's grandson taking up his mission to cross the Pacific on a raft. But what really struck me was the BBC story aired on July 23rd, 2007, documenting President George W. Bush's grandfather's involvement in a 1933 plot to overthrow the U.S. government and install a fascist dictatorship. I knew the story, but had not considered the possibility that the grandson was trying to accomplish what his grandfather had failed to achieve.Prescott Sheldon Bush (1895 to 1972) attended Yale University and joined the secret society known as Skull and Bones. Prescott is widely reported to have stolen the skull of Native American leader Geronimo. As far as I know, this has not actually been confirmed. In fact, Prescott seems to have had a habit of making things up. He sent letters home from World War I claiming he'd received medals for heroism. After the letters were printed in newspapers, he had to retract his claims.If this does not yet sound like the life of a George W. Bush ancestor, try this on for size: Prescott Bush's early business efforts tended to fail. He married the daughter of a very rich man named George Herbert Walker (the guy with the compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, that now belongs to the Bush family, and the origin of Dubya's middle initial). Walker installed Prescott Bush as an executive in Thyssen and Flick. From then on, Prescott's business dealings went better, and he entered politics.Now, the name Thyssen comes from a German named Fritz Thyssen, major financial backer of the rise of Adolph Hitler. Thyssen was referred to in the New York Herald-Tribune as "Hitler's Angel." During the 1930s and early 1940s, and even as late as 1951, Prescott Bush was involved in business dealings with Thyssen, and was inevitably aware of both Thyssen's political activities and the fact that the companies involved were financially benefiting the nation of Germany. In addition, the companies Prescott Bush profited from included one engaged in mining operations in Poland using slave labor from Auschwitz. Two former slave laborers have sued the U.S. government and the heirs of Prescott Bush for $40 billion.Until the United States entered World War II it was legal for Americans to do business with Germany, but in late 1942 Prescott Bush's businesses interests were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act. Among those businesses involved was the Hamburg America Lines, for which Prescott Bush served as a manager. A Congressional committee, in a report called the McCormack-Dickstein Report, found that Hamburg America Lines had offered free passage to Germany for journalists willing to write favorably about the Nazis, and had brought Nazi sympathizers to America. (Is this starting to remind anyone of our current president's relationship to the freedom of the press?)The McCormack-Dickstein Committee was established to investigate a homegrown American fascist plot hatched in 1933. Here's how the BBC promoted its recent story:"Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA in 1933 by right-wing American businessmen. The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush´s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. Mike Thomson investigates why so little is known about this biggest ever peacetime threat to American democracy."Actually, if you listen to the 30-minute BBC story, there is not one word of so much as speculation as to why this story is so little known. I think a clue to the answer can be found by looking into why this BBC report has not led to any U.S. media outlets picking up the story this week.The BBC report provides a good account of the basic story. Some of the wealthiest men in America approached Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, beloved of many World War I veterans, many of them embittered by the government's treatment of them. Prescott Bush's group asked Butler to lead 500,000 veterans in a take-over of Washington and the White House. Butler refused and recounted the affair to the congressional committee. His account was corroborated in part by a number of witnesses, and the committee concluded that the plot was real. But the names of wealthy backers of the plot were blacked out in the committee's records, and nobody was prosecuted. According to the BBC, President Roosevelt cut a deal. He refrained from prosecuting some of the wealthiest men in America for treason. They agreed to end Wall Street's opposition to the New Deal.Clearly the lack of accountability in Washington, D.C., did not begin with Nancy Pelosi taking Dubya's impeachment off the table, or with Congress' decision to avoid impeachment for President Ronald Reagan (a decision that arguably played a large role in installing Prescott Bush's son George H.W. Bush as president), or with the failure to investigate the apparent deal that George H.W. Bush and others made with Iran to not release American hostages until Reagan was made president, or with the failure to prosecute Richard Nixon after he resigned. Lack of accountability is a proud tradition in our nation's capital. Or maybe I should say our former nation's capital. I don't recognize the place anymore, and I credit that to George W. Bush's efforts to fulfill his grandfather's dream using far subtler and more effective means than a military coup.Bush the grandson took office through a highly fraudulent election that he nonetheless lost. The Supreme Court blocked a recount of the vote and installed Dubya.Prescott's grandson proceeded to weaken or eliminate most of the Bill of Rights in the name of protection from a dark foreign enemy. He even tossed out habeas corpus. The grandson of