Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

JFK Assassination
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Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Kirk » is an odd thing, and maybe not even there or maybe has been discounted already, but there seems to at least a shadow of figure in the background behind what the clip claims to be a possible shooter. It could be a reflection of some one standing to the "shooting figure's" back and right or an actually figure standing behind about 15 to 20 feet. I know this material has been beaten to death, but take a look at it, and focus on the end of the clip. There maybe a better angle of this, which I have not found.ThanksKirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Dealey Joe »

Kirk in the first picture below (Betz 3) you can plainly see two men just to the left of Zapruder.they are where Robert Groden sets up.Neither of these men were shooters in my opinion.One of these men looks like has a suit on quickly moves into the small room on the Pagoda for shelter.The other man who seems to be kneeling immediately runs to his truck which is parked across Elm on Main st and in the lower picture you can see him standing behind the truck and Tague is still standing where he was hit.Until I talked to James Tague last week I thought the man was sitting in the back of the truck.Zapruder and these two could have shook hands they were very close together there.To me there was no possible way there was a shot from there.Another thing I learned from Tague was the traffic on the north side on Main was stopped watching the Presidents motorcade but the south lane was moving.Jack White needs to talk to Tague. Jack makes a big deal about the man in the truck.Here I am standing almost where Zapruder was and you can see how close they actually were.
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Kirk »

Thanks Joe as alwaysMy only question about those 2 is whether they would cast a shadow at that moment during Nix's film. Another thing I just noticed from one of the Nix's clips is that one person on the steps starts moving up the stairs into the darker shadows at the moment the limosine comes by, which seems odd because his back is turned to the Presdent at the moment a normal person would want to watch the procession. Plus the individual couldn't help but hear a shot or see a shooter at that moment. ... hanks,Kirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Dealey Joe »

Kirk a couple things..why is a car visible in the nix clip?there was a fence that would make a vehicle not visible?another thing is that is probably a 27th generation copy of the film?
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Kirk »

Joe,Agreed, but I wasn't sure that is a car to be honest. I was just wondering why a person would turn and walk up the stairs during or right after shots were fired, and turn away from the results at the same time. Of course so much does not add up, and that is the point I guess.Thanks,Kirk
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Barney »

I have reviewed the Nix and other personal videotapes from numerous sources over the past 12 months. I findthat, one picture or two is worth a thousand words. In the book, Appointment in Dallas, there is a picture ortwo by Zapruder frame by frame which shows two shooters lying in the hedge at the south end of the retainingwall, only feet from Elm Street, and the first lightpole beyond the Stemmons Freeway sign. One appears to bewearing a light colored boonie hat, like a sailors cap, turned completely out, holding a scoped rifle of somekind, and a blond haired spotter lying next to him, and half turned on his right side, as if watching out for Zapruderand Sitzman on the pergola elevated slab, just to their left and behind them. As Zapruder panned his Bell &Howell Directors Model 8 mm camera towards the fleeing Pres. limo, the bottom portion of the frames capturedthe sides of the limo, wheels, and these two guys hiding in the shrubs at the end of the retaining wall. However at an exposure rate of 18 frames per second, it would near impossible to notice these figures in the shrubs but single frame it is apparent they are there in the shrubs just after the fatalhead shots are fired from the right front.Yes, there was at least one person standing on the sidewalk side of the retaining wall, known as Badgeman, appearingto be firing or aiming some kind of weapon at the presidential limo too. There may have been one or more shootersbehind the picket fence. I also observed on the moving pictures of the Nix film, what appears to be gunshots frombehind Zapruder, on the Elm street extension down to the parking lot and thru some of the holes in the fancypergola and other Dealey Plaza monument structures, in fact, several rapid fire flashes appearing to be from semi-auto gunfire coming from that area. So a deathtrap was sprung once the limo reached the triangulated "killzone."
Dealey Joe
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Dealey Joe »

well I have it on good authority that there were shooters armed with High powered rifles, Thompsons and Oozies, stationed from the front door of the TSBD every 15 feet all the way down to the picket fence around the overpass (Sam and the R.R. crew were actually shooters)and all the way up the south knoll to Houston St..It is also rumored that James Tague fired the shot thru the windshield.All in all there were 187 shots reported fired.It was even reported that there was a couple miniature Bell helicopter gunships flying overhead firing miniature bullets. One was captured on the Moorman picture along with the Badgeman.
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by kenmurray »

It also been rumored that 3 year Von Pein was in Dallas on 11/22/63 and later testified before the Warren Commission and told Arlen Specter that he saw Oswald shoot JFK.
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Re: Something I just noticed on the Nix Film

Post by Davyjones »

Barney, you must be joking,please tell me you are?