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Bill Cooper?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:58 am
I would like to know everybodys thoughts on Mr. Cooper. He did predict the 9/11 in June before the attacks you have to hand him that one. Just curious what everyone thinks of him. He must of pissed off someone because they shot him Ruby Ridge style!Please respond!

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:09 pm
by kenmurray
My thoughts on Cooper is that he seemed to be an angry person near the end of his life. He was the proponent of the limo driver Greer shot JFK theory which has been proven bogus. His death in some ways seem like Ruby Ridge.Here is an interesting documentary on Cooper: ... tedWilliam Cooper predicted 9/11: ... re=related

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:27 am
by Deborah
kenmurray wrote:My thoughts on Cooper is that he seemed to be an angry person near the end of his life. He was the proponent of the limo driver Greer shot JFK theory which has been proven bogus. His death in some ways seem like Ruby Ridge.Please respond!You might want to take a really really close look at the video of the Kennedy coup de gras shot on the front page of this JFKMUDERSOLVED website. You can clearly see Greer pull a silver long barrelled handgun with his left hand over his right shoulder and shoot at Kennedy. Deborah

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:40 am
by Jerry Craig

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:34 am
by Deborah
Jerry Craig wrote:OK DEBORAH I KNOW U ARE SEEING THING SO TAKE YOUR MEDS AND LOOK AT IT LATER THERE WERE NO SHOTS FROM THE DRIVER!!!!If you don't see it in the video on this very website you are not looking at the 'driver'. I am nearsighted and don't need glasses to see things up close. Now don't be mean.Deborah

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:48 am
by Jerry Craig
Deborah wrote:Jerry Craig wrote:OK DEBORAH I KNOW U ARE SEEING THING SO TAKE YOUR MEDS AND LOOK AT IT LATER THERE WERE NO SHOTS FROM THE DRIVER!!!!If you don't see it in the video on this very website you are not looking at the 'driver'. I am nearsighted and don't need glasses to see things up close. Now don't be mean.DeborahI AM NOT BEING MEAN JUST HONIST THERE WERE NO SHOTS FROM INSIDE THE CAR PERIOD!!

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:23 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
kenmurray wrote:My thoughts on Cooper is that he seemed to be an angry person near the end of his life. He was the proponent of the limo driver Greer shot JFK theory which has been proven bogus. His death in some ways seem like Ruby Ridge.Here is an interesting documentary on Cooper: ... tedWilliam Cooper predicted 9/11: ... elatedGood stuff, Ken! I do disagree with Cooper about the limo driver having shot JFK, but that doesn't mean that Cooper was off the mark on other issues. Very interesting indeed.

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:26 pm
by kenmurray
Thanks Pasquale. Bill Greer, the limo driver, might been alot of things but he didn't shoot JFK. If that was the case these frames of the Zap film would be altered, don't you think? ... re=related

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:50 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
kenmurray wrote:Thanks Pasquale. Bill Greer, the limo driver, might been alot of things but he didn't shoot JFK. If that was the case these frames of the Zap film would be altered, don't you think? ... e=relatedI don't think that the Zapruder film was altered to conceal the limo driver shooting JFK. LOL He simply didn't do it. There is also no other corroborating evidence of it at all. I can understand how someone who is drunk or stoned might think that if they are casually looking at it and mistaking the sun on the other Secret Service man's head for a gun. LOLThe closest I've heard of any possible pistol round being used would be that .45 caliber bullet that was seen being picked up, but, as I mentioned to Dealy Joe and others, that .45 caliber bullet did not necessarily have to be from a .45 auto. There are also .45 Long Colt rounds that pack more of punch and are also designed to be fired from lever action rifles, like those rifles in the old west. I attached a picture of a Marlin rifle chambered in .45 Long Colt. Didn't Files mention something about someone using a Marlin or am I mistaken about that?

Re: Bill Cooper?

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:13 am
by Deborah
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:Thanks Pasquale. Bill Greer, the limo driver, might been alot of things but he didn't shoot JFK. If that was the case these frames of the Zap film would be altered, don't you think? ... e=relatedI don't think that the Zapruder film was altered to conceal the limo driver shooting JFK. LOL He simply didn't do it. There is also no other corroborating evidence of it at all. I can understand how someone who is drunk or stoned might think that if they are casually looking at it and mistaking the sun on the other Secret Service man's head for a gun. LOLThe closest I've heard of any possible pistol round being used would be that .45 caliber bullet that was seen being picked up, but, as I mentioned to Dealy Joe and others, that .45 caliber bullet did not necessarily have to be from a .45 auto. There are also .45 Long Colt rounds that pack more of punch and are also designed to be fired from lever action rifles, like those rifles in the old west. I attached a picture of a Marlin rifle chambered in .45 Long Colt. Didn't Files mention something about someone using a Marlin or am I mistaken about that? Do you always accuse a woman of being drunk or stoned or worse when her view doesn't agree with yours? I expect more gentlemanly conduct here. Don't do that again.Deborah