Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

JFK Assassination
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Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by ChristophMessner »

The death of Joe West and the fate of his widow touched James Files' heart and made him finally talk to the public about how he shot JFK from the grassy knoll. Bruce Brychek, his alleged dearest longtime buddy, was against that from the start, he did not listen to the heart like Jimmy, he listend to the rationale, to the self-advantage, to selfish caution. As decent as it is to prevent a friend from trouble, he does not do good service to Jimmy, because once some truth is out, you do the worst service to promote half-baked things further then. Jimmy could become a hero, a national fame in the history books, an admired guy, if he would tell all convincingly finally, he could make more confession videos each week and tell frankly and openly about how it really was, just everthing, just frankly from the liver without caring who doubts what, just how it REALLY was and what he felt and so on. When somebody is telling the truth on video, this IS VISIBLE! Instead, Bruce Brychek does all to push him down to the size of a small hoax fly, that's what people will remember of Jimmy, if he continues to listen to Bruce's half-baking forward-and-backward-and-destroying-everything-therefore course. No, once you have come forward, you have to continue to move forward full force! Only that is convincing and is doing a real favour to self and friends! Is killing JFK a private thing like Bruce Brychek is implying, cause he just can't stand "asshole" JFK? Does Mr. Brychek have the comprehension that killing a president is not just a private issue? James Files may slowly register, that it's not only about personal sympathies or anitpathies or private issues or right or false advice from buddies, it's about the meaning of his life, which is part of all the (future) lives of the nation and the world. It's about giving relief to the souls of many, even at the cost of life.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Bob »

Chris, I consider you a deep thinker, but in this case, I think you are wrong. You are NOT seeing the big picture. Nobody has been a better friend to Jimmy than Bruce. I don't think anyone can argue against that. Bruce does see the big picture. That is his goal. That is Jimmy's goal. Yes...Bruce has been very protective of Jimmy. But he has his reasons. Bottom line, one sometimes can't see the forest for the trees. In other words, you are overly concerned with certain details, and you do not understand the whole situation. Trust me. I also think you should re-phrase the title of this thread as well.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Chris; I think I know the heart of these two men, perhaps better than some. Jimmy above all else, wishes to gainhis freedom and each time he speaks out in a public forum, it only gets harder and more complicated for him. Hisfriend is trying to keep Jimmy on the straight and narrow path to get that freedom and extra publicity does notserve Jimmy well, his friend of some 40++ years . Bruce has stood by Jimmy all of the past years in prison, visitinghim, giving him commissary money, magazines and books, he likes to read, and human contact with the freeworld, what he wants the most. Jimmy feels that he got a raw deal all lthe way around, from the courts, theFamily, and especially his government, but he does not place blame, he accepts responsibility for his acts, hisfaults, his life, and does not want sympathy, or handouts, but FREEDOM, so he can drift off into oblivion in peace and not die a typical prisoners death, alone, without friend or family to hold your hand or say a prayer for you, butin a very dangerous prison setting. Barney
R Croxford
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by R Croxford »

I don't think that a person who shot a President is ever or could ever be considered a hero. Files is a piece in a very screwed up puzzle. Because he is saying it was a cover up makes him a hero? Little too much. He is an assassin and last time I checked those are not listed anywhere as heroes.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Bob »

RC...I know what you are saying. But at least Jimmy confessed about his participation in this sordid affair. That doesn't bring JFK back, but at least he told the truth. Jimmy was just a pawn in the overall big picture anyway. The people we need to be concerned about are the actual conspirators that planned JFK's murder. I know there is at least one of those conspirators still alive. Right Poppy?
R Croxford
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by R Croxford »

I am aware of the importance of Jimmy's Tale. I wish he could be completely honest with it but. I don't look to calling him a hero or national treasure. If they did come to agreement with him he would be terminated in a federal prison. I would appreciate the truth finally coming out and respect Jimmy for making that happen. But he is still a murderer. Period.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Bob »

Jimmy sits in a cell, while Poppy and Dumbya Bu$h live the life of luxury. There is something wrong with that picture.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen I aw not aware of James Files being called or considered a hero.I'm my opinion JFK was dead no matter what James Files did. So it is a bit different than someone who just on the spur of the moment commit murder.The overall objective was to get rid of JFK and make it look like a stupid Russian Communist defector committed the crime then he was murdered by a grief stricken hero, Files was actually just another tool.James Files in the 1960 was a hardened punk crook, maybe too lazy to work, trained monkey by our very own military, who would do anything for the mob which he must have looked at as being his family.I have mixed emotions when it come to the kid who murdered the man that could have changed the world.I think in ways James Files and JFK were a lot alike. Both dedicated to the cause they were involved in.If I met James Files face to face I am not sure what my feelings would be or just what I would say to him.I am very thankful for his confession as it helps make sense out of a mind boggling situationand in that light I do have respect for James and when I hear him talk I can easily believe he is being truthful.I follow instructions not to contact or communicate in any way with James Files.I am not sure why? It looks like there are a privileged few who are allowed to do that.I would like to see posted on the forum an ongoing report of what James is thinking and doing. It does not need be related to the Assassination, just human interest stuff.It would be good for him and for us.This forum is about the only place I know of where most believe James FIles story.most others are at the most sceptical.One last thing, I don't see a lot of difference between James Files and the multitude of so called witnesses who have lied their asses off in order to be of importance.No, James Files is no Hero. but he is a human being that has made restitution, and in that light deserves to be looked at with a bit of respect.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Dealey Joe; I have about 89 letters from Jimmy over the past 18 months or so. One of the things we both agreedupon, was not to reveal personal things about each other, nor about things that Jimmy may tell me in confidenceabout his past life, which he does not claim to be proud of, but he is proud of service to his Country. Jimmy doesnot enjoy talking about the JFK murder, its aftermath, or anything much about it. He feels he did much moreexciting adventurous things later on in his life involved in government projects of various nefarious kinds and wants to just leave it at that. He wants most of all his Freedom, a chance to visit family and friends he has not seen inmany years, a nice quiet home in the country, some comfortable house slippers, a good tv and computer, and hewants home delivery of his groceries, so he does not even have to shop for them or get out much. So far therehave been at least 4 or more attempts to kill Jimmy by unknowns so he is obviously concerned for his safety inand out of prison, so he has to be ever careful no matter where or with whom. Barney
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Davyjones »

I have decided to sell my copy of "I shot JFK" to the highest bidder. The proceeds will go to Mr Dankbaar who has invested a fortune on the J Files story and this forum. My Email is davidjones214@msn.com.Its only of any use in Euro land.