What does the Files story need?

JFK Assassination
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What does the Files story need?

Post by dankbaar »

What is needed for the James Files story to be believed? Conclusive evidence is still lacking, although Files claims it is available in the form of Nicoletti's notebook that he buried somewhere. Do you think we will ever see it? Or if other evidence will surface in the future?WIm
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Further information, like the notebook, may certainly surface. The problem with certain people not believing the information seems to be either a mental block on the part of some people or an intentional denial of the credibility of the Files information for some other agenda.What is needed is continuous, rational presentation and sharing of the information.I just shared this information with a friend of mine who is a Vietnam veteran. He completely thought it was very credible information, and he's not prone to believe in "conspiracy theories" either.We just need to keep pushing the information.
Phil Dragoo
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Files on JFK

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I was just on a forum where a poster told another curious about Files that Files “has no credibility whatsoever.”In another forum is a thread “James Files—Busted.”A number of factors: some consider themselves experts and don't want their rice bowl upset; others are disruptors and debunkers by design; still others perceive an ad hoc last-minute casualness to Files' inclusion which is a bridge too far.From interviews and the book, from additional material provided here, the outline is clear: Sutton went to Laos, was returned under a cloud of a double-murder, was picked up by Nicoletti and at some point Phillips.The double-service to the outfit and the agency is typical of covert operations. Files was an accomplished shooter, an established killer, had an armorer who provided a state of the art weapon and mercury loads.The mercury accounts for the arc of thirty to forty metal fragments in the lateral skull x-ray; Horne presents several Bethesda witnesses to the temple inshoot.There are additional difficulties in the inclusion of Roselli considered a boss rather than a mechanic, while Nicoletti was an acknowledged professional killer.Additional depth to Files' association with Phillips and/or other agency control would be useful.It wasn't the Marine veteran Who Wasn't There with the Italian weapon he never owned.Neither was it E. Howard Hunt's French Connection on the Grassy Knoll.Consider that De Mohrenschildt's wife Jeanne was partnered with Zapruder whose Jennifer Juniors was in the Dal-Tex Building the day JFK was shot from that building by Nicoletti who was murdered the same day as George De Mohrenschildt, March 29, 1977.Jimmy never sought the publicity; it was foisted on him by the same FBI which tried to obfuscate the ballistic evidence in the killing of Sammy Weaver, Randy Weaver's son, by sniper Lon Horiuchi.The same FBI that burned O'Neill in the Trade Center and stonewalled Colleen Rowley's warnings.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Dealey Joe »

This is a tough but important question.I don't personally think it is a problem of not enough evidence, it is a matter of presentation.Trying to convince researchers on forums is a fruitless and repugnant effort.all researchers want to do is to prove to someone else they have more and better information.So this is not the place to promote anything and if everyone of them believed it would make no difference.There are many Americans and foreign who are looking for the truth and the presentation of believable information is crucial.The work has already been done. We already have all the tools. "The Grassy Knoll" with "Spooks " and "Files on JFK." to back it up.Actually it is a question of publicity. making the presentation to the public.How, is the question. Right now the 6th floor is doing a bang up business with hundreds of visitors a day.They get all kinds of publicity and advantage.They don't even bother giving it away, if you want it you pay for it.What can you do to combat them? Is it enough to present it to a few thousand.Actually a great number of visitors there are from foreign countries.Could you get someone to make a fiction movie that would sell? probably not.I think bottom line you have to go to the public.I still think the Texas Theater might be an option especially in 2013.How do you recover the costs of doing things?I can see the need for a foundation to finance and push a program?I thought I could sell DVD's at Dealey but that don't work.I think the place to start is with mass emailing. possibly the least expensive way to get to the most people.I get a flock of emails selling something every day, if it didn't work they would not be doing it.you could do a great advertising campaign with this, very doable to my thinking.There are surely some mass marketing people around somewhere??
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by dankbaar »

