Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

JFK Assassination
Christian Hansen
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Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Christian Hansen »

we all know including the goverment that president Abraham Lincoln was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth i a conspiracy BUT was vicepresident Adrew Johnson (who was later impeechen on another matter) involved in the conspiracy to kill Lincoln I THINK SO
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by scottjfkmad »

do you mean Andrew Johnson, not Andrew Jackson, there is a big difference...Wasn’t Johnson, Lincolns VP, the only southern governor or senator to pledge his support to the Union, that’s why in 1864 he was put on the ticket with President Lincoln...What basis do you say he was part of a conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln? He was to be killed himself that night, if the assassin hadn’t got cold feet...If Johnson was involved, and I do doubt it, then we have found another Lincoln-Kennedy link, the southern VP called Johnson who had a hand in the murder of there fellow politician, and president, and just walked straight into the White House...
Christian Hansen
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Christian Hansen »

scottjfkmad wrote:do you mean Andrew Johnson, not Andrew Jackson, there is a big difference...Wasn’t Johnson, Lincolns VP, the only southern governor or senator to pledge his support to the Union, that’s why in 1864 he was put on the ticket with President Lincoln...What basis do you say he was part of a conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln? He was to be killed himself that night, if the assassin hadn’t got cold feet...If Johnson was involved, and I do doubt it, then we have found another Lincoln-Kennedy link, the southern VP called Johnson who had a hand in the murder of there fellow politician, and president, and just walked straight into the White House...i have a BBC documentary series called "Days that shooked the world" it's a series of short documentarys their 25 minutes long a few is 50 minutes and one of the documentarys is about the Lincoln assasination and it claims that their was a conspiracy with three hitmen John Wilkes Booth who suceeded with killing president Lincoln one that should have killed secretary of state William Seward and one that should have killed VP Andrew Johnson meaby a cabinet conspiracy Andrew Johnson was impeeched for refusing to give up his slaves and Lincoln abolished slaveryso meaby Andrew Johnson was so mad at Lincoln so he said get rid of him
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Bob »

There were some very odd coincidences in both the Lincoln and JFK assassinations...Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946Lincoln was elected President in 1860JFK was elected President in 1960Lincoln's wife lost a child while living in the White HouseJFK's wife lost a child while living in the White HouseLincoln was directly concerned with Civil RightsJFK was directly concerned with Civil RightsLincoln was changing policies on money (the Greenback Law)JFK was changing policies on money (changes to the Federal Reserve)Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln Lincoln shot in the Ford TheatreKennedy shot in a Lincoln, made by Ford, plus LHO was arrested at a theaterLincoln was shot on a FridayJFK was shot on a FridayThe assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was known by three names, comprised of fifteen lettersThe ALLEGED assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was known by three names, comprised of fifteen lettersBooth was killed before being brought to trialOswald was killed before being brought to trialLincoln's successor was Andrew Johnson, born in 1808Kennedy's successor was Lyndon Johnson, born in 1908
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by kenmurray »

Boston Corbett, who received praise as the one who shot Booth went mad and was confined to an asylum.Several members of Congress and Mary Todd Lincoln herself were certain that Vice-President Johnson knew of the conspiracy and did nothing to stop it.
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Barney »

Members; Major Lafayette Baker, employed by the first secret service dept. uncovered and documented over20 persons who were involved in the Lincoln assassination. Among those persons, were members of Congress,businessmen, bankers, and even members of the US military. On the night that Lincoln was murdered, he andMrs. Lincoln had invited Gen. US Grant and Mrs. Grant to attend the performance of " Our American Cousins,"at Ford's Theater, with a performance by noted stage actor John Wilkes Booth, a southern sympathizer allegedly.Gen. Grant declined the invitation, stating he and his wife had other plans in the works. Did he know??Major Baker spent many months investigating and documenting these conspirators, not counting those who weretried, convicted, and hanged.Shortly after completion of his investigation and before he could present his findings to Congress, he died of anapparent poisoning. It has been alleged his own brother in law, gave Baker several bottles of his favorite wine,when visiting Baker and his sister, and over several weeks Baker was fatally poisoned. His safe was riffled andthe contents were stolen leaving only the notebook back and front, and a few pages in between that were notwritten on. This document was confiscated by the War Department under orders from Edwin Stanton.
Christian Hansen
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Christian Hansen »

