Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

JFK Assassination
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Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Shane »

I got to thinking following the discussion regarding new members visiting the website and the forum. Maybe a few starter kits are necessary. Not only to encourage others to follow the cause, but also to provide a synopsis of sorts. Below I have put together a list of facts that show evidence of conspiracy. My list is a beginner’s model and does not have any complicated theories a more seasoned researcher would know. I would appreciate any corrections/clarifications/or additions you feel willing to add. I want this to be an accurate tool for any new, or veteran, researcher. Wim, perhaps with additional information from the forum to improve this below information, you may find this useful to add to the website for anyone new that may visit. 1) Witnesses state they saw men with rifles climbing the incline of the grassy knoll 15 minutes prior to Kennedy’s arrival. Witnesses state seeing two men in the sixth floor depository window before and during the assassination.2) There was a change in the original scheduled route in Dallas that was supposed to go straight down Main Street. The new route, announced two weeks prior to Kennedy’s visit to Dallas, includes the turn on to Houston and Elm (Oswald began his job at the Book Depository a month prior to Kennedy’s planned visit). The changed route brought the motorcade right to Oswald and the Book Depository.3) Someone had told the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston to "stand down" that day, over the protests of the unit Commander, a Colonel Reich. The 112th would have provided extra security for Kennedy. Also, the Dallas sheriff’s office was told not to participate in protection.3) The 180-degree turn on Houston (the new addition to the route) was absolutely forbidden and should have never been sanctioned by Secret Service.4) The Zapruder film, withheld for over 10 years, shows Kennedy driven back against his seat, his head going back and to the left. The motion of Kennedy’s head indicates a shot from his right-front, which is where half the witnesses of Dealy Plaza stated they heard/saw a shooter.5) To further support a frontal shot, key witness Jackie Kennedy said she was reaching on to the trunk of the limousine to retrieve a piece of her husband’s skull. Secret Service agent Clint Hill confirms this. (It should be noted, Hill was not originally assigned to the Dallas motorcade. He was a last-minute addition at the request of Jackie Kennedy and was the only agent seen reacting to the shots). 5) Witnesses, including a senator, a governor, law enforcement officials, and half of the interviewed people in Dealy Plaza Nov. 22nd claim a shot came from behind the stockade fence on the Grassy Knoll.6) The weapon found in the sixth floor depository by Dallas police was a Mauzer 7.67. The three shells found lined up perfectly facing the window did not match the Mauzer rifle. Later, live reports aired across television stated the rifle was in fact a Carcano rifle, perhaps the worst rifle ever made, and which just happened to be mailed to a post office box listed under Oswald’s alias, Alex Hidell.7) Three men (known as the Three Tramps) were removed at gunpoint from a boxcar following the shooting. The boxcar was on the train tracks behind the stockade fence and grassy knoll. There is no record of arrest and the men were not detained. Yet, on a tip from an unidentified caller, practically the entire Dallas police force converged on the movie theatre where Lee Harvey Oswald was found. Recently released documents and CIA agent statements show Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent before and after his trip to Russia. Also, documents and FBI agents confirm Oswald became an FBI informant after his return from Russia. 9) Nearly two weeks following the assassination, the FBI released their report – Oswald took three shots, the first hit Kennedy, the second Connally, the third was the fatal shot to Kennedy. Unfortunately for the Warren Commission, who relied on the FBI’s investigation and evidence, a man named James Tague came forward and said he was hit by a ricocheted bullet, or a fragment of pavement from a bullet that hit the pavement in front of the limousine. This meant one bullet in the FBI theory was in fact a missed shot. So they had to come up with the “Single Bullet theory”, meaning only two bullets accounted for the seven identified wounds on both Kennedy and Connally.10) In October of 1963 JFK signed a memorandum stating the intentions of withdrawing from Vietnam. Four days (Nov. 26th) following the assassination, our new president Lyndon B. Johnson signed a memorandum committing us to Vietnam.11) The House Select Committee on Assassinations, based primarily on recorded audio from a police radio, concluded, "scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy." It added that "on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.” There has been no further investigation into these findings by our government.12) Taped confessions from Chauncey Holt, one of the "Three Tramps" and from James Files, who stated he was the man who took the shot on the Grassy Knoll. Neither the national media or the the government has looked into these confessions.13) Many members of the Warren Commission and the Assassination Committee have gone on record stating they do not support their groups findings, and that the committees were held back from doing a proper investigation.13) Evidence of a coup d’etat can typically be found in the men who followed Kennedy in power.1) Lydon B. Johnson: - Put together the Warren Commission, which effectively curtailed any private or other governmental investigation into the assassination. - Assigned Allen Dulles to the committee. Dulles was the former head of the CIA, and was also fired by Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs- Johnson signed the memorandum to go into Vietnam four days after the assassination2) Richard Nixon- As Vice President under Eisenhower, Nixon worked with the CIA on the Bay of Pigs.- Nixon was in Dallas the day of the assassination, as reported by media. - Nixon was involved in the Watergate scandal. He resigned after the scandal to avoid being impeached. He refused to give up secretly recorded conversations in the White House. Nixon refused because he said the tapes could, “open up the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco.”3) Gerald Ford- Took over the office of President of the United States following Nixon’s resignation, and Vice President Rockefeller’s - Controversially pardoned Nixon. - Admitted in his biography that he adjusted the autopsy report to aid the “Magic Bullet Theory.”4) George Bush- According to released FBI reports, George Bush visited J. Edgar Hoover to let the FBI director know Bush would be in Dallas on Nov. 22nd. Hoover also wrote a report stating Bush visited him the day after the assassination.- Bush denied to the public in his campaign for the presidency that he had ever been involved with the CIA prior to becoming director in 1976. Aside from Hoover’s notes, evidence points to Bush’s involvement in the CIA as early as 1954.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

