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Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:21 pm
by Mark68
If possible concisely - I'd like someone knowledgeable to explain to me how, after numerous deaths, why anyone w/ an IQ over 70 would ever mess w/ the CIA. Murder is murder no matter who commits it for whatever reason but thats what org(s) like the CIA & mafia are which seeemingly would be polar opposites but in reality end up doing the same thing to the very people who make they're very existence & future operations possible.From Anthony Spilotro to David Ferrie when these individuals became an at least perceived liability they were murdered by the same org(s) they did things no other person either was able or willing to do for the good of the company. I suspect the supposed " 9/11terrosts" who in reality much like LHO had little or nothing to do w/ the actual event met the same fate LHO did except it was probably done in a hanger somewhere where they beleived they were being shuttled out of the country.Much like things from 9/11 to the Gulf of Tonkin and other smaller operations I'm pretty sure the indivuduals responsible in the end found themselves much worse off than they ever dreamed possible.

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:09 pm
by JDThomas
An interesting point Mark, but much of what actually happens with the Company (rather than what was planned to happen), doesn't just involve double-cross but double-double cross.Three good cases:1. James Files. The Company almost litereally got him a "get out of Jail card", though Files was under no illusion that it was "Free". 2. David Ferrie. After being de-frocked by the Church and losing his airline job, the Company's 'offer' was probably his only hope of gainful employment for the rest of his life and in return they literally kept him out of jail for non-company related offences3. Barry Seal. Who would think that he would ever be able to fly a plane again after being caught smuggling explosives on a commercial airliner? The Company ensured that he could continue with them in his chosen career.I don't think that any of the above didn't understand that there would be pay-back required in return and if the stakes were high, the Company would have no hesitation in dropping them to save their own skins, but these guys were in desperate situations and in no position to say no. By the same token I suspect that all three kept their own 'insurance' to try to avoid being taken-out. Look at Seal - even had VP Poppy Bush's private ex-directory phone number on him at the point of death. He thought that he had enough to keep himself safe, but the Company was not going to stop at anything to make sure that GHWB made it to the oval office. The Seal hit was no opportunist act - it was carefully planned, but they also knew that it was a risk, but a risk worth taking. How many members of the public know the Barry Seal story? or his links with Poppy? If only Seal knew more about how the Company had the media too! laugh like a mockingbird!! - they surely did!

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:48 pm
by Dealey Joe
Great thought.II would like to add that there is a human psychological side too.When you look at yourself, you know that when you get into a car and take a tripyou could be involved in a serious even fatal accident, you go anyway.When you go swimming you might get into trouble and drown.When you go to a store or community event there is a possibility of someone going crazy and shooting or blowing everything away.You do these things anyway saying It won't be me.I think these people are much the same, They live in a little different world.don't bother them to go to Jail, they dance to a different tune, live on a different level.I would say there are not many of these folk on our forum.They don't think the way we do.I suppose it is like an addiction of sorts.

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:52 pm
by Jsnow915
agreed Joe...I would even say there would be a level of arrogance added to that...they're led to believe that they're above the law(kinda like a TSA agent) but in reality,they are getting played and they dont even know it.

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:24 pm
by Mark68
Good responses. I just don't understand why mess w/ an org. whose entire history since the OSS is when someone becomes a liability - kill them. If you being allowed to fly in enough drugs that if caught would insure a lifetime behind bars (Seal, example) wouldn't it occur to any rational human being "these people will kill me". Seal did make it a point to keep a huge amount of damning evidence in the trunk of his caddy which coincidentally was stolen by the feds and 3 months later AFTER his assasination the Seal family dog was decapitated and left in they're backyard pool. I talked to Barry Seal's brother a few wks ago and he told me "what they (the feds I assume) did to Barry is a sore spot" & I didn't push the issue as he is up years and it was the guy's freakin brother who was used and killed by GW Bush. Barry was, as was Ferrie, getting ready spill the beans and burn "the boys" just before he was killed.

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:33 pm
by kenmurray
Mark68 wrote:Good responses. I just don't understand why mess w/ an org. whose entire history since the OSS is when someone becomes a liability - kill them. If you being allowed to fly in enough drugs that if caught would insure a lifetime behind bars (Seal, example) wouldn't it occur to any rational human being "these people will kill me". Seal did make it a point to keep a huge amount of damning evidence in the trunk of his caddy which coincidentally was stolen by the feds and 3 months later AFTER his assasination the Seal family dog was decapitated and left in they're backyard pool. I talked to Barry Seal's brother a few wks ago and he told me "what they (the feds I assume) did to Barry is a sore spot" & I didn't push the issue as he is up years and it was the guy's freakin brother who was used and killed by GW Bush. Barry was, as was Ferrie, getting ready spill the beans and burn "the boys" just before he was killed.Mark, Barry Seal had Poppy Bush's phone number in the trunk of his car when his body was discovered.

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:14 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:08 am
by Dealey Joe
People do crazy unimaginable things.Some jump off 1000ft. bridges tied onto a rubber band

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:18 am
by Alex Hidell
I think Dealey Joe is right on the money.Ask yourself why anyone would get involved with the Mob. Same risk/reward issues. Same downside risk.Just like riding in an airplane. Nobody thinks it will happen to them

Re: Some never learn

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:01 pm
by JDThomas
Please check this out: ... relatedOur recurring aquaintance, David Atlee Phillips and others talk about the type of guys that were employed as contract agents. This is part 12 of a documentary - check-out the rest if you have time