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Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:10 am
by Dealey Joe
I heard a rumor that our very own Mr. Bob Fox will be Dr. Jim Fetzer's guestnext Monday evening November 29th on RadioFetzer.I also hear through the grapevine that the subject may be one of Bob's favorites?The Bush family connection.GO BOB GO!!!!!!!!!!!I can't wait.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:32 am
by Jerry Craig
that will be interesting


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:04 am
by kenmurray
Bob and Dr. Fetzer do have one thing in common. They both have the Beatles as their favorite band.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:40 am
by Dealey Joe
Also they both voted for Obama


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:54 pm
by Bob
Yes...I'm looking forward to being on Dr. Fetzer's show as well. I owe it all to my agent...Joe. Besides talking about the Bu$h family and their treasonous past (and present), which goes back almost 100 years, I'm also going to talk about the article I wrote regarding Dave Perry, and all the different aspects of that story, including the Mary Bledsoe police report and the interesting background of her son Porter. Plus, we will discuss the disinformation that is the modus operandi of Perry and his ilk. The music of the Beatles is the icing on the cake. Also, I did vote for Barack Obama. I naively believed that he was going to be an agent of change. A change for the better. Instead, he has been a lesser of two evils. Obama has been VERY disappointing, but I can only imagine what John McCain/Sarah Palin would have done up to this point.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:36 am
by Dealey Joe
Bob's interview is now posted job Bob.Makes me proud.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:05 am
by Bob
Thanks Joe. I had a lot of fun. Jim really knows his stuff. I really appreciate the forum that Jim gives us with his radio show. The same goes for Len at Black Op Radio too. They both have an assortment of knowledgeable guests that bring different thoughts and takes to the table. As most of you also know, Jim is a superb author and researcher as well. ... tzer/Jim's show has four 25 minute segments, but believe it or not, I didn't really talk too much about things I wanted to discuss. Subjects like Jimmy Files, the Deeper Into Dave Perry story I wrote that's on CTKA, other aspects about the JFK assassination, 9/11, other excellent JFK assassination websites, other great JFK assassination books and the fantastic group of people/researchers I've met at this forum. Bottom line, like with my appearance on BOR, I rambled a bit, but Jim was able to keep me reined in. As you could probably tell, Jim had an awful cold, so I did most of the talking. I really appreciate the opportunity to be on Jim's show, and I hope to be on his show again at some point soon. Joe was the instrumental reason I was given the opportunity. Finally (and ironically), Jim lives in Oregon, Wisconsin, not too far from Madison...the home of the Wisconsin Badgers. That is apropos, as I write about the Badgers from time to time.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:26 am
by Dealey Joe
Bob it was GREAT.If you rambled I could not tell it.You were very clear and well spoken.I am sure Dr. Jim was impressed and will have you return for further appearances.AS I say, Mr. Smooth A much better show that anything I have heard for a while on there.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:49 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob,I just listened to the radio show. You were great!


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:25 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:Thanks Joe. I had a lot of fun. Jim really knows his stuff. I really appreciate the forum that Jim gives us with his radio show. The same goes for Len at Black Op Radio too. They both have an assortment of knowledgeable guests that bring different thoughts and takes to the table. As most of you also know, Jim is a superb author and researcher as well. ... tzer/Jim's show has four 25 minute segments, but believe it or not, I didn't really talk too much about things I wanted to discuss. Subjects like Jimmy Files, the Deeper Into Dave Perry story I wrote that's on CTKA, other aspects about the JFK assassination, 9/11, other excellent JFK assassination websites, other great JFK assassination books and the fantastic group of people/researchers I've met at this forum. Bottom line, like with my appearance on BOR, I rambled a bit, but Jim was able to keep me reined in. As you could probably tell, Jim had an awful cold, so I did most of the talking. I really appreciate the opportunity to be on Jim's show, and I hope to be on his show again at some point soon. Joe was the instrumental reason I was given the opportunity. Finally (and ironically), Jim lives in Oregon, Wisconsin, not too far from Madison...the home of the Wisconsin Badgers. That is apropos, as I write about the Badgers from time to time.,See if you, or anyone else, can talk on Fetzer's show about the fake plane issue regarding 9/11. I think he'd like it.