kenmurray wrote:Boston Corbett, who received praise as the one who shot Booth went mad and was confined to an asylum.Several members of Congress and Mary Todd Lincoln herself were certain that Vice-President Johnson knew of the conspiracy and did nothing to stop it.offcause Andrew Johnson didn't stop the conspiracy he was a slave owner who refused to give up his slaves when Lincoln abolished slavery in 1863 and Lyndon Johnson started the Vietnam War in 1963 - the day after Kennedys funeral
Michael Dell
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Michael Dell »

There are rumors that Johnson may have been involved, and Booth even left a message for Johnson at Johnson's hotel on the day of the assassination inquiring if he was home, but there's no concrete evidence linking Johnson to the assassination. Johnson was even supposed to be killed as part of the assassination. I did a radio show on the Lincoln assassination a few weeks ago, and it really is an interesting case. Much different than what we learn in school. And every person involved, even minor characters, had fascinating personal stories. It's definitely a rich area for exploration. Here are the notes I used for the show...CONSPIRACY SEGMENT – ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSASSINATION 1. WELL KNOWN STORY- On Good Friday, April 14, 1865 -- just six days after General Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant -- President Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, attended a play at Washington D.C.’s Ford’s Theatre.- Attended the play with Major Henry R. Rathbone, and his fiancee, Clara Harris. - The two couples sat in a box overlooking the stage. - The play was “Our American Cousin,” a three-act farce about a boorish American cousin going to visit his English relatives. - Halfway through Act III, Scene 2, the play’s star, Harry Hawk, uttered the line, "Don't know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal — you sockdologizing old man-trap..."- With the crowd laughing, John Wilkes Booth, a famed Confederate sympathizer, slipped into the President’s box at approximately 10:15 PM and shot Lincoln in the back of the head. Major Rathbone attempted to apprehend Booth, but Booth slashed Rathbone in the arm with a knife and vaulted over the railing to the stage 11-feet below. - But Rathbone managed to throw Booth off balance, causing Booth’s riding spur to catch in the balcony’s decorative flag.- Booth landed awkwardly on stage, breaking his left leg above the ankle. - He held the knife over his head and cried, “Sic Semper Tyrranis!” Or “Thus always to tyrants!”- Booth then fled the theatre, jumped on his waiting horse, and rode away. - Lincoln died the next day, on April 15th, at 7:22 AM. 2. BOOTH - Born in Bel Air, Maryland, in 1838. He was only 26 when he killed Lincoln. - The Booths were a well known theatrical family, with his father Junius Brutus Booth a famous British Shakespearian actor. - John Wilkes was the ninth of 10 children, and his older brother Edwin was also an actor and helped him get started with his acting career. - In 1858, his first real year of acting, Booth appeared in 84 plays and won rave reviews. Within a year, he was considered one of the handsomest men in America and was pulling down $20,000, equivalent to $500,000 in today’s money. - He was very famous. He wasn’t some lone nut. It would have been like Tom Cruise killing the president. - Booth was a major supporter of the Confederacy and, well, slavery. He despised Lincoln and northern abolitionists. - In 1861, Lincoln declared martial law in Maryland to prevent the state from seceding to the South, which would have lost Washington D.C. to the Confederacy. This further outraged Booth, who was a Maryland native. 3. KIDNAPPING PLOT- Booth had promised his mother he wouldn’t join the army and fight for the South. But he felt cowardly. So he did what anyone would do… he devised a plan to kidnap the President. - After Lincoln’s re-election in 1864, Booth organized a group of conspirators to go ahead with his kidnapping plot. He had brought in Sam Arnold, Michael O’Laughlen, David Herold, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and John Surratt. And they often had meetings at the house of John’s mother, Mary Surratt. - March 17, 1865, Booth and his pals set a trap to grab Lincoln from his summer home, the Old Soldiers Home, which is about three miles from the White House. He had heard Lincoln was going to attend a play, and they planned to swipe him as he traveled to the performance. - They intended to trade Lincoln for Confederate prisoners and force the Union to recognize the Confederate as a legit government. - But Lincoln never showed; he had changed his plans at the last minute to attend a reception at the National Hotel of Washington, which is where Booth had been living. 