Oswald and his revolver

JFK Assassination
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Oswald and his revolver

Post by SLogan »

One thing (of many) that I've often thought about was the revolver that Oswald was "supposed" to have shot Tippet with . When exactly was he "supposed " to have picked it up that day . Did he bring it with him to work that morning? You get up and take a wrapped package containing a rifle that you are planning to leave behind to be found so it can be directly linked back to you after you assassinate the President of the United States . You then know that after you pull this off you need to haul arse and get out of that building so you don't get caught even though you left behind a rifle that can be linked back to you . Wouldn't you bring a gun with you in case you need it to escape . No? Ok so you plan on picking it up after you go all the way back to your room to get a new change of clothes and a gun and "one" of your wallets with an ID in it that will directly link the rifle you ordered almost a year ago that you left behind in the TSBD that can be linked back to you .........Let me ask this . When do you think Oswald realized that he was the patsy ?What made him now think he should go home and get his revolver instead of bringing it to work with him in the first place.Your thoughts are welcome.....Has anybody seen a picture of the 2011 Boston Red Sox on their milk cartons?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

SLogan wrote:One thing (of many) that I've often thought about was the revolver that Oswald was "supposed" to have shot Tippet with . When exactly was he "supposed " to have picked it up that day . Did he bring it with him to work that morning? You get up and take a wrapped package containing a rifle that you are planning to leave behind to be found so it can be directly linked back to you after you assassinate the President of the United States . You then know that after you pull this off you need to haul arse and get out of that building so you don't get caught even though you left behind a rifle that can be linked back to you . Wouldn't you bring a gun with you in case you need it to escape . No? Ok so you plan on picking it up after you go all the way back to your room to get a new change of clothes and a gun and "one" of your wallets with an ID in it that will directly link the rifle you ordered almost a year ago that you left behind in the TSBD that can be linked back to you .........Let me ask this . When do you think Oswald realized that he was the patsy ?What made him now think he should go home and get his revolver instead of bringing it to work with him in the first place.Your thoughts are welcome.....Has anybody seen a picture of the 2011 Boston Red Sox on their milk cartons? My impression is that he probably knew something was wrong when the assassination actually happened. Assuming that Oswald was the person who sent that warning to the FBI, I would think that he started to figure that something was wrong when it happened.That's not addressing your question. From the way it appears to me, he probably had his first idea that he was being set up after he was arrested and news reporters started asking him in the hallway if he shot the President. In my opinion, he probably knew for sure when he was shown the doctored picture of him in the backyard. I feel very bad for Oswald. He was a young Marine who, it seems, tried to stop the assassination.
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by Kirk »

Slogan,That is a question that has always bothered me, and if anything points to Oswald not shooting anybody. If you were crazy or mean enough to want to kill somebody, you want to bring all of your weapons and plenty of ammunition. Going to get a gun afterwards doesn't make sense. If we he wanted to go down in history, he would have to know the chances of getting away were slim at best.Based on Roger Craig, I believe he got away in a Rambler, which means somebody knew to pick him up. Why they would drive to his rooming house afterwards is still a question that makes no sense. KirkI have been wondering if Oswald could be convicted of any crime in court today?
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by JDB4JFK »

Look at the backyard photos of the revolver Oswald is supposedly carrying. Its a longer barrel then the one he supposedly had when he was arrested in the theater. Thats flaw number one regarding the revolver. And yes i agree with you, if you were going to kill someone, or even had the courage to do so, then you would have an escape plan with a gun in case someone tries to stop you. Why he went back to his rooming house, and then to the theater is a mystery to all. I dont think he knew he was the patsy until they came in to arrest him in the theater, then he knew.As far as, Oswald being convicted of any crime in court today, no way! First of all any judge in the USA that spent 5 minutes looking at this case would have to throw it out of court, because Oswald was never given due process of the law! Hell they probably didn't even read him his rights. They definitely deny him his right to a lawyer, they interviewed him without his lawyer present, they took no notes, and last but not lease, both Will Fritz and Henry Wade are telling the press and millions of people watching T.V. that Oswald is the killer of the President without one single shread of evidence. No finger prints on the gun, Oswald passed a parrifin test, and they never interviewed one witness that links Oswald to the crime, and they tell America "it's a cinch, he's the murderer"?ON NOVEMBER 22ND, 1963 AND THE WEEKEND THAT FOLLOWED, AMERICA WAS NO LONGER THE AMERICA THAT WE WERE TAUGHT AS KIDS.WE BECAME THE UN-UNITED FASCIST STATES OF AMERICA! HEADED BY THE CFR AND THEIR GESTAPO POLICE, THE CIA!
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by Davyjones »

NO WAY would Oswald would have been convicted on the evidence as I see it. He simply did not do it. Despite members like Dealey Joe being down in the dumps about the current researchers lack of unity,dont give in! WE MUST CONTINUE TO QUESTION the WCs opinion. It is my opinion that one day we will be vindicated and justice will be done.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by Alex Hidell »

