JFK bigamist

JFK Assassination
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JFK bigamist

Post by Jsnow915 »

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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by JDB4JFK »

Just some more bull shit journalism in hopes of keeping us from caring about why are President was shot, and who benefited from it. Why would a lawyer keep documents hidden about a so called love affair involving two people who are no longer alive? Whats the point they are both dead so theres no threat to him for knowing? I don't get it? This is just a smear campaign to try and make people think he was a bad guy and keep us from knowing the real truth. I don't care if JFK was married before, I don't care if he had an affair with Monroe, I don't care if his dad made money on boot legging during prohibition, but what I do care is if you kill my president, and a bunch of innocent men, and women using American tax payers money, and lie to the American people about it, just so you can launch your war machine to make a select few people billions of dollars at tax payers expense.
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by Deborah »

Thanks for posting this article. Very interesting. Do you think it possible that Joseph Kennedy was pulling the strings and removing obstacles to the White House such as MM?
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by katisha »

Thanks JSnow. Very interesting article. I'd heard/read this before - not couched in terms of the astonished plumber's discovery; just the bit about JFK having been married to Durie Malcolm. The version I saw said the info came from a "family scrapbook" kept by a distant rello of Malcolm's: think it was it in the Posner Pile or the Bugliosi Bollocks.I see the article Jsnow posted is from 1997?! Anyone know of any reaction/responses at the time?Or any other confirming sources? The Mirror just might not be the most reliable news source in the world...
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by katisha »

katisha wrote:...think it was it in the Posner Pile or the Bugliosi Bollocks...Apologies and full retraction to Posner and Bugliosi. It was in The Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour M. Hersh. Charming little book
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by Jsnow915 »

I looked into this and have found several web sites that say its a bunch of lies....who knows...in the grand scheme of things,its not really that important....just something to feast your eyes on.
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by Barney »

members; JFK was dashing, handsome, wealthy, funny, and he wined, dined, and bedding over 900 womenduring his lifetime. He use to chuckle with his Boston Cronies, " well if I can top a few more, I can win the nextelection if all those women just vote for me. Now, Mr. Hoover, probably never did get close to any female fur,preferring to puff on peters instead, I have read and its been rumored for decades, dont really know or care myself.
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by Bob »

Barney wrote:members; JFK was dashing, handsome, wealthy, funny, and he wined, dined, and bedding over 900 womenduring his lifetime. He use to chuckle with his Boston Cronies, " well if I can top a few more, I can win the nextelection if all those women just vote for me. Now, Mr. Hoover, probably never did get close to any female fur,preferring to puff on peters instead, I have read and its been rumored for decades, dont really know or care myself. From what I've heard, Hoover was known as quite a "vacuum cleaner". Here is the bottom line. JFK had vices, like womanizing etc. His father Joseph was a bootlegger and an isolationist before WWII. Even with his dad's stance on the war, JFK went to war and fought bravely, unlike Poppy Bu$h, who bailed out of his plane and left two of his crewmates to die. JFK received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal with the following citation:For extremely heroic conduct as Commanding Officer of Motor Torpedo Boat 109 following the collision and sinking of that vessel in the Pacific War Theater on August 1–2, 1943. Unmindful of personal danger, Lieutenant (then Lieutenant, Junior Grade) Kennedy unhesitatingly braved the difficulties and hazards of darkness to direct rescue operations, swimming many hours to secure aid and food after he had succeeded in getting his crew ashore. His outstanding courage, endurance and leadership contributed to the saving of several lives and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.In terms of his leadership as President, all one has to do is look at the sorry state the world is in today to realize what a fabulous leader JFK was. Today we see unlimited war, nuclear threats by this side and that side, war profiteering at a massive scale, unlimited wealth by Wall Street, enormous profits by Big Oil and unlimited and unbridled power by the CIA. JFK tried to stop ALL of those things from ever happening. JFK did STOP a nuclear exchange from happening (WWIII as well) in the Cuban Missile Crisis with his leadership that led to a blockade instead of an invasion. JFK was killed for what he did in October of 1962, as well as the policies he was undertaking with the changes he was making with the Federal Reserve, making Big Oil pay it's fair share, de-escalating American involvement in Vietnam, trying to tear down the CIA and of course RFK's actions in trying to take apart the mob.All those things led to 11/22/1963.And the United States and the world has NEVER recovered from that event.
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Re: JFK bigamist

Post by Barney »

Well, yes he was a philandered bigtime as were his father and brothers, kinda ran in the family, but on the other hand women have a tendency to seek out, and bond with men who have power, money, good looks, good connections.As to the awards, Gen. McArthur and Pres. Harry Truman scoffed at these awards, as just political payoff, clear the way for the kid to havea big political career, since brother Joe Jr. had been killed in a bomber over the English Channel. It was their opinion, that any captain of aswift boat, or PT boat, that was lazing about and got rundown by a Jap destroyer which cut it in half was guilty of dereliction of duty andshould be court martialed.