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This board gets IT.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:58 pm
by Bob
When one considers the JFK assassination and other events like 9/11, the overall American and global population are in the dark. Many members of this board have figured out that it's not just Democrats vs Republicans or right vs left in play here, it's secret societies and their global agenda. The Bilderbergers, Skull & Bones and Bohemian Grove all are HUGE players in the way the current world is being run politically. The Bu$hes, the Rockefellers and the like have all had their way for many decades. The United States of America has become a fascist state under Dumbya Bu$h and his lying and spying tactics. The U.S.A. is now known as a country just like the old Soviet Union and the Nazis and and Japanese of WWII. The U.S.A. now tortures prisoners all over the globe. The U.S.A. invades countries at their leisure (Iraq), especially if they have a lot of oil. It just so happens that Dumbya Bu$h and Chickenhawk Cheney come from that business. They also come from a defense contractor background. What companies are smiling like pigs in shit currently? How about Halliburton and the Carlyle Group. How about companies like Exxon and Enron that abuse their base with their profits and lies? Bu$h wants to stay the course in Iraq because he knows he never has to face an election again. He will make sure that the Halliburtons and the Carlyle Groups of the world get richer every day. Dumbya doesn't care how many bodies are put in the ground as long as profits and power increases. The U.S.A. is not a free nation. We only THINK we are. More and more rights are being taken away every day, especially with the Supreme Court now tilted to the fascist right and an Attorney General (Gonzalez) that would make Adolph Hitler proud. We are led by the treasonous son (Dumbya Bu$h) of a treasonous father (Poppy Bu$h) and a treasonous grandfather (Prescott Bu$h) and a treasonous great-grandfather (Samuel Bu$h). Treason and war profiteering. Welcome to the Bu$h modus operandi. And the modus operandi of the powerful elite that reside in the secret societies that REALLY lead the political agenda of this planet.

This Guy Was Too Left, Bob

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:31 am
by Jim Thompson
Bob wrote:Chickenhawk Cheney

June 16.
BEAVER CREEK – A man was arrested by Secret Service agents when he tried to approach Vice President Dick Cheney in Beaver Creek Village yesterday afternoon, said Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren.

Cheney was walking outside when the agents charged with protecting him noticed the man, identified as Steven Howards, who “wasn’t acting like the other folks in the area,â€

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:08 am
by Tommy Bullgotti
If you are Republican/Conservative... are you not welcome on this board?

Re: This Guy Was Too Left, Bob

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:00 am
by Jorgen Sjolen
Jim Thompson wrote:Bob wrote:Chickenhawk Cheney

June 16.
BEAVER CREEK – A man was arrested by Secret Service agents when he tried to approach Vice President Dick Cheney in Beaver Creek Village yesterday afternoon, said Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren.

Cheney was walking outside when the agents charged with protecting him noticed the man, identified as Steven Howards, who “wasn’t acting like the other folks in the area,â€

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:56 am
by Bob
Tommy Bullgotti wrote:If you are Republican/Conservative... are you not welcome on this board?

As I said, it is NOT about Democrat vs Republican or liberal vs conservative. It's about power. And money. The leanings of the secret societies are to the right, but the left are there as well. LBJ was a Democrat, but he joined forces with many on the right on 11/22/1963. Look at the current relationship between Bill Clinton and Poppy Bu$h. Talk about a lovefest! Meanwhile people forget about their previous relationship in the drug running days in Arkansas when Clinton was Governor and Bu$h was in the White House. Look at Hillary Clinton. People call her a "liberal", but she has rubber stamped just about everything Dumbya has asked for, INCLUDING the war in Iraq. The same goes for Joe Lieberman. As far as Dumbya Bu$h goes, I know a lot of so called conservatives that are disgusted by his spending tactics and the way he has taken the greatest surplus in U.S. history and turned it into the greatest deficit in history. And it's STILL growing. Just like the profits of Bu$h family interests in the Carlyle Group and Chickenhawk Cheney's old company Halliburton. Look at the obscene profits Exxon has made. You don't think Cheney's secret energy council had anything to do with that do you? The council that met before 9/11. The council that included all the big shots from big oil (who lied in front of Congress) and had others like Ken Lay from Enron. The council that talked about taking over oil fields in Iraq. Again, this was BEFORE 9/11.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:45 pm
by Jim Harwood
Bob wrote:Tommy Bullgotti wrote:If you are Republican/Conservative... are you not welcome on this board?As I said, it is NOT about Democrat vs Republican or liberal vs conservative. It's about power. And money. The leanings of the secret societies are to the right, but the left are there as well. LBJ was a Democrat, but he joined forces with many on the right on 11/22/1963. Look at the current relationship between Bill Clinton and Poppy Bu$h. Talk about a lovefest! Meanwhile people forget about their previous relationship in the drug running days in Arkansas when Clinton was Governor and Bu$h was in the White House. Look at Hillary Clinton. People call her a "liberal", but she has rubber stamped just about everything Dumbya has asked for, INCLUDING the war in Iraq. The same goes for Joe Lieberman. As far as Dumbya Bu$h goes, I know a lot of so called conservatives that are disgusted by his spending tactics and the way he has taken the greatest surplus in U.S. history and turned it into the greatest deficit in history. And it's STILL growing. Just like the profits of Bu$h family interests in the Carlyle Group and Chickenhawk Cheney's old company Halliburton. Look at the obscene profits Exxon has made. You don't think Cheney's secret energy council had anything to do with that do you? The council that met before 9/11. The council that included all the big shots from big oil (who lied in front of Congress) and had others like Ken Lay from Enron. The council that talked about taking over oil fields in Iraq. Again, this was BEFORE 9/11.