I just received this email. Very strongly worded.WimFrom: Filiberto Urias Sent: zaterdag 28 mei 2011 0:55To: Wim DankbaarSubject: Please make a movie!Dear Wim:I have gone through all of the material you sent me as well as most of the info on your website, and I believe your meticulous organization and documentation far surpass the "beyond a reasonable doubt" level of guilt used in courts for the rest of us. I believe your work will be recorded as one of the most important in history!However, due to media censorship, I believe it is extremely important to find another way to efficiently reveal these truths to the American people. Napolean Bonaparte is reported to have said, "It is not necessary to censor the news. It is sufficient to delay it until it no longer matters." I hope we have not already reached the point where the absolute coup of the American presidency "no longer matters." The point that I have not seen made or emphasized is that the most critical issue of our time is NOT whether a US president was overthrown and a puppet installed in his place back in the 1960's. The point is that if this occurred (as all the evidence indicates that it did), then this control over all subsequent puppets allowed to reach the US presidency CONTINUES TO THIS DAY! And this actually explains a lot of things. For your own information, the specific details of precisely how ALL US presidents as well as those of many other countries continue to be controlled as well as how they receive their orders from a secret "elite" is documented by survivors of mind control in books such as, "TRANCE Formation of America," "A Nation Betrayed," and "Thanks For the Memories." Another main point that needs to be emphasized is whether agents of government, media, and other interests attempting to debunk conspiracy "theories" - which end up being proven to be conspiracy "facts," such as the US government's assassination of JFK - should be identified and discredited. Doing so would allow the real investigations of other suspected government assassinations, drug traffikking, false flag operations, and other criminal actions to surface? Some of the most famous examples include RFK, MLK, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, JFK Jr., OKC Bombing, Flight 800, Paul Wellstone, the USS Liberty, 911, etc., but there are a lot more! We will never be free until we can convince perpetrators within our government that they will be held accountable for their crimes!One of the things that most struck me as I was going through your material is that this would make one hell of a great movie!! I know that the same idea must have already occurred to you and many others. I also believe that you have already done much more than can be expected from a single individual. Therefore, I am merely adding my voice to the chorus of others in the wish that this idea of making a movie begins to grow in someone with the means and the opportunity to make this a reality.It is unfortunate that movies are about the only thing people still pay attention to, which makes this the most effective way of educating the public about this, as opposed to through a documentary. One way to do this would be through a work of fiction with a general title such as, "The Last Day of Democracy." It could mainly follow the life of James Files including how it crossed paths with mafia bosses and his CIA handler. Cinematic techniques could be used similar to that used in "Schindler's List," in which the black-and-white movie shows the progression of a typical unknown victim through a concentration camp by highlighting her dress by having it be the only one in color. Similarly, rather than simply specifying at the beginning of the movie, "This movie is based on actual events," it could be added that, "Actual, provable events are specified in color. Additional information on these events is provided in the 'Extras' section of this DVD." The assassination portion of the movie could be filmed in Dealey Plaza, and it could follow through to the coverup, some of the related assassinations, and Files' eventual confession. I have no doubt that this will eventually be done. However, it is my sincere wish that this will be done while it still matters - and while the possibility still exists of obtaining cooperation from Files himself.Wishing you the very best,- Phil Urias
Alex Hidell
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Alex Hidell »

The 3 things that cause me greatest concern in Files' story-Several eye witnesses said they saw two men standing together behind the picket fence. One was a bit older and slightly heavy set and the other was younger and had on a plaid shirt. Nowhere does Files mention standing next to a second guy/accomplice.The vast majority of eye witnesses said they heard 2 shots come from the grassy knoll area but Files says he only took one shot. Who took the other shot?Files says he saw the bullet hit JFK in the temple via his scope but with the flame and gunsmoke coming from the X-100 it would be vritually impossible to track the shot and see the hit via the scope. One would need to take one's eye off the scope and look for the hit with both eyes outside the scope. That would be my natural reaction when firing thru a scope.These issues give me serious pause when considering Files' story.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by SLogan »

Alex,Has it ever crossed your mind that Mr. Sutton/Files knows more than he divulged ? I do recall him stating that he would never and has never given anybody up . Could be he knew exactly who was behind the fence . I think the major problem with Files is that the door is locked shut . Who's holding the key to the lock is the big question . Unfortunately the "next big thing" coming out is the HBO/Hanks fairytale .PS Go Bruins !
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by dankbaar »

Who is Alex Hidell? Do I have your real name? Files updated that part recently. He says Lansdale came to check on him minutes before the shooting and went his way before the shooting. He claims he didn't include that part because he did not know Lansdale was dead. He learned that from me through Brychek, who also didn't know. The thesis that you cannot see your hit through a scope is BS, verified to me by many game shooters. Wim
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Davyjones »

Nicolettis diary is a key item for me.Its a document that contains the vital reference to the JFK killing.If it was produced a landslide of positive feeling from doubters would occur.Why J Files never let it be shown is a bit strange and I suspect it will never been seen by the public.I think its the MAIN reason Mr Files story is stalled.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Bob »

I believe that I have convinced a number of people via FB that the James Files story is true. There will always be disbelievers...no matter WHAT you tell them...no matter how many facts you give them. Unfortunately there are also skeptics in the JFK assassination research community as well. But even in my debates with them, they concede that Files knows a lot of pertinent information. Two of the biggest names in the JFK assassination research community...Jim Marrs and Robert Groden...both give credence to the story Files has told. Anyway, I've been able to convince a few people (at least) in FB about the validity of Files. I'm sure there is more to be told as well (from the standpoint of Jimmy). Bottom line, a number of us have used other avenues to try and educate people about Jimmy Files. It's not easy sometimes, but I'm willing to make that effort as long as the recipients appear open minded.