WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

JFK Assassination
Alex Hidell
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WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

WHO?- Most probably professional hit men. These would have been men that had killed before and would kill again. These would not be amatuers who were on their first assignment. These guys were pros who knew what they were doing. They could have come from the mob or other areas of criminal society.One thing is for sure, no single person did this. Not Oswald or anyone else. There were somewhere between as few as 2 or as many as 6 shooters in Dealey Plaza that day. Shots came at JFK's limo from several directions and some of the shots appeared to be shot almost simultaneously. SS Agent Kellerman riding shotgun in the limo described the last shots as a "flurry" of shots coming almost all at once.These last shots were fired in desperation because no one had yet hit JFK in the head and insured his death and he was slowly leaving the killing zone, even though Agent Greer slowed to a stop so that the final shooters could have as good a chance as possible to hit JFK.WHY?- JFK had many enemies.JFK was a Catholic. That guaranteed him 5,000,000 Southern Baptist enemies. The home of Southern Baptists- you guessed it- Dallas TexasJFK was a liberal who favored better race relations. That guaranteed him enemies in the KKK, Minutemen and John Birch Society as well as much of the Southern US. Again the geographic center of the Southern US?- you guessed it, Texas.JFK favored ending the oil depletion allowance a HUGE tax advantage for oil men that exists to this day thx to the Bush family and other Texas oil interests.JFK favored ending the Vietnam War jeopardizing many HUGE defense contracts with businesses in Texas and California.Robert Kennedy was conducting a Senate investigation of the mob. Jimmy Hoffa, Santos Trafficante and Jack Ruby had already been called to testify before the Senate and Carlos Marcello had been departed to Guatamala.FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover consistently maintained there was no mob in America. Obviously RFK was making him look very, very bad with his Senate investigation and the writing was on the wall. Hoover would be forced into retirement soon. One of the first things LBJ did when he took office was guarantee Hoover lifetime employment as Dir of the FBI, reversing the "writing on the wall" written by RFK.JFK was furious at the CIA led failed invasion of Cuba known as the 'Bay of Pigs' conducted without his knowledge. He had already fired the CIA Director as a result and there were more changes to come.LBJ and his assistant Bobby Baker had large investements in mob casinos in Cuba and other joint business ventures with criminal elements. LBJ had also been involved in political killings to further his career. LBJ was to be dropped from the Democratic ticket in 1964 and both he and Bobby Baker would have probably been indicted for money laundering and murder shortly thereafter.There are more but this long list of enemies were all complicite in the assassination. Hired killers did the dirty work and other enemies of JFK who stood to gain from his killing helped cover the whole mess up.What tripped them all up were the many eye witnesses in Dealey Plaza who reported a completely different version of the facts than did the Warren Commission. The infamous Zapruder film and ultimately the free press we enjoy here in America made the difference.Try as they may, the conspirators led by the Warren Commission never have been able to suppress the truth.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by SLogan »

The most important part of the title to this post is the WHY .I think most of us on here have had the who it was and who it wasn't part answered .I feel it's the older members of this forum who can relate to the world's mind set back then . All the reasons you have put forth was more of a Perfect Storm scenario to pull this off . I feel the why is more a Global reasoning why he was murdered. If you study the events of the years and decades that followed the bada bing bada bang bada boom of lone nut assassins in that tiny little 5 year space in time you might be able to unfold the who had the most to gain answer . Ok, so the Mob hated him and his brother and the southern racists hated him and LBJ wanted him gone and Castro hated him and the Bay of Pigs and on and on .....No doubt that He/Him/They said what a better time to do this with the fabulous smoke screen that lays before us. No it sure wasn't a lone communist sympathizer with a piece of crap rifle and a revolver with a bent pin that fired a salad bar's variety worth of ammunition . I mean there was 2 (maybe 3) people killed that day in Dallas and here we are 48 years later and we're still asking the same who , what and why questions . The smoke screen worked to absolute perfection but as you saw on Sept 11,2001 that same He/Him/They is still out there doing the same ol same ol........I got blisters on my fingersJohn Lennon
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by kenmurray »

If you have read "JFK And The Unspeakable" by James Douglass he will provide you plenty of examples of WHY it happen.
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

I take serious exception with ANYONE trying to tie the Conspiracy to kill JFK with 9/11.There are no significant ties between the 2 events- NONE.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Slav »

kenmurray wrote:If you have read "JFK And The Unspeakable" by James Douglass he will provide you plenty of examples of WHY it happen.http://www.ctka.net/2008/jfk_unspeakable.html
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Slav »

