Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

JFK Assassination
Alex Hidell
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Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Alex Hidell »

Just did some quick math on the speed of the motorcade.Assuming Z film ran at 16 frames per secondFirst shot (missed hit pavement behind limo) at frame 153Head shot at 313.160 frames between first shot and head shot160 frames = 10 seconds between first shot and head shotDistance in Dealey Plaza between frame 153 and frame 313 = 80 feet.Limo traveled 80 feet in 10 seconds assuming constant rate of speed.Limo traveled 480 feet in 1 minuteLimo traveled 28,800 feet in one hourEQUALS (drum roll pls) 5.45 miles per hour.The d*mn limo was only going 5 miles per hour in the killing zone!Secret Service has strict regulations= presidential motorcade NEVER goes below 40 miles per hour!!Do you think Greer (the limo dirver) was in on it????? Duh????????????
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Davyjones »

Alex its possible that Greer was just a bit thick and took panic at the events behind him and..lost it. Thats what I suspect.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Alex Hidell »

Never say never because anything is possible.But if you look at footage of the motorcade moving thru Dallas towards Dealay Plaza earlier in the day it was running at a fairly good clip. Probably 30-35 mph.If I'm driving thru a neigherhood and I hear gunshots, my instinct is to stomp on the gas and get gone ASAP NOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT to slow down to a crawl.Again, just my natural instincts kicking in here, Greer may be wired differently than I am.Remember, the car in front of JFK, the scout car carrying police chief Curry, was long gone because they kept up speed. In fact, it is hard to even see the scout car in Z's film because they have long since left the scene.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen I have a problem or two.One, would Greer ride down the street knowing the limo was going to be filled with bullets flying?hard for me to believe.To me Greer done exactly what he should. Since the SS was not on board the limo he slowed so Hill could get abouard then accelerated as noted by the fact that Hill had a hard time getting on board to protect Jackie.AJH have you ever tried to walk for 10 miles at 5 MPH?How could the motorcade do 30-40 MPH thru all those people?I just look at things from the practicval viewpoint I guess.I really don't think Greer or Kelerman had a clue.
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Bob »

I'll say this again...PLEASE get Doug Horne's book. Start with volume 4...as it talks about what really happened with the Zapruder film. Secondly, it talks about how complicit Greer and Kellerman were at Bethesda. They ran the dog and pony show there folks. The Secret Service was DEFINITELY involved in the assassination. There is NO doubt in my mind. Those of you that have doubts about this need to get Horne's book.
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by kenmurray »

Like Bob said the secret service was definitley involved. Some were out drinking at The Cellar the night before. The basic protection for a President in a motorcade were throughly stripped. Making that sharp U-turn to slow the motorcade to a mere 11mph, allowing open windows during the motorcade, etc. etc. Yeah I think the SS was involved in the plot.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Alex Hidell »

Take a look at my math again- Motorcade was going 5 MPH NOOOOTTTTTTTTT 11 MPH.
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by kenmurray »

Alex Hidell wrote:Take a look at my math again- Motorcade was going 5 MPH NOOOOTTTTTTTTT 11 MPH.Hello Mr Hidell, when the motorcade first made that U-turn it slowed to around 11mph.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by Alex Hidell »

Incorrect.Upon reveiwing survey platt of Dealey Plaza, I found the limo traveled approx 80 feet between Z frame 153 and Z frame 313.Do the math.Exact speed is 5.4 MPH.Not sure where you are getting 11 MPH but is it incorrect, sorry.
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Re: Speed of Motorcade/5 miles per Hour!!!

Post by kenmurray »

A funeral escort travels more than 5 MPH! LOL.http://www.voxfux.com/kennedy/farewell/ ... l18.htmlSo your saying that Greer had the Limo going at 5mph right when he made that sharp U=turn into Elm st? It slowed down for the fatal head shot!