4. CONSPIRACY DETAILS- Booth was part of a larger conspiracy. - His killing of Lincoln was only one part of a three-pronged attack. At the same time Booth was shooting Lincoln, a man named Lewis Powell was supposed to murder Secretary of State William H. Seward, while a fella named George Atzerodt was assigned to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson. - Booth was actually planning to kill Ulysses S. Grant as well, but Grant canceled his plans to join the Lincolns at the theatre. POWELL AND HEROLD- Fellow conspirator David Herold showed Powell to Seward’s home in Washington’s Lafayette Park and waited outside while Powell knocked on the door. - Powell told the Seward butler that he had medicine for Seward, who was bedridden due to a recent carriage accident. - Powell was allowed in, but he failed to kill the 64-year-old Seward. He stabbed Seward a few times and gashed his face terribly, but Seward survived, mainly due to his neck brace deflecting the blows. And a couple years later, Seward purchased Alaska from Russia in what at the time was known as Seward’s Folly. - Herold had heard the screaming from inside and bolted, abandoning Powell. However, Powell managed to escape the house, stabbing four others on his way out.- Powell spent the night hiding in a local cemetery. He remained at large for three days before being captured. ATZERODT- George Atzerodt had prepared to kill Johnson. He took a room in Washington’s Kirkwood Hotel directly above the room in which Johnson was staying. But he lost his nerve and got drunk in the hotel bar instead, and spent the night wandering the streets all liquored up. ESCAPE- Within a half hour of shooting Lincoln, Booth made it out of Washington and into Maryland over the Navy Yard Bridge. - Herold followed over the same bridge and met up with Booth about an hour later. - Booth and Herold spent a day at Dr. Samuel A. Mudd’s house. Dr. Mudd set Booth’s leg and made him crutches. - Booth and Herold then made it to Samuel Cox’s house, and Cox escorted them to Thomas Jones, who hid them out in Zekiah Swamp for five days until the could cross the Potomac. - Union soldiers didn’t track them down until April 26, some 12 days after Lincoln’s assassination. - A farmer named Richard Garrett found Booth and Herold hiding in his barn and managed to lock them inside. Herold surrendered to Union troops, but Booth wouldn’t come out. The soldiers were ordered to take Booth alive. They set fire to the barn to force him out, but a soldier named Thomas Corbett crept up to the barn and shot Booth in the neck, rendering his arms and legs useless. - The soldiers dragged Booth outside and he soon died, requesting the soldiers to, “Tell my mother I die for my country." - Corbett religious nut. Had castrated himself with scissors seven years earlier to avoid the temptation of prostitutes. - Some attributed Corbett’s madness to his earlier work as a hatter. Mercury was used in the production of hats, and the fumes often drove people insane. “Mad as a hatter.”5. TRIAL OF CONSPIRATORS- In the wake of the assassination, anyone who had even a passing acquaintance with Booth or Herold were thrown in jail, including the owner of Ford’s Theatre, John T. Ford, who spent 40 days in jail. - In the end, the government settled on eight suspects: Samuel Arnold, George Atzerodt, David Herold, Samuel Mudd, Michael O'Laughlen, Lewis Powell, Edmund Spangler, and Mary Surratt.- Tried by military tribunal, and all appeals had to be made to President Johnson. The trial lasted seven weeks and featured 366 witnesses testifying. - Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt were sentenced to death by hanging. And all four were hung on July 7, 1865. Mary Surratt became the first women hanged by the U.S. government. She kept the house where most of the planning occurred and delivered weapons to a tavern for Booth and Herold. - Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold, and Michael O'Laughlen sentenced to life in prison.- Mudd just survived. The tribunal voted 5-4 to hang him, but 6 votes were needed. - Spangler was sentenced to 6 years in prison. - O’Laughlen died in prison of yellow fever two years later. President Johnson pardoned Mudd, Arnold, and Spangler in 1869. 