JFK Assassination
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Post by Barney »

Forum Members, most of us here think there was a conspiracy to murder President John F Kennedy in 1963or before the election in 1964. Question; who or what group, do you feel gave the final Executive Action Orderwith extreme prejudice to the assassins?? All opinions welcome, even if you happen to think LHO acting alonekilled JFK, for personal reasons.
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Post by Bob »

The brains behind the assassination were David Atlee Phillips and Ed Lansdale in my opinion. But WHO set this all in motion? To me, it was the power elite. People like the Rockefellers. It all started there and went down hill fast. JFK threatened the Federal Reserve, big oil, the CIA, the war profiteers, the mob and people like LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover. Factions from all these groups were involved in the conspiracy. But it was the power elite that first put out the idea to kill JFK. The CIA played the largest part in the actual murder with help from Phillips, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, James Angleton and Poppy Bu$h. But the order came down from somebody like David Rockefeller.
Robert Wagner
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Post by Robert Wagner »

The answer cannot be derived by logic alone, because there were many parties with motive, means and opportunity. David Hemming, leader of unaligned black ops group Interpen, enlightens us in this 1976 interview with Dick Russell for Argosy magazine, reprinted in On The Trail Of The JFK Assassins.Russell: Were offers to assassinate Kennedy actually made to you and your group?Hemming: Rather frequently.Russell: How many?Hemming: More than two dozen, by organized elements that had financial backing within the US.Russell: What kind of elements? Right-wing? Minuteman types?Hemming: There might be a retired armed forces type, a guy from the Klan.Russell: You actually saw money on the line?Hemming: Oh yeah, more than once. Some of the cheapos talked about $100K; one said they'd pay a million.Russell: So what did you do?Hemming: We would gracefully back out of it. Then we would later find out they were trying to recruit our Cuban contacts for the same purpose. Russell: Can you be specific about the offers?Hemming: Look, there are people who didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it, but they think they did because they were conned by other people. .. The thing is, you had so many people planning the Kennedy thing it was bound to come. --- end quotation --- Of the hundreds of conspiracy theories, more than one seems substantiated by evidence. We think only one can be true. Suppose several had assassins in Dallas. The ones who stood down or missed would have taken credit for success.
Robert Wagner
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Post by Robert Wagner »

Stan wrote:Robert, I think there may have been several different groups that would've wanted to see JFK dead. That is true of any President, no matter who he is. But, the President is protected. Who has the power to compromise that protection? Who has the power to control and circumvent the autopsy? That power may have chose a "tentacle" (as I said in my last post) to carry out it's wishes, but the "tentacle" was just a tool of execution. For a long time I was certain the U.S. military and specifically the Joint Chiefs were behind the decision to kill Kennedy. I no longer think that. The true power lies in the money and in the banks. That money is the power. That money controls military and soldiers. Kennedy, I believe now, was in the way of a tremendous business machine. And, they destroyed him for it.They also destroyed government credibility. The coverup did not work. Three-fourths of Americans realized, for the first time, government was lying. If puppet masters were as powerful as you say, they wouldn't have let the bungled coverup happen; they would have jailed the guilty (except themselves) and written ethics codes to prevent repetitions such as MLK, OKC and 9/11. A fish doesn't rot from the head. After losing its vision, its head, heart and body rot at a uniform boring rate. In other words, decay is horizontal rather than vertical.
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Post by Bob »

The key in all of this is the ability to control the MSM...which the power elite still do. If the MSM had any backbone at all, the real truth of 11/22/1963 and 9/11/2001 would have been exposed long ago. Again, the MSM is owned by corporations. FOX news is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Did you know that Murdoch is also an Israeli citizen? That sort of puts a light on the way FOX reports "news". The internet is the only way for people to share news about REAL truth. The Wizards want to control that as well. Slowly, but surely...it's happening.
Phil Dragoo
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"That little Kennedy--he thought he was a god"