The minute the SS broke Texas law by removing the body of JFK and destroying the chain of custody for the evidence, there wasn't much they could have done to Oswald in a court of law. They also had the unfortunate circumstance of NO ONE ON EARTH witnessing Oswald in that window pulling the trigger. In fact, the only eye witness reports had Oswald in the cafetaria at 12:15, 12:25 and 12:31. Lots of problems for the prosecution on this one.On the other hand, Oswald was somehow involved in all of this. How, we will never know.To be sure, it was the crime of the century and setting up Oswald to take the fall was a classic move by whomever- Mob, FBI, CIA, LBJ? We'll probably never know.One thing is for sure- Oswald didn't do what the Warren Commison said he did.I always believed and still do, that Oswald was somehow involved, at a low level. Maybe his job was to set up the sniper's nest. Maybe let guys in the building that morning that didn't belong there.One comment always concerned me by Roy Truly, Bldg Mgr, he said "outside contracters" were on the 6th floor that day refinishing the floor. How convenient, outside guys in the TSBD the day of the murder and working on the 6th floor. How very convenient:)
Phil Dragoo
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Knockin' at heaven's door

Post by Phil Dragoo »

http://www.ctka.net/2011/wiki_pt2_addendum.htmlFor the issue of how and if this .38 Smith and Wesson revolver got to Oswald’s post office box is fraught with problems.Thus begins Jim DiEugenio's education of Fernandez aka Gamaliel on the subject of the alleged Tippit murder weapon.I find it impossible that Lee Oswald did as the fairy tale insists, returned to his rooming house to retrieve the pistol secreted there—in a tiny room under the constant microscopic nosey-ness of the busybody landlady.Let alone the impossibility of the ballistic evidence—automatic shells? From a revolver?We have the Dallas police's word for it that Lee was armed at the theater—have we not heard too much of such officers and their “throw-down guns”?As for the backyard photos—bull.They were forged using Lee's head on someone else's chin—a big square jaw.Someone else's body—Lee never wore a watch, didn't have a deformed wrist, didn't own the black clothes—there are fifteen anomalies in the White-Marrs-Fetzer refutation of Hani Farid the FBI shill.Lee was demonized post mortem: the camera was not as Marina said, equipped with a look-through viewfinder—it was a look-down viewfinder.It was silver, not black.There was not one photo, but four—at least—plus one with the figure and weapons cut out with a knife—nothing suspicious there.The camera was not found—until helpful Robert gave it to helpful Ruth—now that's rich:We have Marina the daughter of the Soviet spook following the orders of U.S. spooks to rat out a photo shoot with eevil Lee Oswald slayer of fascists.We have George de Mohrenschildt the CIA asset claiming he had a photo.We have Robert (who Judyth says was banging Marina) helpfully “finding” the camera to give to Ruth—who was CIA-linked, and whose husband was Bell Helicopter-linked.No reputable identification of Lee as Tippit's killer.I'm reading Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission failed America and why.It was nothing but Hoover the queen and Johnson the worm conniving with Dulles the snake and Ford the skunk to foist the story that was hatched on day one by Rostow, Katzenbach, Moyers, and sold to Johnson and Hoover in seventy-two hours, to be resold to whom it may concern on a national security basis.How bout that Ted Dealey in 1961 telling the president people in Texas thought he was riding Caroline's tricycle.And the fired CIA Cabell's brother was mayor of Dallas—seen those b & w films of him smoking nervously and repeating the same lies.To ask why Lee picked up his revolver is to ask the wrong question.Gil Jesus showed he never owned the rifle; Dallas police proved he didn't fire a rifle that day.Walker knew the bullet wasn't from a Carcano.JFK. Tippit. Walker.Lee Oswald not guilty on all counts.Not a scintilla of the “evidence” would have been allowed at trial.Hence: Oswald Must Die, Jack.http://www.metacafe.com/watch/sy-187835 ... sic_video/
John Zeroski
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by John Zeroski »

Oswald, in his Friday night and Saturday interrogations, claims he didn't own a rifle or a revolver. Why would he lie? He thought he would going to trial eventually.The woman at his rooming house claims to have seen a holster, or something like that. Did this holster ever turn up anywhere? How soon after making her Oswald statements did she die?Is there any good reason to believe the Dallas PD and their reconstruction of the movie theater events? Quite possibly the kinds of people who would be sitting in this movie theater at one o'clock on a Friday afternoon would be the kind of people who could be easily intimidated into silence.In brief, there really isn't any good reason to believe LHO ever owned a gun.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by Dealey Joe »

On November 22 I talked to this retired DPD cop at Dealey Plaza.He said he was the one that put the handcuffs on LHO in the Theater.I asked him about the gun and he confirmed the altercation and the fact that LHOactually had a gun.He was real talkative until I told him I had known several cops and they always had a throw down pistol. He became a bit shaken and didn't want to talk to me more.I don't remember his name.I also sincerely doubt LHO owned a gun.How many people would even be in the Theater at noon on Friday?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Oswald and his revolver

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:On November 22 I talked to this retired DPD cop at Dealey Plaza.He said he was the one that put the handcuffs on LHO in the Theater.I asked him about the gun and he confirmed the altercation and the fact that LHOactually had a gun.He was real talkative until I told him I had known several cops and they always had a throw down pistol. He became a bit shaken and didn't want to talk to me more.I don't remember his name.I also sincerely doubt LHO owned a gun.How many people would even be in the Theater at noon on Friday?Dealey Joe,Why doesn't that supposed former cop's reaction surprise me? LOLDo you know who is the man with his back to the camera talking to him in the picture?