Few additions-Every medical professional who examined JFK's throat wound said it was a wound of entrance indicating shot from front."Oswald's" Mannlicher-Carcanno, when brought before the WC for testimony by FBI agent, was stated as being inoperable due to rusty, inoperable bolt action.Vast majority of eyewitnesses said last shots came all at once or as SS Agent Kellerman testified before the WC, in a "flurry", one right on top of another. Impossible feat to accomplish with a single shot, bolt action rifle.Average number of shots claimed by eyewitnesses is 5-6 with some claiming to have heard as many as 8.JFK's back wound was 6 inches below his collar and did not penetrate his chest cavity so it was not a through and through shot as determined by WC. Gerald Ford, on his deathbed, recanted and said he personally moved the location of the back wound up 6 inches to back of JFK's neck and described it as through and through wound which exited front of JFK's throat. When asked why he distorted/tampered with the evidence, Ford said it was so the evidence would line up with the WC single bullet theory.To this date, no one has ever come forward and defintively indentified Oswald as the shooter in the 6th floor window that day. Not one single eyewitness has supported that theory. The eye witnesses to Oswald's whereabouts at the time of the murder have him in the 2nd floor cafeteria between 12:15 and 12:25PM.Oswald had no gunpowder traces on his cheek as anyone who fires a bolt action rifle should exhibit.There were no Oswald fingerprints on the rifle. In fact, there were no fingerprints on the rifle of any kind. Who can fire a rifle, kill JFK and then wipe the gun down for all fingerprints in a matter of seconds????? In addition, the scope was badly mis-aligned and found to shoot high and to the right by about 6 inches when tested by FBI. Bottom Line- there is no chance the "Oswald" rifle killed JFK that day.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