Prescott, that dreamer of the 1930s, established with very little resistance that the U.S. government can kidnap, detain indefinitely on no charge, torture, and murder. The United States under Prescott Bush's grandson adopted policies that heretofore had been considered only Nazi policies, most strikingly the willingness to openly plan and engage in aggressive wars on other nations.At the same time, Dubya has accomplished a huge transfer of wealth within the United States from the rest of us to the extremely wealthy. He's also effected a major privatization of public operations, including the military. And he's kept tight control over the media.Dubya has given himself the power to rewrite all laws with signing statements. He's established that intentionally misleading the Congress about the need for a war is not a crime that carries any penalty. He's given himself the right (just as Hitler did) to open anyone's mail. He's created illegal spying programs and then proposed to legalize them. Prescott would be so proud!The current President Bush has accomplished much more smoothly than his grandfather could have imagined a feat that was one of the goals of Prescott's gang, namely the elimination of Congress.Then we have Poppy. A conspirator in the JFK assassination...without a doubt, no matter who tries to tell you different. A coward like his grandfather. A coward like his father. A coward like his son. Here is part of the REAL story about his "heroics" in WWII...What happened in the skies of Chichi Jima that day is a matter of lively controversy. Bush has presented several differing versions of his own story. In his campaign autobiography published in 1987 Bush gives the following account:The flak was the heaviest I’d ever flown into. The Japanese were ready and waiting: their antiaircraft guns were set up to nail us as we pushed into our dives. By the time VT-51 was ready to go in, the sky was thick with angry black clouds of exploding antiaircraft fire. Don Melvin led the way, scoring hits on a radio tower. I followed, going into a thirty-five degree dive, an angle of attack that sounds shallow but in an Avenger felt as if you were headed straight down. The target map was strapped to my knee, and as I started into my dive, I’d already spotted the target area. Coming in, I was aware of black splotches of gunfire all around. Suddenly there was a jolt, as if a massive fist had crunched into the belly of the plane. Smoke poured into the cockpit, and I could see flames rippling across the crease of the wing, edging towards the fuel tanks. I stayed with the dive, homed in on the target, unloaded our four 500-pound bombs, and pulled away, heading for the sea. Once over water, I leveled off and told Delaney and White to bail out, turning the plane to starboard to take the slipstream off the door near Delaney’s station. Up to that point, except for the sting of dense smoke blurring my vision, I was in fair shape. But when I went to make my jump, trouble came in pairs. In this account, there is no more mention of White and Delaney until Bush hit the water and began looking around for them. Bush says that it was only after having been rescued by the USS Finnback, a submarine, that he “learned that neither Jack Delaney nor Ted White had survived. One went down with the plane; the other was seen jumping, but his parachute failed to open.” The Hyams account of 1991 was written after an August 1988 interview with Chester Mierzejewski, another member of Bush’s squadron, had raised important questions about the haste with which Bush bailed out, rather than attempting a water landing. Mierzejewski’s account, which is summarized below, contradicted Bush’s own version of these events, and hinted that Bush might have abandoned his two crewmembers to a horrible and needless death. The Hyams account, which is partly intended to refute Mierzejewski, develops as follows:…Bush was piloting the third plane over the target, with Moore flying on his wing. He nosed over into a thirty-degree glide, heading straight for the radio tower. Determined to finally destroy the tower, he used no evasive tactics and held the plane directly on target. His vision ahead was occasionally cancelled by bursts of black smoke from the Japanese antiaircraft guns. The plane was descending through thickening clouds of flak pierced by the flaming arc of tracers. There was a sudden flash of light followed by an explosion. “The plane was lifted forward, and we were enveloped in flames,” Bush recalls. “I saw the flames running along the wings where the fuel tanks were and where the wings fold. I thought, This is really bad! It’s hard to remember the details, but I looked at the instruments and couldn’t see them for the smoke.” Don Melvin, circling above the action while waiting for his pilots to drop their bombs and get out, thought the Japanese shell had hit an oil line on Bush’s Avenger. “You could have seen that smoke for a hundred miles.” Perhaps so, but it is difficult to understand why the smoke from Bush’s plane was so distinctly visible in such a smoke-filled environment. Hyams goes on to describe Bush’s completion of his bombing run. His account continues:By then the wings were covered in flames and smoke, and the engine was blazing. He considered making a water landing but realized it would not be possible. Bailing out was absolutely the last choice, but he had no other option. He got on the radio and notified squadron leader Melvin of his decision. Melvin radioed back, “Received your message. Got you in sight. Will follow.” [...] Milt Moore, flying directly behind Bush, saw the Avenger going down smoking. “I pulled up to him; then