Me and Lee

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Me and Lee

Post by Dealey Joe »

Please order your book directly from the author if you want tohelp Judyth Vary Baker, mistress of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans.This is the only way Judyth will receive any financial benefits from book on this link to purchase ... htmlJudyth appreciates and needs your support.
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Bob »

For anyone who hasn't read the's fantastic. It pieces together a lot of the puzzle regarding the JFK assassination. Yes...please order the book and help Judyth. It would be well worth me!
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Jim Viken

Post by kenmurray »

JFK,RFK, And "Me and Lee" on the Real Deal:
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Re: Jim Viken

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:JFK,RFK, And "Me and Lee" on the Real Deal: ... htmlThanks for the link Mr. Wizard. Rumor has it that Jim will have an interesting guest on November 29th.
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Re: Jim Viken

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote:JFK,RFK, And "Me and Lee" on the Real Deal: ... htmlThanks for the link Mr. Wizard. Rumor has it that Jim will have an interesting guest on November 29th. Really? Oh so cool Bob. Can't wait.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Dealey Joe »

I hear it is someone who loves the Bush familyProbably a commercial for "Jeb for President" in 2012.
Michael Dell
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Michael Dell »

"The Real Lee Harvey Oswald"by Rollin StearnsA remarkable new book sheds startling light on Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination Nov 22, 1963. The book is "Lee and Me: How I came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald" by Oswald's girlfriend, Judyth Vary Baker. Once you read it, you'll never think of Oswald the same way. Far from an assassin, he sacrificed his life trying to protect the President: a President who tried to break free from the grip of the Illuminati.Read the full article here... ... _neve.html
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Bob »

Michael Dell wrote:"The Real Lee Harvey Oswald"by Rollin StearnsA remarkable new book sheds startling light on Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination Nov 22, 1963. The book is "Lee and Me: How I came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald" by Oswald's girlfriend, Judyth Vary Baker. Once you read it, you'll never think of Oswald the same way. Far from an assassin, he sacrificed his life trying to protect the President: a President who tried to break free from the grip of the Illuminati.Read the full article here... ... e.htmlNice review Michael...thanks for the link. I second that review. Lee Harvey Oswald WAS a patriot. But instead, thanks to the MSM and our government, he is called a traitor, which is a bunch of BS. Ironically, the Bu$h family like to portray themselves as patriots, but instead really ARE traitors. It started with Samuel Bu$h selling arms to the Germans in WWI, while the U.S. was in that conflict. Samuel's son Prescott first lied about his exploits in WWI and had to retract his story, then proceeded to be part of a failed coup to remove FDR later. Then, Prescott invested in and profited from his alliance with the Nazi war machine in WWII, and was in FACT charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. FDR should have taken care of Prescott first after the coup attempt and certainly after the association with Hitler and company. But somehow, Prescott slipped away thanks to his associations with the power elite and the MSM somehow forgot about all that as Prescott became a Senator in 1952. Prescott used his friendship with the Dulles brothers to get his boy Poppy a job with the CIA in the late 50's. Poppy, like Prescott, lied about his experience in war, and I have shown reference to that. Anyway, Poppy was involved in the Bay of Pigs and became one of the main recruiters for Operation assassination group put together by the CIA. There is no doubt in my mind, that Poppy was a conspirator in the JFK assassination. Poppy may not have been a HIGH level conspirator, but he was involved. Dumbya Bu$h also lied about what he did during the war of his era (Vietnam). Dumbya was AWOL from the cushy job Poppy set him up at with the Texas Air National Guard. Thanks to his brother Jeb's voter purging and voter discrimination in FLA, and the alliance with Diebold (electronic voting machines), Dumbya was "elected" President. But only after an assist by the Supreme Court that ruled 5-4 in the Bu$h v. Gore case regarding the Florida recount. The two big votes came from Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Scalia had two sons working for the Bu$h legal team. Thomas' wife was on the Bu$h transition team. BOTH judgers should have recused themselves in the judgement. Anyway, once Dumbya was coronated as, he set the wheels in motion for what he would do over the next VERY painful 8 years. At his very FIRST cabinet meeting, there was talk of invading Iraq. Then came 9/11, an event that was very similar to Operation Northwoods, put together by the joint chiefs in March of 1962 and presented to JFK. JFK refused to utilize the plan, and shortly thereafter removed General Lemnitzer as the head of the joint chiefs. By the way, EVERY one of the joint chiefs endorsed this plan. ... ds.htmlJFK refused to do this though. But Dumbya Bu$h didn't. It led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Vietnam war happened because of a treasonous act on 11/22/1963. The current wars happened because of a treasonous act on 9/11/2001. Both events had the name Bu$h behind it.Jim Fetzer's guest will talk about that and more on November 29th.
tom jeffers
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by tom jeffers »

jim marrs appeared on the jeff rense radio show on november 22. he plugged judith's new book and he also brought up two very interesting items.1. the monday after 11-22-63, time life visited the city engineers office and paid the engineers "robert west and chester breneman" to do a scematic of dealey plaza. they were hired later to do the same thing for the warren commision and they said that the warren commision changed all the angles and places where the car was per the zapruder film and the school book depository. marrs interviewed breneman and was give a copy of the original layouts that were later changed. this layout showed that the car was actually hidden by the tree when shot 1 was supposed to have fired. every show that is now appearing which uses those schematics as evidence that oswald did the shooting are all based on dimensions changed by the warren commision. they also noted the yellow markings on the curb about 12-13 feet apart that marks the kill zone. nobody knows where they came from or what they are there for.2. the dallas police miliatary intellegence laison was jack revelle. after visting the schoolbook depository, he was driven to the police department by the officer of navel intelligence where he typed up a list of all the missing school book employees after the shooting. at the top of the list was harvey lee oswald living at 605 elizabeth. (oswald had lived at 602 elizabeth) oswald never used his elizabeth address at the school book depository. he only used his rooming house address on all his paperwork. a colonel johns, head of army intelligence testified at the house select committee on assasinations and he said he received a call from 1 of his agents at dallas that day that said they arrested an alex j hidell and this colonel looked in the files and found him listed and in the file it cross referenced harvey lee oswald at 605 elizabeth. that means that army intelligence tipped off the dallas police and used the wrong address as reference.
Michael Calder
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Michael Calder »

Tom Jeffers,The Army Intelligence commander was Robert E. Jones. He was in charge of 8-12 army intelligence agents acting in liason with Secret Service on the trip to Dallas. It's his guys holding the fake service service ids in Dealey Plaza.