Alex Hidell wrote:I take serious exception with ANYONE trying to tie the Conspiracy to kill JFK with 9/11.There are no significant ties between the 2 events- NONE.Only the Bush Family............
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. Many have declared a Jihad on any non-Muslims. In addition, Muslims hatred for Israel and its mis-treatment of the Palestinians has been directed towards the US because of our support for Israel.None of this has anything whatsoever to do with the JFK assassination.It does a great dis-service to those of us who have spent a lifetime unraveling the clues to the JFK assassination to lump JFK's death together with the 9/11 Islamic Fascists' terrorist attacks.There is simply nothing that links these 2 events- nothing.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

http://www.maryknollsocietymall.org/cha ... 5-6.pdfJFK and the Unspeakable: Why he died and why it mattersJames DouglassThis four hundred pages of text, one hundred pages of fascinating and fastidious notes, is the best grasp on the presque vu almost glimpsed reality.Thanks to John Newman and Lisa Pease we know Angleton was manipulating Oswald's file, Phillips was creating the WWIII virus with cables re Mexico City, DeMohrenschildt and Paine and Marina and the helpful Robert Oswald were framing the patsy.The Bay of Pigs plan entailed a final raid cancelled by Bundy, the Bundy who would be “icy” as the Oval Office was re-carpeted in blood red in the hours following the assassination as Moynihan and Sorenson commiserated, “It's over.”LBJ the next in line would back the war to the hilt, reverse JFK's withdrawal (NSAM 263) with the transitional NSAM 273 signed the Tuesday after the Monday funeral.JFK's failure to break with plausible denial thereby allowing the ignominous failure of the April 1961 invasion was strike one—incredibly, in JFK's own scenario immediately after reading Seven Days in May.Of course the Berlin Wall redounded unfavorably—it was Europe he wished to concentrate on, not Asia, hence his immediate and consistent refusal to send combat troops to Vietnam. He, says Douglass, was soon marked out for assassination.For the very next year, the “missile crisis” found him opposing the Joint Chiefs' demands for immediate attack. His leveraged solution angered them.The following year his June 10 address at American University and the subsequent test ban treaty was no doubt the last straw.Lodge and Conein killed the Diem brothers, and later that deadly month, Kennedy was publicly executed in a blatant crossfire, high noon in Texas, an example which has proved masterfully effective to this day.The planners involved a false defector who was serving ONI, FBI, CIA; organized crime who had been involved in the plots to kill Castro; the Secret Service which treacherously stripped security; the military whose intelligence provided the “assassin's” identity immediately and controlled the autopsy; the vice president who no longer faced being dropped from the ticket and sent to prison; the FBI director who would be assured his job for life as well as the death of his most hated foe.Bell Helicopter, Brown & Root and other defense contractors were looking at a monsoon of money, as was the cartel which ran the heroin into the world's veins.There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fame and fortune, wrote Shakespeare.We follow along fifty years behind the riderless horse with our indictment.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Alex Hidell wrote:Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. It,s better than the crap from Pasquale DiFabrizio who go the easy wayblame it on the Jews.gtz.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Alex Hidell wrote:Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. It,s better than the crap from Pasquale DiFabrizio who go the easy wayblame it on the Jews.gtz.You're really cute. It sounds like YOU'RE taking the easy way out and blaming Muslims for 9/11. If you look on the FBI's most-wanted terrorist list under Bin Laden's listing, they don't even mention 9/11 as one of his crimes. That's because the FBI has no real evidence that he was behind 9/11. http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/wanted_terror ... a#imagesWe WERE having this discussion under my topic on Israeli involvement in 9/11, then you walked away. LOL Actually you walked away from discussion on two separate topics. Here they are.http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewto ... 1&t=2005It looks like you're the one who is talking crap here, not me. There is lots of evidence to what I'm saying.Also, talking about Israeli organized crime or Jewish organized crime is not anti-Semitic just like talking about the Italian mafia is not anti-Italian. Get it? You still also have not told me, or anyone else here, why you claim that I'm supposed to be some sort of "anti-Semitic" person. I could claim that you like to dress in your mother's underwear. Of course I have no proof of this, only a suspicion, so if I made a claim like that I'd have to show proof. The same goes for you. You can't expect people to take you seriously if you don't provide reasons for your crap conclusions.