Why the Grassy Knoll?

JFK Assassination
Glen Riding
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Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Glen Riding »

I've just finished Wims book and the main two questions that where going through my head were why did Files have the six rounds of specialist ammo with him if he didn't know he was going to be firing that day? Wim has allready answered this question when i first registered, the second question was why if the main aim of the day was to setup Oswald as a lone assassin firing from the TSBD did Nicoletti allow Files to fire from a frontal loction such as the Grassy Knoll?
Jerry Craig
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Jerry Craig »

becouse LBJ and Hoover had it under control or4 they thought they did
Glen Riding
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Glen Riding »

I see your point but it would have been easier to coverup and setup if they were not shooting from all over Dealey Plaza!!
Jerry Craig
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Jerry Craig »

the echo was suposed to confuse everybody and the cameras were suposed to be taken from everybody but they did miss some as we all know
Glen Riding
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Glen Riding »

To true, if it wasn't for the Zapruder film i think the frontal shot would have been so much harder to convince. If a picture paints a thousand words, how many does a moving picture paint?
Jerry Craig
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Jerry Craig »

i might make some people mad but i dont think and shots were fired at jfk from the TSBD i think they came from the dal tex building and the knoll the shot that were fired from the TSBD were suposed to distract everybody and make them look up but nobody did
Glen Riding
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Glen Riding »

Going to have to disagree i'm afraid Jerry, if the setup was Oswald firing from the TSBD you've got have someone up their firing. Maybe not from the exact same window but at least the same building. I'm sitting here thinking about it and i can see that if it was the building picked for the setup, they might not have wanted to contaminate it with any other possible evidence apart from the staged stuff but i still like a shooter in there somewhere, sorry Jerry.
Jerry Craig
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Jerry Craig »

ok thats fine it is like the dissapearing mouser if it was a carcano then who ever fired was very good and adjusted for the site being off but you still cant get 3 rounds off in the amount of time that was allowed
Glen Riding
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Glen Riding »

I would have put somebody firing in that window with that rifle and said to them look just fire a couple shots from this window with that rifle, it doesn't matter if you hit Kennedy or not, we have other guys taking care of that. The important thing was to stage the scene and leave the evidence.
Jerry Craig
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Jerry Craig »

i did not say that they did not fire shots from the window i said none of the shots were fired from that window at JFK