he lost power and I went sailing by him.” As soon as he was back over water, Bush shouted on the intercom for White and Delaney to “hit the silk!” [...] Dick Gorman, Moore’s radioman-gunner, remembers hearing someone on the intercom shout, “Hit the silk!” and asking Moore, “Is that you, Red?” “No,” Moore replied. “It’s Bush, he’s hit!” Other squadron members heard Bush repeating the command to bail out, over and over, on the radio. There was no response from either of Bush’s crewmen and no way he could see them; a shield of armor plate between him and Lt. White blocked his view behind. He was certain that White and Delaney had bailed out the moment they got the order. Hyams quotes a later entry by Melvin in the squadron log as to the fate of Bush’s two crewmen: “”At a point approximately nine miles bearing 045′T (degrees) from Minami Jima, Bush and one other person were seen to bail out from about 3,000 feet. Bush’s chute opened and he landed safely in the water, inflated his raft, and paddled farther away from Chi-Chi Jima. The chute of the other person who bailed out did not open. Bush has not yet been returned to the squadron…so this information is incomplete. While Lt. j.g. White and J.L. Delaney are reported missing in action, it is believed that both were killed as a result of the above described action.” But it is interesting to note that this report, contrary to usual standard navy practice, has no date. This should alert us to that tampering with public records, such as Bush’s filings at the Securities and Exchange Commission during the 1960’s, which appears to be a specialty of the Brown Brothers, Harriman/Skull and Bones network.For comparison, let us now cite the cursory account of this same incident provided by Bush’s authorized biographer in the candidate’s 1980 presidential campaign biography:On a run toward the island, Bush’s plane was struck by Japanese antiaircraft shells. One of his two crewmen was killed instantly and the aircraft was set on fire. Bush was able to score hits on the enemy installations with a couple of five-hundred pound bombs before he wriggled out of the smoking cockpit and floated towards the water. The other crewman also bailed out but died almost immediately thereafter because, as the fighter pilot behind Bush’s plane was later to report, his parachute failed to open properly. Bush’s own parachute became momentarily fouled on the tail of the plane after he hit the water.King’s account in interesting for its omission of any mention of Bush’s injury in bailing out, a gashed forehead he got when he struck the tail assembly of the plane. This had to have occurred long before Bush had hit the water, so this account is garbled indeed.Let us also cite parts of the account provided by Fitzhugh Green in his 1989 authorized biography. Green has Bush making his attack “at a 60-degree angle.” “For his two crew members,” notes Green, “life was about to end.” His version goes on:Halfway through Bush’s dive, the enemy found his range with one or more shells. Smoke filled his cabin; his plane controls weakened; the engine began coughing, and still he wasn’t close enough to the target. He presumed the TBM to be terminally damaged. Fighting to stay on course, eyes smarting, Bush managed to launch his bombs at the last possible moment. He couldn’t discern the result through black fumes. But a companion pilot affirmed later that the installation blew up, along with two other buildings. The navy would decorate Bush for literally sticking to his guns until he completed his mission under ferocious enemy fire. Good! Now the trick was to keep the plane aloft long enough to accomplish two objectives: first, get far enough away from the island to allow rescue from the sea before capture or killing by the enemy; second, give his planemates time to parachute out of the burning aircraft. The TBM sputtered on its last few hundred yards. Unbeknownst to Bush, one man freed himself. Neither fellow squadron pilots nor Bush ever were sure which crewmember this was. As he jumped, however, his parachute snarled and failed to open. Green writes that when Bush was swimming in the water, he realized that “his crew had disappeared” and that “the loss of the two men numbed Bush.”For the 1992 presidential campaign, the Bushmen have readied yet another rehash of the adulatory “red Studebaker” printout in the form of a new biography by Richard Ben Cramer. This is distinguished as a literary effort above all by the artificial verbal pyrotechnics with which the author attempts to breathe new life into the dog-eared Bush canonical printout. For these, Cramer relies on a hyperkinetic style with non-verbal syntax which to some degree echoes Bush’s own disjointed manner of speaking. The resulting text may have found favor with Bush when he was gripped by his hyperthyroid rages during the buildup for the Gulf war. A part of this text has appeared in Esquire Magazine. Here is Cramer’s description of the critical phase of the incident:He felt a jarring lurch, a crunch, and his plane leaped forward, like a giant had struck it from below with a fist. Smoke started to fill the cockpit. He saw a tongue of flame streaming down the right wing toward the crease. Christ! The fuel tanks! He called to Delaney and White–We’ve been hit! He was diving. Melvin hit the tower dead-on–four five hundred pounders. West was on the same beam. Bush could have pulled out. Have to get rid of these bombs. Keep the dive….A few seconds… He dropped on the target and let ‘em fly. The bombs spun down, the plane shrugged with release, and Bush banked away hard to the east. No way he’d get to the rendezvous point with