The surplus was based on a speculative stock market bubble of over $17 trillion in paper assets on the NYSE along with a derivatives bubble of over $200 trillion. Even Clinton did not really beleive in it. In 1998 President Clinton and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin proposed the creation of a new financial architecture as they rightly saw the 1971 floating exchange rate system (given to us by Richard Nixon and George Schultz on Aug 15, 1971) collapsing. When the Y2000 stock market collapse hit it took the fradulent "surplus" down with it. After President Clinton made his speech to the bankers at CFR (9/23/98)for a new financial system he was hit with the Monica Lewinsky scandal which effectively stopped him from going forward. Bill Clinton has not joined forces with the dark side and he was never involved in any drug running with the Bush family or anyone else.

Eight years later the monetary and financial system are even more precarious then 1998. Now we have the effects of hyperinflation due to the bankers plan to "print dollars" as a wall of money to keep the financial system from collapsing. Thats the real situation.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:06 pm
by Bob
Jim, I WAS a big Clinton supporter for many years, but that has changed. And I disagree with you on whether he has joined the dark side. His good friend and trusted advisor Vernon Jordan is a key Bildenberger member. There is ample evidence of drug running by "Poppy" (appropriate name) Bu$h through Arkansas with Clinton's approval. Look again at the Clinton/Bu$h lovefest of late. I'm surprised Bill and George H.W. aren't holding hands at their press conferences like Dumbya did with the Saudis. Hillary Clinton acts a lot more like a Republican these days than a Democrat. She's even joined forces with Rupert Murdoch at a recent fundraiser. That says it all right there.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:53 pm
by Jim Harwood
Bob wrote:Jim, I WAS a big Clinton supporter for many years, but that has changed. And I disagree with you on whether he has joined the dark side. His good friend and trusted advisor Vernon Jordan is a key Bildenberger member. There is ample evidence of drug running by "Poppy" (appropriate name) Bu$h through Arkansas with Clinton's approval. Look again at the Clinton/Bu$h lovefest of late. I'm surprised Bill and George H.W. aren't holding hands at their press conferences like Dumbya did with the Saudis. Hillary Clinton acts a lot more like a Republican these days than a Democrat. She's even joined forces with Rupert Murdoch at a recent fundraiser. That says it all right there.

Actually Clinton and GHWB got together in an attempt to keep Junior Bush from imploding. Katrina , Sunami and other issues where the idiot Prince had made such a mess and ruined the USA's stature abroad. Hillary like her husband is an opportunist. But thats not unlike most baby boomers of the "ME" generation. The boomer generation has destroyed this country. Hillary wants higher office/opportunities and sleeping with Murdoch does not bother her. Of course Murdoch is a much worse choice of prostitute than even Monica Lewinsky.

WJ Clinton was the first President since Abe Lincoln not to have come from some wealthy in-bred family. Even JFK had the burden of a family who was neither this nor that.

Clinton was not involved in the Mena Arkansas drug running.

And dont assume (if you are) that just because a guy becomes President that he knows much of anything. I really believe Clinton for example had no idea just who was attacking him or why during his two terms in office.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:58 pm
by Jim Harwood
Bob wrote:Jim, I WAS a big Clinton supporter for many years, but that has changed. And I disagree with you on whether he has joined the dark side. His good friend and trusted advisor Vernon Jordan is a key Bildenberger member. There is ample evidence of drug running by "Poppy" (appropriate name) Bu$h through Arkansas with Clinton's approval. Look again at the Clinton/Bu$h lovefest of late. I'm surprised Bill and George H.W. aren't holding hands at their press conferences like Dumbya did with the Saudis. Hillary Clinton acts a lot more like a Republican these days than a Democrat. She's even joined forces with Rupert Murdoch at a recent fundraiser. That says it all right there.


Clinton did stand up before the evil bankers in Sept 1998 and propose that a new financial architecture be created along the lines of Roosevelts Bretton Woods system. "That took some balls". No sooner did he propose this initiative when Monica got ahold of those same balls. The rest is history and our financial system is still in collapse. ... cture.html

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:17 pm
by Bob
Jim, you make some valid points. But in the world of politics and power, black is white and white is black. It's almost like professional wrestling. They act like they hate each other in the ring, but afterwords are out having some drinks socially. Take the last Presidential election. The Democratic ticket was John Kerry and John Edwards. Kerry is in the Skull & Bones, while Edwards was being endorsed by the Bilderberg group. So even if Bu$h didn't the 2004 election, it was still okay. Let's get back to Clinton. Did you ever hear of Barry Seal? Interesting guy. He was in the LCAP with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, James R. Bath and Charles Rogers. Quite a collection! And the guy (David Harold Byrd) who founded the LCAP owned the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Seal was in the CIA pre-Bay of Pigs. He was active in the Bay of Pigs operation and also has been rumored to be one of the pilots that helped get the crew out of Dallas. Seal then went to Southeast Asia. Seal's biggest claim to fame is that he is probably the biggest drug smuggler in American history. He was murdered because he knew too much about Iran/Contra and the Mena, Ark. drug operation. He died with Poppy Bu$h's private phone number in his wallet. That same thing happened to George De Mohrenshildt just before he was to testify before the HCSA. That Poppy sure was a popular guy! Hmm. This is all talked about in Wim's book. Jimmy Files and Tosh Plumlee also know a lot about Mena. Files thought that the CIA tried to silence him after he was released from federal prison because of his knowledge of Mena, not Dallas. Also, don't forget Oklahoma City and the implications of Mena there. Bill Clinton not only knew about Mena, but he participated by laundering the money. Remember the connection here, MONEY & POWER .