Shot total is between 6-8.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Excellent presentation, Shane. You have two thirteens. Is it an omen.Alex and Jim, Robert Harris posits a couple of silenced shots from the Dal-Tex at the turn which hit the pavement which might not have shown up on the dictabelt.Add those two to the minimum of five on the dictabelt and there are seven.There was a surly deputy with a brand-new silenced rifle which may or may not match with the sabot found on the roof of either the Dal-Tex, the County Courthouse or the Records Building depending upon the account.So many threads to trace back to the furry spider at the center.Treasury runs Secret Service and its Secretary was on the cabinet plane to Honolulu leaving counsel Don Belin (related to DuPonts) as acting head, he married to Harriet sister to the Bundys William and McGeorge who was "icy" when Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Ted Sorenson saw him in the door as the Oval Office was recarpeted in "blood red."At least a double tap to the head, the back, (some say) the throat, two on the pavement, one at Tague, Connally one to three, perhaps another miss or two (South Elm manhole, North Elm sidewalk), windshield.Our friend WerBell was developing silencers for CIA and USA. Although it's common to trash the effectiveness of the available snipers, such technologies start black, witness the U-2 and later stealth aircraft.We are agreed that Oswald did not fire from the official position, in fact did not fire a rifle.There's a Mexico City dimension of conspiracy, the photo of "Oswald," the cables from Phillips or Scott or Egeter, the Lopez Report.Lee's attempt to reach John Hurt in North Carolina.The persistent evidence that Oswald was linked to Ferrie, to Ruby, to Banister. Veciana's sighting of Oswald with Phillips.Bowers saw two firing from the fence.Gil Jesus and George Michael Evica developed a convincing case that Oswald never possessed the alleged Mannlicher-Carcano. Certainly Weitzman and Craig and Boone found a Mauser. Gunny Hathcock told Craig Roberts it couldn't be done as the Warren Commission said (Kill Zone 89-90).The proofs are expanding in every direction, beyond the reach of Tom Hanks & Vincent Bugliosi in Toy Deposit Story 4: A Dog Ate My Country, voted so lame it rates five crutches.As lame as Howard Brennan, Gerald Ford's most important witness of the Twentieth Century, who didn't see any shots, yet saw Oswald standing and shooting (through glass?), and although not recorded by police as attending lineups, identified Oswald--as the man he didn't see actually shooting any shots--just there, in that window--
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by kenmurray »

Phil, you kill me with that picture of LHO and his guitar on the 6th floor.
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Bob »

