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Princess Diana

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:42 pm
by Mark68
The life & death of Princess Diana is almost as interesting as JFK's. The only reason why I comment is once again the same elitist Illumenati killed someone who threatened them or at least insulted them as she did w/ her personal life. I always thought that ugly redhead son of hers was illegitimate but now I'm convinced. Prince Phillip supposedly had Hewitt "convinced" to publicly deny the whole thing. The attached photo is about as certain as a genetic test IMO. I think the old bitch finally had enough of her and did to her what they did to her "footman", he had a fatal car "accident" too.> ... annelID=41

Re: Princess Diana

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:10 pm
by Jsnow915
Mark...I've read similar things about ofthe reasons she was killed was that Fayed was a muslim and if she was pregnant,somewhere down the line her child could have actually inherited the thrown.

Re: Princess Diana

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:30 pm
by Mark68
I'm not making any b&w assertions why she was killed but the exMI-6 agent who claims there most definitely were british intel agents AT THE HOTEL that night a few minutes before the crash. Interesting how after he went public he was fired and his home and boat in France were recently searched by French intel agents. > ... d=3688This kinda stuff has been going on since the days of the Roman Empire. Whats significant is now we all have access to instant information. I don't think they would have even bothered w/ the joke warren comm. had the interent existed then as had the interent not existed we'd most likely alteady had a 9/11 type warren commission. I don't the world is going to end in 2012 but the global consicousness will at one point reach a level of critical mass such that the Illmenati's power be obselete.

Who Killed Diana?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:18 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Princess Diana

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:42 am
by Alex Hidell
Guys,It's simpler than that. There is no secret society. There is no illuminati. There are just power hungry people who are willing to do anything to continue in power.They say business makes strange bedfellows. They should also say power and greed make strange bedfellows.When the common interests of the Mob, J Edgar Hoover, LBJ, disaffected CIA agents, disaffected SS agents aligned, it resulted in JFK's death.This is fundamentally no different than what happend in Roman times, modern day Russia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Elizabeathen England or any other time in human history.Heck, there were probably cavemen killing each other over their own version of a turf war or power play "Keep you hands off my wooly mammoth:)"Humankind is far too random to assume some great trans-generational consipracy of a higher, more elite organization "illuminati" or whatever other name you want too use.Bottom Line- it is more random and more situational than that. Who knew you could ever use Ruby, Oswald, JFK, LBJ, H. L Hunt, Richard Nixon, Trafficante, Marcellos, Nicoletti, Sturgis, Files, all in the same sentence??????? The odds of those same level and type of people meeting at another time in another place in human history is very slim. They were brought together by the situation at hand. JFK threatended all of them in some way or anotherSituations make events. Too random to assign to some higher organization. It's just plain old kill or be killed, eat or be eaten law of the jungle stuff. Ain't ever gonna change:(

Goodbye England's Rose

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:03 am
by Phil Dragoo
MarkYour photo comparison is compelling. Harry is Hewett's, not Charles'.KenA good case for a hit. The Mercedes was forced into the tunnel and run into the pillar with a laser.The same year the Russians on Kapitan Man lased Lt Cmdr Jack Daly in a helicopter tracking their spying on our sub pen in Puget Sound.The paparazzi in the Fiat Uno burned to death—nice.The driver's blood test faked; the driver an agent.And Posner—too bad he can't see the irony of noting the anomalies in the Diana case but expecting us to let him piss on our leg in the JFK thing.No doubt about it Diana was hit. And NSA playing along—they're building another million-square-foot facility in Utah.You know that Obama compromised British nuclear weapons data with Vladimir Putin.Being bounced on pedophile CPUSA doper Frank Marshall Davis to the tales of the glorious Red Army had its effect.Maybe it's his way to get back at the Crown for killing a Muslim.Posner shopping a case for an intelligence agency conspiracy to murder—high strangeness indeed.PasqualeYour mission should you choose to accept it is to explain why Henry Kissinger suddenly writes Obama to release the hated Pollard. Aren't Kissinger's clients the Saudis?

Re: Princess Diana

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:19 pm
by Jsnow915
Alek....then explain the Bildeburgers....the tri-lateral commision...the CFR...which all have Rockefeller finger prints on them....from what I understand the Bildeburgs host heads of states I believe that is illegal...correct me if I'm wrong

Re: Princess Diana

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:03 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Princess Diana

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:10 am
by Alex Hidell
This idea about trans-generational conspiracies is silly nonsense.All history ever shows us are situational power plays by greedy, power hungry individuals, nothing more.Let's go back to Europe 1200-1600. Who were the big, bad boys on the block?? Who were the guys that built the castles on the rivers and extorted tolls from anyone who wanted to pass?Who were the guys that held entire towns for ransom- yep, you got it- The local Bishops from none other than the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, in that 500 year period in Europe, were the big, bad guys on the block. The had lots of money and exercised their power as ruthlessly as any warlord, EVER.Torture, murder were normal occurences back in the "glory days" of Europe at the hands of the Catholic Church.My point is, TODAY, the Catholic Church is a harmless, relatively benign organziation whose worst crime is pedeophilia which, while being despciable in and of itself, is nothing compared their reign of terror in Europe 1200-1600.Point is, it is all situational. Different players in different eras. The only common thread is greed, nothing more. No secret society, no trans-gernerational manueverings- Just good ole fashioned GREED.