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Gasper d'Angelot Belin. Married Harriet Bundy, sister of McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor to JFK and LBJ, and William Bundy, foreign policy advisor to JFK and LBJ.Gasper d'Angelot Belin, aka “Don Belin,” was OSS with Paul J. Parenti Deputy Chief of Secret Service November 22, 1963. On that day, Don Belin was acting Secretary of the Treasury.Other OSS figures include Angleton and Dulles.CIA Director Allen Dulles and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles ran the world.Along came this “little Kennedy” who “thought he was a god.”June of 1963 Kennedy signed EO 11110 threatening the Federal Reserve. Thus began the summer of Eliot Janeway, earliest backer of LBJ and economic advisor to presidents, touring the financial houses of Boston and New York, hissing his warning of what a “dangerous man this Kennedy was.”June 10, 1963, Kennedy at American University, his message peace. His disarmament treaty. His detente with Khruschev and demarche with Castro.NSAM 263 withdrawing advisors a thousand a month; all American personnel to be out of Vietnam by 1965.To smash CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. NSAM 55, 56, 57, to remove CIA's ability to conduct covert operations.Who blocked the last raid of B-26s on Castro's T-33s if not Bundy. Who created the forgery of NSAM 273 if not Bundy. The day of the assassination as the Oval Office was being recarpeted in blood red, it was Bundy standing there whom Sorensen and Moynihan described as “icy.”Belin family ties to DuPont, now the second largest chemical company in the world.OSS brought over Gehlen's 300, and CIA confessed a secret relationship with these Nazis lasting fifty years.The clear parallel of killing Kennedy in a crossfire as the limo slowed for a hairpin, to the MI6 plan used by the Czechs to kill Heydrich as his Mercedes slowed for its hairpin.The use of cutouts in organized crime (Ruby, Braden, Roselli, Nicoletti et al), the manipulation of the ambitions and self-preservation of Johnson, Hoover, Ford.The presence of traditional establishment beetles, e.g., McCloy.A page from Lansdale's notebook, his presence in Dallas, along with the admitted presence of CIA operatives Hunt and Phillips.Veciana sees Phillips with Oswald the intelligence operative manipulated into patsihood by DeMohrenschildt killed the same day as Nicoletti.There were helicopters to be sold. Michael Paine and Ladybird and other players were involved.Bases and airstrips and harbors to be built; Brown & Root receiving a billion a week, as Johnson dragged out the war through sanitized target lists and constraining rules of engagement.There would be no more threat to the Federal Reserve.The Silver Train of CIA drugs would run night and day from that theater.The hawks were mad as hell from April 1961. And October 1962. And the last straw was NSAM 263 October 1963.But the die was cast when in April Johnson announced JFK would attend a luncheon in Dallas.The dinner for Congressman Wink November 21 in Fort Worth insured the date. Connally (Lyndon's Boy John) insured it would be at the Trade Mart. Ruth Paine insured Oswald would be at the Depository.The top Navy and Army brass with the on the scene assistance of the Secret Service enforced the autopsy sham.The Secret Service scrubbed the limo evidence.Three shots from behind. And the FBI lost the Harper Fragment.The Keystone of the two shots: from behind, leaving the lead at the right edge. From the front (knoll or sewer) blowing out the occipital.Kennedy made waves, interrupted the party already in progress.And with the newest President Gaga, the Band Plays On.
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Post by Jsnow915 »

Stan...it totally makes sense....its all about greed...and it clarifies what John McCain had said during the debates about what happened in Dallas was an intervention(roll it Ken)
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Post by Bob »

Stan wrote:I knew I could count on Phil to weigh in here. Phil, you are a wizard with words and expression. Sincerest compliments and admiration. If you ever get to Dallas for one of the 11-22 anniversary things, let me know. I can imagine what a ride it would be to sit in a hotel bar over a drink or two and discuss these events. You are a unique voice on these forums, and your contributions are always appreciated.JSnow, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTbdnNgq ... x=17Listen to these, if you've the time. The JFK murder isn't mentioned specifically, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots.Phil reminds me of a guy I knew in college. We discussed many subjects...including the JFK assassination, sometimes over a couple of beers and sometimes over something else. Hint...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmxcmpR1GQA
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Post by Barney »

Uh, who controls all of the banks of the world, directly or indirectly? Who controls all of the political leaders of the world, directly or indirectly, incld. the Ivy League Universities and Colleges who provide our future leaders,indirectly using progaganda of the most vile and evil intentions to their young and impressionable students, Who heads most of the successful defense contractors doing business with the worldwide defense industries, alsoand their govts.? Uh, I think its the "same buncha SOB's" on all accounts, don't you members???
Robert Wagner
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Post by Robert Wagner »

Barney wrote:Uh, who controls all of the banks of the world, directly or indirectly? Who controls all of the political leaders of the world, directly or indirectly, incld. the Ivy League Universities and Colleges who provide our future leaders,indirectly using propaganda of the most vile and evil intentions to their young and impressionable students, Who heads most of the successful defense contractors doing business with the worldwide defense industries, alsoand their govts.? Uh, I think its the "same buncha SOB's" on all accounts, don't you members??? a. Jews, Gypsies, Poles, gays and Jehovah's Witnesses b. Catholics, Quakers and atheistsc. The bourgeoisied. Freemasons, Illuminatie. Communists