Shane wrote:I got to thinking following the discussion regarding new members visiting the website and the forum. Maybe a few starter kits are necessary. Not only to encourage others to follow the cause, but also to provide a synopsis of sorts. Below I have put together a list of facts that show evidence of conspiracy. My list is a beginner’s model and does not have any complicated theories a more seasoned researcher would know. I would appreciate any corrections/clarifications/or additions you feel willing to add. I want this to be an accurate tool for any new, or veteran, researcher. Wim, perhaps with additional information from the forum to improve this below information, you may find this useful to add to the website for anyone new that may visit. 1) Witnesses state they saw men with rifles climbing the incline of the grassy knoll 15 minutes prior to Kennedy’s arrival. Witnesses state seeing two men in the sixth floor depository window before and during the assassination.2) There was a change in the original scheduled route in Dallas that was supposed to go straight down Main Street. The new route, announced two weeks prior to Kennedy’s visit to Dallas, includes the turn on to Houston and Elm (Oswald began his job at the Book Depository a month prior to Kennedy’s planned visit). The changed route brought the motorcade right to Oswald and the Book Depository.3) Someone had told the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston to "stand down" that day, over the protests of the unit Commander, a Colonel Reich. The 112th would have provided extra security for Kennedy. Also, the Dallas sheriff’s office was told not to participate in protection.3) The 180-degree turn on Houston (the new addition to the route) was absolutely forbidden and should have never been sanctioned by Secret Service.4) The Zapruder film, withheld for over 10 years, shows Kennedy driven back against his seat, his head going back and to the left. The motion of Kennedy’s head indicates a shot from his right-front, which is where half the witnesses of Dealy Plaza stated they heard/saw a shooter.5) To further support a frontal shot, key witness Jackie Kennedy said she was reaching on to the trunk of the limousine to retrieve a piece of her husband’s skull. Secret Service agent Clint Hill confirms this. (It should be noted, Hill was not originally assigned to the Dallas motorcade. He was a last-minute addition at the request of Jackie Kennedy and was the only agent seen reacting to the shots). 5) Witnesses, including a senator, a governor, law enforcement officials, and half of the interviewed people in Dealy Plaza Nov. 22nd claim a shot came from behind the stockade fence on the Grassy Knoll.6) The weapon found in the sixth floor depository by Dallas police was a Mauzer 7.67. The three shells found lined up perfectly facing the window did not match the Mauzer rifle. Later, live reports aired across television stated the rifle was in fact a Carcano rifle, perhaps the worst rifle ever made, and which just happened to be mailed to a post office box listed under Oswald’s alias, Alex Hidell.7) Three men (known as the Three Tramps) were removed at gunpoint from a boxcar following the shooting. The boxcar was on the train tracks behind the stockade fence and grassy knoll. There is no record of arrest and the men were not detained. Yet, on a tip from an unidentified caller, practically the entire Dallas police force converged on the movie theatre where Lee Harvey Oswald was found. Recently released documents and CIA agent statements show Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent before and after his trip to Russia. Also, documents and FBI agents confirm Oswald became an FBI informant after his return from Russia. 9) Nearly two weeks following the assassination, the FBI released their report – Oswald took three shots, the first hit Kennedy, the second Connally, the third was the fatal shot to Kennedy. Unfortunately for the Warren Commission, who relied on the FBI’s investigation and evidence, a man named James Tague came forward and said he was hit by a ricocheted bullet, or a fragment of pavement from a bullet that hit the pavement in front of the limousine. This meant one bullet in the FBI theory was in fact a missed shot. So they had to come up with the “Single Bullet theory”, meaning only two bullets accounted for the seven identified wounds on both Kennedy and Connally.10) In October of 1963 JFK signed a memorandum stating the intentions of withdrawing from Vietnam. Four days (Nov. 26th) following the assassination, our new president Lyndon B. Johnson signed a memorandum committing us to Vietnam.11) The House Select Committee on Assassinations, based primarily on recorded audio from a police radio, concluded, "scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy." It added that "on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.” There has been no further investigation into these findings by our government.12) Taped confessions from Chauncey Holt, one of the "Three Tramps" and from James Files, who stated he was the man who took the shot on the Grassy Knoll. Neither the national media or the the government has looked into these confessions.13) Many members of the Warren Commission and the Assassination Committee have gone on record stating they do not support their groups findings, and that the committees were held back from doing a proper investigation.13) Evidence of a coup d’etat can typically be found in the men who followed Kennedy in power.1) Lydon B. Johnson: - Put together the Warren Commission, which effectively curtailed any private or other governmental investigation into the assassination. - Assigned Allen Dulles to the committee. Dulles was the former head of the CIA, and was also fired by Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs- Johnson signed the memorandum to go into Vietnam four days after the assassination2) Richard Nixon- As Vice President under Eisenhower, Nixon worked with the CIA on the Bay of Pigs.- Nixon was in Dallas the day of the assassination, as reported by media. - Nixon was involved in the Watergate scandal. He resigned after the scandal to avoid being impeached. He refused to give up secretly recorded conversations in the White House. Nixon refused because he said the tapes could, “open up the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco.”3) Gerald Ford- Took over the office of President of the United States following Nixon’s resignation, and Vice President Rockefeller’s - Controversially pardoned Nixon. - Admitted in his biography that he adjusted the autopsy report to aid the “Magic Bullet Theory.”4) George Bush- According to released FBI reports, George Bush visited J. Edgar Hoover to let the FBI director know Bush would be in Dallas on Nov. 22nd. Hoover also wrote a report stating Bush visited him the day after the assassination.- Bush denied to the public in his campaign for the presidency that he had ever been involved with the CIA prior to becoming director in 1976. Aside from Hoover’s notes, evidence points to Bush’s involvement in the CIA as early as 1954.Nice work rookie!
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

Here are the confirmed shots and the theorized shots Confirmed shots-First shot hits street behind limo- sparks are seen by muliple eyewitnessesSecond shot hits JFK in throat, from front, seen as entrance wound by EVERY medical professional who examined it at ParklandThird shot hits Connelly in back, exiting chestFourth shot hits JFK in back leaving 1/4 inch flesh wound as reported in autopsy, DOES NOT penetrate chest cavityFifth shot hits Connelly in wrist and richochects to injure left thighSixth shot hits JFK in templeTheorized shotsShot from behind which hits JFK in back of head an instant before shot to temple from knollShot hits windshield in front of driver. Hole noted by several witnesses at ParklandShot hits chrome surround of windshield next to rear view mirror. Damage noted by several observers inspecting car back in Washington DCSlug found in grass next to manhole cover south side of ElmShot hits curb and splinters hit Tague on Main next to viaduct of triple overpassThis shows a minimum of 6 shots and a maximum of 11 shots.PS- I could care less about the Dictabelt. It has never been shown to be a 100% accurate capture of what happpened that day. There are all sorts of problems wth the Dictabelt. I don't accept it as definitive, sorry.Again, minimum of 6 and maximum of 11 shots. Reality is most likley somewhere in the middle.
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Shane »