6. DEEPER CONSPIRACY- Who was leading Booth and the conspirators?A. CONFEDERACY- DAHLGREN AFFAIR – In February 1864, Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, 21 years old. Chosen to lead a secret mission into Richmond to free Union prisoners. - Doesn’t work. Dahlgren is killed. A 13-year-old boy going through Dalhgren’s pockets finds papers with orders to free the prisoners then continue on to kill Jefferson Davis, his entire cabinet, and burn Richmond to the ground. - The notes were published in Southern newspapers and further outraged Confederate supporters. - This act inspired the Confederacy to plan its own assassination plot. - Confederate Secret Service – Thousands of trained agents stationed in and out of the country, taking orders from Richmond. Operated out of Montreal. Booth paid an unexplained visit to Montreal in October of 1864. - Booth was a member of the Confederate Secret Service. His wealth and fame allowed him to travel freely into the North and then smuggle medicine and supplies to Confederate troops.- His close friend John Surratt was also in the service, and he had direct contact with Confederacy President Jefferson Davis and Judah P. Benjamin, the Confederacy’s Secretary of State. - Surratt was seen in Washington on the day of the assassination. Some believe he delivered orders from Davis to Booth. - Surratt claimed he had nothing to do with the assassination plot, but he fled following the assassination, first to Canada and then Europe. He was eventually arrested in Egypt a year and seven months after the killing. - He was tried in 1867 and was let go due to a hung jury. Eight Southerners voted innocent, while four Northerners voted guilty. Surratt lived to be 72. B. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE- Southern secret society started by George Bickley in 1859. Bickley, a shady dude and conman, envisioned annexing Mexico, Central America, and Cuba into the United States, creating a Golden Circle with the Southern slave states. - The KGC was pro-Confederacy. They were also violent, carrying out stagecoach robberies and assaults on Union camps. Members were sworn to secrecy for fear of death. - Booth was a member. Other members reportedly included Jesse James and Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States. - It’s believed the Knights had a role in the assassination. - Knights also stashed money and arms all over the country to support a second Civil War whenever the South would rise again. Some believe the millions of dollars are still waiting to be discovered. - Some even speculate the Knights helped Booth escape, replacing him with another man. But autopsy records indicate it was Booth due to a tattoo on his hand. C. LINCOLN’S CABINET- Was Vice President Andrew Johnson involved? - Was Secretary of War Edwin Stanton involved?- How did Booth and his pals know Lincoln’s movements? - Booth even left a message for Andrew Johnson at his hotel the afternoon of the assassination inquiring if he was home. - How did Booth and Herold know which bridge to use for their escape? All other bridges were blockaded. - Why wasn’t there an attempt on Stanton’s life? There are reports that a man matching Michael O’Laughlin’s description was seen at Stanton’s home the day of the assassination. - After Booth’s death, his diary was delivered to Stanton. When the diary was next seen, 18 pages were missing. What was in those pages?- Stanton also destroyed the original Dahlgren letter once it was recovered following the war. D. BANKERS- Ah, those filthy Rothschilds. - We’ve talked in the past about European bankers and the Federal Reserve and Follow the Money and all that. - Well, in the 1800s, the Rothschilds and their minions wanted nothing more than a divided United States and a Civil War. There’s big money in war. Especially when you’re funding both sides. - The Rothschilds allowed their Paris bank to support the South, while their London branch bankrolled the North. - But Lincoln had other ideas. He balked at paying the Rothschilds’ ridiculous interest rates of between 24 and 36% and started printing his own money. - In February 1862, Lincoln signed the First Legal Tender Act, which authorized the printing of $150 million in interest-fee money that wasn’t backed by gold, bank deposits, or government reserves. These bills became known as greenbacks, because of the green ink used on the reverse side. The amount of greenbacks eventually swelled to $450 million in circulation. - Lincoln’s ploy cut the Rothschilds out of the loop. That’s big trouble. - Every President to oppose Central banking was assassinated, except Andrew Jackson, but they tried to kill him. - On April 15, we pay our income taxes. All that money goes to paying down the interest on our debt to the Federal Reserve. It goes straight into the pockets of the European bankers like the Rothschilds. - In 1955, the IRS moved tax day from March 15 to April 15. Why was that day chosen? The IRS says it was just picked to give them more time to pay refunds and do paperwork and whatnot. Or is it to celebrate the death of Lincoln?
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Barney »

