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Re: Worst Books on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:46 am
by katisha
Robert, why don't you like "Jack Ruby by Garry Willis and Ovid Demaris"? I read that recently and found it very interesting. I also think the Aynesworth and Huffaker books might have some good background material, since they were both there in Dallas that weekend - regardless of their views re conspiracy or otherwise.

Re: Worst Books on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:35 pm
by kenmurray
Katisha, I wouldn't trust anything Aynesworth has to say. was also part aof a disinformation campaign to smear Jim Garrison.

Re: Worst Books on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:18 pm
by Tom Bigg
Thanks for that list. The rationale for why the writers presented an excuse for another book varies, from government hacks who always learned to follow their superiors, to shameless money hounds who believed that by supporting the PTB and their official version and smearing honest truth tellers--that their own careers and friends lists would increase. Some of the writers are a mystery--like Vincent Bugliosi--he must have had a lot of time on his hands and wanted to impress his readers with a fat book. I had thought he had a reputation as an honest and successful prosecutor. Even Gerry Spence, who took the conspiracy side in a mock trial, was impressed by Vincent's abilities and was unable to beat him at least in the jury's estimation.

Re: Worst Books on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:27 pm
by Tom Bigg
Another idea for a thread: "The stupidest assassination theories".

Re: Worst Books on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:13 am
by katisha
Robert Morrow wrote:Actually, Katisha you can learn a lot from the lone nutter books and even the Lamar Waldron books if you read with a critical mind.Dale Meyer's "With Malice" has photos, maps, pictures that you can learn from even if his theories are bogus.The key is to read EVERYTHING with a critical mind.Thanks for the advice, Robert. You've read all the books on your list, then?

Re: Worst Books on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:37 pm
by Brian White
The stupidest book on the assassination,without doubt-"My God,I'm Hit",Brian Andersen-(it was all a fake,that was just a movie squib on JFK's head).