Where are we?

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have been checking some of the other forums to see what is going on in the research world.I am very disappointed in the so called research which is actually a venue for hatchet men to assassinate any thing or any body that they want to destroy.I understand there needs be opposition in order to see a good picture of events but I do not see this happening on other forums.Disagreements are fine as long as we are truly seeking a valid answer to a subject.I have been very disturbed by the recent and on going attacks on Judyth Vary Baker and her new book Me & Lee.James Files is also constantly under attack and put downby any means they can come up with.I miss the old days here when we had a number of good researchers and an active family style forum.We need to attempt to get back on track and I know things change for people and their life styles change causing them to do different things.One of the great things about this forum has been its general and needed support of JVB, LHO, JEF and others.Wim has done a tremendous job of compiling evidence that is plainly ignored elsewhere and I will always respect and support him for doing this.There has been a tremendous argument lately about the Zapruder film, I have no way of proving or disproving these things and It upsets me to see what we think is real to be attacked and destroyed. It may be phony but I can't see why it would be necessary to do this.Did the Limo stop? I don't know. I have talked to and heard three eyewitnesses say they did not know if it did stop.The shock of a thing like this causes our minds to go haywire. James Files says it slowed and MAY have stopped but he can't recall it for sure.I guess Wim, Robert Groden and I are the only hold outs left who think there is no valid reason to assume there have been serious changes to the Z Film.Anyway I miss some of our old friends here, Andries, Christoph, Bruce, and several others. I hope we can get things moving again soon.This is not to take away from the fine members who have and are holding down the fortI appreciate the high quality of subject matter and the high quality of our members maintained on this forum.Also I as a moderator will attempt to keep topics on course of subject matter. It is easy for posts to get off topic and we need to be aware of this. If you have something different, start a new topic. I am as guilty of this as anyone else.Some of our members have been appearing on popular conspiracy talk shows and I want to congratulate their progress and expertise.click on this link to purchase http://www.lee-harvey-oswald.com/meandl ... htmlJudyth appreciates and needs your support.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Alex Hidell »

Actually most eye witness accounts say the limo slowed and came to a stop or near stop. Limo's brake lights can be seen flashing on in the Z film and the driver turns completely around to watch JFK's head explode. Pretty solid evidence that it slowed to a near stop just in time for JFK to get shot in the head.Excatly the opposite of the behavior one would expect from a SS agent driving a presidential limo.Z film may have been doctored to make JFK's head injury look different than it was- the big red blob effect- but the key thing the Z film establishes is the timing of the event and the timing of the shots, which clearly shows more than 3 shots. If the Z film only showed the world there were more than 3 shots, which it clearly does, then it is the Rosetta Stone of the JFK murder.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

AH it is hard for me to believe that anyone would be in the vehicle knowing that it was going to be full of flyin lead. Sure wouldn't catch me in there.
R Croxford
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Re: Where are we?

Post by R Croxford »

Full of flying lead. Sniper dont spray they hit what they aim at. The limo slowed down. I took every frame from the z film and messed with the speed (fps) the limo damn near stopped. Just my opinion.Peace
Dealey Joe
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

R Croxford wrote:Full of flying lead. Sniper dont spray they hit what they aim at. The limo slowed down. I took every frame from the z film and messed with the speed (fps) the limo damn near stopped. Just my opinion.PeaceJimmy FIles said the limo slowed drasticallyHow can we explain the cracked windshield, Connely hit, bulet dammage to the header.I think we can safely say lead was flying around in the limo?I believe Files was the only real professional head shooter thereNicoletti knew his men and he knew Files could do the job.I also think Nicoletti had planned all along for Files to be the shooter.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

What we know is... Jfk, MLK, RFK, were all removed without fear that the perpetrators would be found out.We are still trying to figure out how it happened and who did it.Where do you think we should go from here?Are we on the right track?
Tom Bigg
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Tom Bigg »

Thanks for the site and the opportunity for me to ask a few questions. The truth always gets out no matter how painful with conspiracies but because the stakes are so high--reputation, finances, legal, etc., it can take a great long while for people to accept bitter truth. If we had had the free internet back in 1963, this conspiracy would have unravelled quickly and the criminals would likely have been brought to justice. I have cited this site elsewhere, so hopefully some new smart and possibly credentialed people will spread the truth.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I think they are now trying ti figure out how to control the internet.Possible the only free market left in the world.
Posts: 43
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Davyjones »

What we know is... Jfk, MLK, RFK, were all removed without fear that the perpetrators would be found out.We are still trying to figure out how it happened and who did it.Where do you think we should go from here?Are we on the right track?Dealey Joe Posts: 2103Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:45 amLocation: Durant, OKI suggest ALL the shooters and connections are dead as dodos with the exception of J Files.So WHY NOT HIM? One explanation is that he was never considered as being active in the shootings until his confession, which is relatively recent. If he was the Grassy Knoll shooter then you would have thought it would have been soon known by the dark side and he would be killed. So I again suggest he could have been there in a minor role,say driver and learned what happened on the drive away from the scene. No one,from the LN side was aware he was there!! Why do I think this is possible? There are witness statements that two men where seen behind the picket fence and I find this persuasive. J Files says he was alone and mentions no close back up,this makes me unsure of his position at the moment of shooting. I hope I am wrong and am happy to blown away by the members.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Davy I think it is pretty evident that they weren't worried much about Files, Young and wild,Very few believe his story today, what is to fear?