Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

JFK Assassination
Alex Hidell
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Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

I have been studying the JFK Assassination since the day of the event. Over the next month I will publish, one per day, a breakdown of the fundamental flaws of the Warren Commission in no particular order of importance.Today's topic- The Supposed Murder Weapon-An FBI Agent brought the Mannlicher-Carcano bolt action rifle, the supposed murder weapon, before the Warren Commission for inspection and to enter official testimony about the rifle. He was asked to describe the rifle and he said the rifle was in significant dis-repair. He said the bolt action was inoperable due to wear and tear, age and rust. At this point the Warren Commission said, we are not talking about this rifle we are talking about the actual one that was used to kill JFK by Oswald. The FBI agent said- THIS IS the actual rifle Oswald supposedly used to kill JFK.At this point, the questioning was abrutly halted on this topic and steered in a different direction.Here we have a 70 year old rifle, in bad dis-repair- so bad, in fact, that the bolt action was inoperable by an FBI agent testifying before the WC. The FBI also found no fingerprints, OF ANY TYPE, on this gun. In fact, there has never been any conclusive proof that this gun was ever even fired the day of the assassination. To quote Jesse Curry,Dallas Police Chief, NO ONE can put Oswald in that window firing that weapon at JFK- NO ONE.
Phil Dragoo
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Alleged rifle not Oswald's

Post by Phil Dragoo »

10 REASONS WHY I BELIEVE THE "OSWALD RIFLE" ISN'T OSWALD'S ... d=85804Add that TSBD not source of rear shots--Dal-Tex was.TSBD not source of front shot(s).Rifle originally found was Mauser.Warren Commission--more obscene than Lenny Bruce.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

Actually it doesn't really matter if Oswald owned the rifle or not. It was a 70 year old, inoperable rifle and could not have been fired in the necessary manner to kill JFK Never happened, regardless of who owned the rifle.I won't even bring the matter of the mis-aligned scope up:)
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

Today's Topic- Oswald Timeline in TSBDEyewitnesses saw Oswald in the company cafeteria between 12:15PM and 12:25PM the day of the assassinationMgr Truly and a police officer saw him AGAIN at 12:31PM in the same 2nd floor cafeteriaJFK was shot at 12:30PMMotorcade was scheduled to arrive at the Trademart luncheon at 12:25PM. It SHOULD have passed by the TSBD at EXACTLY 12:15PM.Key Question- If Oswald intended to kill JFK and he knew the motorcade was to pass in front of his building at 12:15PM- WHAT ON EARTH is he doing eating his lunch in the cafeteria at that time?????????????????????Simple explanation- Oswald was nowhere near the 6th floor window at 12:30PM when JFK was shot- NEVER HAPPENED.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

Today's Fundemantal Flaw- Location of the backwound.JFK was hit approx 5 and 1/2 inches below the collar just to the right of the second thoracic vertebra. This is between the spine and the right shoulder blade. This wound was a superficial wound being less than 1/4 inch deep when probed at autopsy.JFK's jacket and shirt both had a bullet hole at this approx location, 5 and 1/2 inches below the collar, just to the right of the spine.This bullet did not penetrate JFK's torso. It left a 1/4 inch deep flesh wound in JFK's back.Upon realizing that this back wound did not correspond to the WC hypotehsis that JFK was hit in the back of the neck by a high powered bullet which entered the back of his neck and exited his throat, the WC members realized they had a serious problem with the actual evidence as described in the autopsy report.Gerald Ford, as he was nearing death at age 90 in Palm Springs, made the startling confession that he had moved the location of JFK's back wound up 5 and 1/2 inches and relocated it to the back of JFK's neck for the WC report. When asked why he tampered with the evidence this way he said and I quote "So that the evidence would coincide with the WC theory".This is known as evidence tampering and is a felony.
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Davyjones »

How does a rifle bullet leave a small "scratch" when it hits the target when fired from close enough range? Do you really believe that?
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Bob »

Alex Hidell wrote:Today's Fundemantal Flaw- Location of the backwound.JFK was hit approx 5 and 1/2 inches below the collar just to the right of the second thoracic vertebra. This is between the spine and the right shoulder blade. This wound was a superficial wound being less than 1/4 inch deep when probed at autopsy.JFK's jacket and shirt both had a bullet hole at this approx location, 5 and 1/2 inches below the collar, just to the right of the spine.This bullet did not penetrate JFK's torso. It left a 1/4 inch deep flesh wound in JFK's back.Upon realizing that this back wound did not correspond to the WC hypotehsis that JFK was hit in the back of the neck by a high powered bullet which entered the back of his neck and exited his throat, the WC members realized they had a serious problem with the actual evidence as described in the autopsy report.Gerald Ford, as he was nearing death at age 90 in Palm Springs, made the startling confession that he had moved the location of JFK's back wound up 5 and 1/2 inches and relocated it to the back of JFK's neck for the WC report. When asked why he tampered with the evidence this way he said and I quote "So that the evidence would coincide with the WC theory".This is known as evidence tampering and is a felony.I certainly agree with your take about Ford's tampering. I also remember Poppy Bu$h's eulogy of Ford at his funeral, where he smirked and smiled talking about the JFK assassination.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

I am merely reporting eye witness testimony from the autopsy. These are not my opinions, they are substantiated facts.The surgeon doing the autopsy said the backwound was approx 5 and 1/2 inches below the collar next to the 2nd thoracic vertabrae. In fact, this location is listed on JFK's death certificate.The surgeon went on to say that upon probing with a metal probe and with his finger, he found this wound did not penetrate JFK's chest cavity and was less than 1/4 inch deep.This is all a matter of public record. These are not my words but taken from the public record of the autopsy.As to why a bullet would only penetrate 1/4 inch into JFK's back it would only be conjecture on my part and I prefer to stick to the facts but, if you insist-JFK wore a back brace, it could have struck that. It may have been a partial mis-fire that had enough energy to hit JFK but not enough to penetrate. Again, all meaningless conjecture.
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Davyjones »

Alex..I am out of my comfort zone here,but will ask the question. I looked at my NYT copy of the WC report to see what it said about the back bullet hole and it seems to say clearly enough that the autopsy indicates a bullet pathway through the body coming out at the neck(front). Where can I read up on the version of the autopsy you quote which says the hole was only a quarter inch deep? Many thanks
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by JDThomas »

Davyjones,I am only recounting most of this from memory, but I believe that the surviving autopsy face sheet shows the wound to be in the back, the death certificate cites a wound at the third thoracic vertebra - the also aligns with a bullet hole in both JFK's shirt and his jacket. FBI agents Sibert and O'Niell were at the autopsy and took notes and recorded the wound to be below the shoulders and close to the spineThe FBI agents also reported that Humes tried to probe this wound with his finger, finding that it was shallow with no exit.Please also remember that Humes and Boswell's report was burned on hearing the news of LHO's death (malpractice even in the case of a wino tramp), so that the FBI agents' report is the only original report in existence.FBI report can be viewed here: