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Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:46 pm
by JDThomas

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:02 pm
by Davyjones
I am on the fence over J Files but I would never want to put him through a citizens arrest over his confession. At worst he has joined in the murder of a great President JFK and at best a penitant who has presented hard evidence of a conspiracy to kill JFK. He is paying for his crimes big time,it must be a hellish life he is living in that terrible place. Its simple,you either go along with his story or you dont. He is no longer interested in his confession and frankly its unlikely the majority will ever believe him.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:16 am
by Phil Dragoo
Peter's plight at a certain forum wherein he was marked out for persecution, banning, erasure of 6,000 posts and hounded out of employment as political blowback should make him the last person to suggest such a draconian treatment for anyone.Further, for him to suggest Files' actions are for self-aggrandizement is the very worst of blockheaded obeisance to the official propaganda.Files reluctantly admitted to a limited number of facts, avoiding implicating anyone living, for the proceeds to be given to the widow of the investigator who had the faith and the courage to persevere.Peter of all people has been put in a position parallel to that of Judyth Vary Baker, an expatriate branded as persona non grata with an esperanto tattoo on the arm.If he wants to do a citizen's arrest, I suggest Arlen Specter is still turning oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Re: Poppycock

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:18 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:Peter's plight at a certain forum wherein he was marked out for persecution, banning, erasure of 6,000 posts and hounded out of employment as political blowback should make him the last person to suggest such a draconian treatment for anyone.Further, for him to suggest Files' actions are for self-aggrandizement is the very worst of blockheaded obeisance to the official propaganda.Files reluctantly admitted to a limited number of facts, avoiding implicating anyone living, for the proceeds to be given to the widow of the investigator who had the faith and the courage to persevere.Peter of all people has been put in a position parallel to that of Judyth Vary Baker, an expatriate branded as persona non grata with an esperanto tattoo on the arm.If he wants to do a citizen's arrest, I suggest Arlen Specter is still turning oxygen into carbon dioxide.Hear, hear!!!

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:25 pm
by jfkanon
Davyjones: At worst [Files] is a liar and at best a hero who has presented hard evidence of a conspiracy to kill JFK.No, at worst he is a mass murderer of innocent people, for money, and shares responsibility for all the casualties that would not have been incurred in the Vietnam War if he hadn't murdered our last real President. He is paying for his crimes big time,it must be a hellish life he is living in that terrible place. Oh, poor poor mass murderer! Not nearly as hellish as the lives of the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who returned from Vietnam maimed!A "hero" for presenting hard evidence of a conspiracy! Of which he was an integral part!At the very best, Files is a liar about his involvement in the JFK murder, but is still responsible for all his other murders. It's easy to see how people get away with murder when people are so easily duped by murderers.

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:58 pm
by Barney
I prefer the Steve Revelle theory, of using the Corsican mafia hitmen, flown into Mexico City, then entering the US thru Brownsville, Texas. Driven by a Chicago mafia family driver to a safe house located in or near Dallas so they could case out the terrain and routes of escape.arriving about two weeks before JFK arrived to visit Dallas for the luncheon speech andsteak dinner catered out of Boston, Mass., of all things. That insult ought to be enough to get afella shot in Texas, home of the great beef-steak menus. The two weeks gave the Corsican hitmentime to formulate alternative plans, based upon the motorcade route,places of opportunity, and to measure distances, andtake photos of hiding places, and places where shooters could not only shoot, but more importantlyescape the scene, without being arrested, or observed by witnesses in the aftermath commotion, with any degree of accuracy.Once back at the safe house, they could eat, sleep, read, watch tv for a few days and then go on their merry way, much richerfor their devilish deeds of death for a dollar, while the rest of America was in mourning over our dead President.

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:53 am
by Davyjones
jfkanon,thanks for your response. I see no point in trying to move you from your viewpoint.Once a person goes down the road you choose, you have to stick with it. I know that many people are born into lives were there is no moral compass,no education,no early help from family and friends and some are interlectually ill equiped to see the wood from the trees.The unlucky ones tumble through life going from bad to worse,unable to stop themselves from the next step down the spiral of self harm.These people develop a survival code of ethics that the more fortunate and capable cannot recognise and they are easily condemned. We the people employ the law to deal with these folk.The law sets up punishments to placate the majority such as the prison that J Files is in.We the people choose to ignore these places and decide they have got what they deserve,we dont want to think about it,just leave it to the state to run. Well I see that as a cop out. If MR Files is telling the truth then the JFK lie is broken and those guilty should be made to stand trial for what they have done. We the people demand the truth and action to right the wrongs. As for Vietnam,I cant begin to finger who are responsable for the deaths of those innocent people on both sides,I simply am not educated enough, but I would put J Files low down on the list of people I would see in front of a judge. I recall a phrase in a Good Book " Judge not that yea be Judged" which you might like to consider.

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:57 pm
by Barney
Davy; Our Heavenly Father, for us Believers, gave us an intelligence, and cerebral cortex much more deductivethan animals for a good reason. He thought at our Creation, that he would create Man, like Himself.Man is given divine wisdom to make decisions throughout life, and suffer consequences, whenever they make pooror bad choices, as a form of punishment, and a manner to bring about correction and bringing mankind into accordwith the laws and rules set out by God, not mankind.

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:53 pm
by Davyjones
Barney..God did not create the prison that J Files is in. Its a hell hole. God did not write the laws that put him there,we did. All I am saying is that we cannot put people in such places and close our minds to what happens there and brush it off as "just punishment". I know Mr Files has a lot to answer for and loss of liberty is the punishment he has been given,but thats it,no more. Until conditions in these warehouses are cleaned up and prisoners are given the chance to make amends and change their ways for the posative then people of a religious mindset should campaign on their behalf in word and deed. As an aside I find it impossible to put words in Gods mouth or decide on his reasoning,I think those things are beyond the talents of mortals. I quote the King James bible as its as good a reference book as any I know for giving guidence that stands the test of time,not because its contents floated down from on high in a magical sort of way.

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:27 pm
by Kit Carp
Davyjones-"At worst he is a liar..."I would offer up the observation, with my penny, that assassinating the duly elected and popular and very capable US President at that critical moment in time plunged the USA into Vietnam, destroyed the freedom of our press, and trampled our Constitution- and that is rather more bad than lying about doing it.