Alex,This topic is of great interest to me (as shown in post “The Shooters”), but I have to get clarification on the confirmed and theorized shots. I want to be clear I am not attacking your theory, simply asking questions to investigate it further. The intention of this particular post was to provide clear conspiracy evidence. Because many of the conclusions drawn in your post have been debated on this forum, it cannot be classified simply as “clear evidence.” So that I can follow up on your post, what is your source for the confirmed/theorized shots? I know you provided three sources in an earlier post: (26 Volumes of WC, “Killing of a President”, The Men Who Killed Kennedy). Are these the sources for this particular statement?You mention the throat shot was the “confirmed” second shot. Many on the forum have debated this as shrapnel from the mercury round shot by James Files, including Wim who stated it is simply not a bullet wound. I have also heard JFK spoke after being hit the first time, impossible with a throat shot. Third shot hits Connally. I am supposed to be working at my desk and do not have notes to back this up, but wasn’t Connally still holding his cowboy hat at this time? If he were hit this early, in the chest, holding a cowboy hat would be difficult.I should say, many of the “theorized shots” have earned more credibility on this forum than the “confirmed.” Including Tague, who I do not consider a theory.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

Throat shot comes at frame 188 of Z film. All 13 medical professionals who examined the wound at Parkland ER who saw bullet wounds literally every day, decribed it excatly the same way, no variance- 5 mm, round clean edges, consistent with an entry wound. This is a matter of public record and has been for 48 years. There is no serious debate on this topic among assassination researchers, outside of this board. You make your own decision First shot that hit Connelly was in the back, a through and through wound that existed the front of his chest pushing his suit lapel forward at approx frame 225. The shot that hit his wrist came later. Connelly was hit twice NOT once, per the magic bullet theory. Yes I believe he could still hold his hat after the back/chest wound. His wrist was still in tact at this point Shot that hit JFK in back was described in autopsy as being 5 and 1/2 inches below his collar next to third thoracic vertabrae. Shot did not penetrate chest cavity per autopsy. Not a thorugh and through wound. Wound was found to be approx 1/4 inch deep after probing with both metal probe and finger, by attending pyhsician at autopsy. This is the supposed magtic bullet wound that sent a bullet through JFK, then sent it though Connelly where it ricocheted off his wrist and lodged in his thigh and then was found on a stretcher at Parkland that could not be definitively tied to either JFK or Connelly and this bullet was found to be in perfect condition hence the term "magic bullet".The single best book on JFK is "The Killing of a President" by Robert Groden. Buy it and read it. Best single book you can read.
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Bob »

I say this ONCE again. The first shot that hit JFK was not a shot to the throat, but a back wound. As someone who has back issues, I make the EXACT same movement with my arms and have clinched fists as well, when I'm jabbed in the back unexpectantly. Also where is the exit wound if JFK was hit in the throat? Thom Robinson saw the doctors at Bethesda track the massive head wound in JFK's head to his throat. In addition to that, Robinson also noted that exit wound fragment (shrapnel) particles were seen on JFK's face. But...let's disregard Robinson. He was only at JFK's pre-autopsy procedure and his REAL autopsy.AGAIN...think about Parkland for a second folks. Yes...the doctors thought JFK's throat wound was an entrance wound...but it was a fart in the wind compared to JFK's massive head wound...that the doctors were much more concentrated on. JFK was as dead as a door nail that moment he took the simultaneous shots from Files and Nicoletti. The doctors knew it as soon as they saw him. But they tried to do what they could. Jackie Kennedy was there as well. They had to try and make an effort. It was a madhouse there, just like it was at Bethesda later that night. The throat wound was a secondary venture, compared to the softball sized head wound.