Melvin. The smoke was so bad he couldn’t see the gauges. Was he climbing? Have to get to the water. They were dead if they bailed out over land. The Japs killed pilots. Gonna have to bail out. Bush radioed the skipper, called his crew. No answer. Does White know how to get to his chute? Bush looked back for an instant. God, was White hit? He was yelling the order to bail out, turning right rudder to take the slipstream off their hatch…had to get himself out. He levelled off over water, only a few miles from the island…more, ought to get out farther….that’s it, got to be now…He flicked the red toggle switch on the dash–the IFF, Identification Friend or Foe –supposed to alert any US ship, send a special frequency back to his own carrier…no other way to communicate, had to get out now, had to be … NOW. It will be seen that these versions contain numerous internal contradictions, but that the hallmark of “red Studebaker” orthodoxy, especially after the appearance of the Mierzejewsky account, is that Bush’s plane was on fire, with visible smoke and flames. The Bush propaganda machine needs the fire on board the Avenger in order to justify Bush’s precipitous decision to bail out, leaving his two crew members to their fate, rather than attempting the water landing which might have saved them.The only person who has ever claimed to have seen Bush’s plane get hit, and to have seen it hit the water, is Chester Mierzejewksi, who was the rear turret gunner in the aircraft flown by Squadron Commander Douglas Melvin. During 1987-88, Mierzejewksi became increasingly indignant as he watched Bush repeat his canonical account of how he was shot down. Shortly before the Republican National Convention in 1988, Mierzekewski, by then a 68 year old retired aircraft foreman living in Cheshire, Connecticut, decided to tell his story to Allan Wolper and Al Ellenberg of the New York Post, which printed it as a copyrighted article."That guy is not telling the truth,” Mierzejewski said of Bush. Read more about the brave Poppy... ... raphy/Then we have Dumbya, who did what his father and grandfather wanted to do in 1962, which was use an Operation Northwoods type of plan on 9/11. The Bu$h boys wanted Operation Northwoods to take place in 1962 boys and girls. So did all the joint chiefs and the CIA. Luckily, JFK said no. But Dumbya said yes on 9/11/2001. ... htmlAnyway, Dumbya was a coward too, having daddy get him a cushy job in the Texas Air National Guard, and then going AWOL for almost two years. Dumbya was suspended from the Guard for refusing a medical exam as well. Can you spell COCAINE folks? The heroic past made him a "natural" for President. As "President", he first needed a stolen election set up by his brother Jeb in FLA with voter discrimination and voter purging and then made sure the folks at Diebold (electronic voting machines) helped him and then finally for the Supreme Court to coronate him as A brief review of his Presidential resume...- 9/11 happened on his watch and with his minions orchestrating it - testified about 9/11 with Cheney and NOT under oath- had cabinet meeting on the VERY first day of his administration talking about invading Iraq- gave us Cheney, who had secret energy meetings (BEFORE 9/11) had ALL the heads of BIG Oil looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields- lied about going to war with Iraq- gave us TWO wars in Afganistan and Iraq- tried to lie about going to war with Iran- made the U.S. reputation worse in the world then it EVER was- took a huge surplus and turned it into a staggering deficit- put the U.S. into a recession with a high rate of foreclosures, massive healthcare costs and huge energy costs- gave us torture (waterboarding etc.)- gave us no habeas corpus- gave us illegal wiretapping- gave us Plamegate- gave us the Justice Department scandal- gave us MASSIVE war profiteering- gave us the federal government response (or non-response) to Hurricane Katrina- gave tax cuts to the VERY rich- added right wing zealots to the Supreme Court - the biggest economic meltdown since the great depression happened on his watchNow Dumbya is on a book tour, trying to get people to forget his treasonous, criminal and corrupt legacy. He also is speaking up for brother Jeb about running for President in 2012. When will the MSM grow a pair and tell the truth about the treasonous Bu$h family like I have documented in this post. Probably not in our lifetime. That is why we need the internet to educate people. And to fight the disinformation.


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:14 am
by kenmurray
Bob, maybe Dumbya will send you an autographed copy of his book. Oh wait. He would need Laura to sign his name. He can't write. Poppy's wife Barbara is a real beauty queen. She makes Aunt Bee look good.


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:46 pm
by Bob
I saw Russ Baker on the Dylan Ratigan show yesterday. I've been seething the past week or so, as Dumbya has been parading around the MSM trying to get publicity for his new "book" (rumor has it that there are coloring pages as well). Dumbya and his minions of course are spinning things in a positive direction about his legacy, when in reality, his administration was the most criminal and corrupt in U.S. history. Thankfully, Russ was able to shoot many points of Dumbya's book down. Here is a vid that talks about some of the BS Dumbya is trying to spew and how Russ takes on the book of fairy tales... is another vid where Russ talks about Poppy, and his past with the CIA and of course the events of 11/22/1963... Family of Secrets site now has Russ' appearance on Dylan Ratigan's show yesterday...