Scary Thought....

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Scary Thought....

Post by R Croxford »

What if? and a big what if? All the countries on this list got into a fight? Look at the numbers of soldiers. Wow...... State Active Reserve Total People's Republic of China[34] 2,285,000 510,000 3,455,000 United States[167] 1,580,255 864,547 2,455,837 India[70] 1,325,000 2,142,821 4,768,407 Democratic People's Republic of Korea[115] 1,106,000 8,200,000 9,495,000 Russia[133] 1,027,000 20,000,000 21,476,000 Republic of Korea[146] 687,000 8,000,000 8,691,500 Pakistan[119][120] 617,000 513,000 1,434,000 Iran[72] 523,000 1,800,000 2,833,000 Wow. 50 Million people fighting. Could you imagine.Now look at just the numbers in Korea. North and south. You really think we can fight North Korea? Were going to need to start breeding faster or something. lol
Posts: 40
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Re: Scary Thought....

Post by Barney »

We do not need more troops, what we do need, goes back to the Eisenhower Administration, known as " Atomic Annie", a motorizedartillery gun, capable of firing a small nuclear warhead shell up to 25-30 miles with a huge fireball explosive effect. This vehicle cantravel to new locations, set up on level ground or use its leveling mechanism, and begin firing within less than 30 minutes, move andredeploy again within 30 minutes so the enemy has little time to track the path of incoming shells for a defensive response.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Scary Thought....

Post by Dealey Joe »

These numbers are scary.If it does boil down to the numbers in the field we have already lost the battle.I am not sure what denotes military supremacy? In a true battle I assume it is technology.However I think the hidden elite actually controls where and when wars and skirmishes happen and in the end who profits. Look at Pearl Harbor, 11-22-63, 9/11, OKC, Waco, Ruby Ridge,Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran ect, ect. ect.Look at the average American, we are bought with trinkets, no need for war.WE DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE RESOLVE TO ORDER THE SOLUTION TO WHO REALLY KILLED OUR PRESIDENT 5O YEARS AGO.Consider this,, we are presented with Bugliosi' book as a readily identifiable sham?Then we are presented with another opinion that must be the truth?Think about it.
Kit Carp
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Re: Scary Thought....

Post by Kit Carp »

In my opinion, these numbers are not "scary" at all. It's naive to look at populations or the "size" of a supposed standing army and base the chances of success at war with silly comparisons like this. All one has to do is remember Iraq's force sizes in the recent conflicts to realize how ridiculous such discussion is.What IS truly scary is the monster power a single nation wields. This relatively modestly populated country spends nearly as much on war-equipping it's soldiers, making tanks, planes, the entire rest of the world does. (Out of the combined nations of the world in 2009, this apparently war-bent nation spent 661 billion of the 1531 billion totally spent in the ENTIRE WORLD on military things. This is an OVERWHELMING percentage, and they have spent this crazy, beyond reasoning high % on warfare nearly every year since WWII.They spend more than six times the amount of money, than the number two country in the world spends on their military, every year, at a figure of 661 billion, to 100 billion. Think of what sort of lead this is, when you consider this has been building, year in and out, for 70 plus years. Not only that, but of the top five nations in war expenditures, two of the other top five members are among this war mongering nation's closest allies. These three nations together wield 783 billion dollars in military spending each year, for a truly overwhelming superiority in all measurements of war.What exactly, one might ask onself, is this mighty nation protecting itself against?Whom? ... ituresThis country in our tale was founded as a Republic, originally. It held elections for it's leader. This worked until it's citizenry, in due course, elected two consecutive leaders who got it into their heads that perhaps war was not an inevitable thing. Perhps, they thought, money would be better spent in feeding the world, in medicine and science, in arts and music. These two leaders began steps which were aimed at disarming the world from not only nuclear weapons...but actually stopping war altogether!Not many people of this nation today are even aware that such an attempt was made. It died, with those who dared to have had the vision to dream of it.It was not a mere attempt at nuclear reductions. This was an attempt to END WAR. It was signed by representatives from the two principle enemies of the visionary leader's era...and, incredibly, was approved by an assembly from all major countries. ... ccordsThis was, of course, wildly variant from what the great Generals of this republic wanted. It was the last thing that the Secret Police of this country wanted, and it went totally against the money making with armaments plans of those mighty industrialists who really wanted to run things behind the curtains.So, this leader was dealt with like Caesar. He was betrayed by his modern Praetorian Guard, who were bought off. He was slain on the streets before the eyes of the citizens of the once great republic, and those carefully written documents, drawn up by a previous generation of leaders was trampled upon.Since that time this monster power's attentions have been aimed not at the education of it's people...that might give them the eyes to see the Truth. She has declined in the sciences and arts. Her industries continue to produce the machines of war, even as the country and her middle class withers away from lack of funds for basic needed services.As this powerful nation continues to spill it's resources blindly, wastefully, into a bottomless pit filled only with the machines of death, one wonders what might have happened, had the basically peaceful, visionary leader been allowed to follow his course, as the citizens of the once free nation had elected him to do.Fear? You bet.But not of the numbers of people who inhabit countries different from ours.After all, as a great man once said, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.Let us consider this wise man's words, and ponder...what might have been.