12/8/10Mike, very good article you wrote on the Lincoln murder, one of many instigated and carried out by the Europeanbanking cartels there and here. JP Morgan was an agent trained in London and sent back to New York, as thepersonal banking representative of the Rothschild banking clan in the major cities of Europe since the founderhad 5 sons to head 5 banks in various major cities in Europe. Their original Jewish name was Amshel Mayer Rothschild, and they gained nobility titles due to their huge banking fortuned loaned to European govts. and hereditary leaders, The Jewish theatrical family of Bouthe, ofEuropean extraction Anglicanized there ancestral name to Booth once they immigrated to the United States. Theytoo represented the banking and business interests of the Morgans and Rothschilds, along with other powerfuland rich Jewish banking interests. Booth's conniving efforts to murder Lincoln had less to do with politics andlove of the South, and the Confederate Cause, and much more to do with the banking elite of the US. People are not taught in school history, that the Jewish ship owners and financiers, were responsible for bringing the African slaves to the shores of the US, for great profit. and they also were a tiny fraction of the Southern population, but were able to earn enormous fortunes from the cotton plantations farmed by slave labor, purchased before and after the Civil War, or by default on taxes owed by the former owners, for only a few dollars per acre back then. AfterSgt. Boston Corbitt shot the alleged Booth in a barn, people who saw the body then and later were unable todetermine with any certainty that this was Booth's body. The dead man had no broken leg above the ankle, nordid he have the same features, complexion, hair color known to associates in spite of decomposition.Due to the advances in DNA sciences, people have petitioned the Bouthe(Booth) family to exhume the allegedbody of John Booth, however they have flatly refused and threatened to sue anyone tampering with his gravesite.It is a strong possibility that Booth with his broken leg was able to escape capture and make his way out Westfor a short time, remaining in disguise and hiding. He was regularly sent money allegedly by his wealthy benefactors so that he wanted for nothing. He later is alleged to have left the US for London, England where hedied many years later of old age. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY
Michael Dell
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Re: Lincoln assasination Andrew Jackson connection?

Post by Michael Dell »

Barney wrote:AfterSgt. Boston Corbitt shot the alleged Booth in a barn, people who saw the body then and later were unable todetermine with any certainty that this was Booth's body. The dead man had no broken leg above the ankle, nordid he have the same features, complexion, hair color known to associates in spite of decomposition.Yeah, there are all sorts of stories that the man shot in the barn wasn't really Booth but a fellow named James Boyd, and that the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Confederate Secret Service helped Booth flee the country. But in my limited research, I couldn't find any credence to the rumors. Most of the stories stem from hearsay or the accounts of unnamed soldiers present when Booth's body was taken from the barn. But for every rumor, I found reports with verifiable witnesses or documents to confirm Booth's identity, including medical examinations citing the correct leg injury. They also found certain tattoos on the body that confirmed identity, and the dead man even had a certain pin on his person that Booth was known to carry. But I would invite everyone to investigate the matter for themselves and see what they can find. Who knows? It certainly makes for a good story. And I'm not saying it couldn't be true, but personally, I would need to see more evidence to convince me the dead man wasn't Booth. Here's a swell article about David E. George, a man who in 1903 confessed on his deathbed to being Booth. After his death, George's body was toured around the country as the mummified remains of Lincoln's assassin...