An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

JFK Assassination
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An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by katisha » ... dys-review(originally posted elsewhere by the tireless Bernice Moore).
Dealey Joe
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by Dealey Joe »

Katisah have you watched it?The main problem to me is that is is entirely too about 8 hours.NO way to know just how factual it is because of some of the stuff it gets into.I think we all agree that Jack liked the ladies but that seems to fit the lifestyle.I actually believe Jack nor Bobby knew of Joe's deal with Sam to take Chicago.fact is in the movie Joe calls them in and tries to explain what they are getting intowith the mob.For the most part I liked it very much and it portrayed the humanity very wellespecially Joe and Rose. I have always seen Rose as the guiding factor in the familyand raising the kids to have compassion and understanding.I am sorry but I don't see that the "Womanizer" makes much different. We can sure tell it didn't affect Jacks ability to see the future and act on it.Can't ask more out of JFK.Just think if I had known MM I may have been inspired to be president.I have always kinda liked the girls a bit myself.I thought that was what we were supposed to do.The only sex education my dad gave me was "Son as long as you are around women you will be doing stupid things, Don't worry about it, it is normal" and that has proven to be good and true advise.Over all liked it, probably why it got bad press? I am surprised they even made it.
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by kenmurray »

I can't comment on it because I haven't seen it yet.
Dealey Joe
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have to admit it is so long it gets a bit boring.I bet it aint far off of what old Joe was.
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by katisha »

Yeah, I watched it Joe; it was on the ABC here.I was delighted to read this review because it agrees exactly with some of my thoughts about it. Actually I'll give you a quote from an email I sent to a mate after the third episode:The Kennedys is crap; not just because it's lying bollocks, but it's effen boring. Don't fly at all, and it bloody should with those characters. Watching paint dry, darls. V. disappointingRegardless of the outright lies - such as Oswald sitting down eating his chicken lunch on the Sixth Floor, to mention only one - it was as boring as batshit. There were a few bits of this review that I particularly agreed with:Kinnear is a fine actor, bringing great nuance to comic or light dramatic roles, but he's plainly out of his depth as the leader of the free world, lacking the screen charisma necessary for such an iconic figure. The reviewer goes on to compare Kinnear's performance to Martin Sheen's in "Kennedy". I agree with everything he says. I suspect Kinnear did a slightly better Boston accent (but what would I know, speaking broad Aussie?) but in every other way Sheen was a far better JFK. Kinnear's JFK was...just a nothing; no personality; no spark; no charisma; no charm. Wilkinson fares better as Kennedy senior, although the exposition-packed script all but spoon-feeds the viewer a guide to what's going on, forever undermining a part that should be played with more subtlety - manipulative puppet-masters rarely explain their every move on camera.As the emotionally-fraught and priority-torn Jackie Kennedy, a simpering Katie Holmes is just laughable. Yeah.Barry Pepper as Bobby gets a big big-up, and he was certainly the best of a sadly inadequate cast. But probably my fave bit of this review was:...the US History channel was clearly expecting a well-researched and faithful account of a pivotal time in American - and world - politics, but was instead presented with a scattergun mosaic of hearsay and half-truths with all the gravitas of a mid-market soap like Falcon Crest. Yeah, that.
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by Shane »

I admit, I was enjoying the series (and was surprised with the accuracy of mob ties, etc), but stopped watching the moment I saw Oswald eating his sack lunch and pick up the rifle. Seriously, I lifted the remote and turned off the television at that moment.
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by kenmurray »

Shane wrote:I admit, I was enjoying the series (and was surprised with the accuracy of mob ties, etc), but stopped watching the moment I saw Oswald eating his sack lunch and pick up the rifle. Seriously, I lifted the remote and turned off the television at that moment.Shane, did they show LHO building the so called sniper's nest before he shot JFK? Of course they didn't. He didn't have time while eating his sack lunch. I would do the same. Turn off the TV.
Dealey Joe
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by Dealey Joe »

Here is my viewpoint guys and gals.I watch anything Kennedy, after all how many productions are going to slant my way?Not many. If you watch you can pick up a crumb here and there.To me the human side of Joe Kennedy is something I want to know more about and I think this mini series provided some believable stuff about that. Not that I take it all for gospel but you can tell what fits and what don't. I expect the stuff about Jackie is more true than fiction, maybe embellished a bit and not something we want to hear about.If you were a Kennedy you were pulled into a large and strong family network. protected, shielded, told what to say and how to act for the most part to protect the family profile.There is always more to the story than what shows on the surface.after all, these people are human too. although to us they may appear superhuman.When Bobby visited my home town during his campaign he stopped and spoke with me for a few seconds more than anyone else. Did not talk politics just that it was a nice town, how many people live here, It is close to Indiana University, interested in things other than himself.Very sincere, sober but yet outgoing, like he wanted to talk to someone about some other thing than politics.JFK was my first and last presidential candidate to cast a vote for.
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by kenmurray »

Joe, I'm surprised that you didn't cast a vote for Gerald Ford who said this during the Ford/Carter Debate.
Dealey Joe
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Re: An excellent review of "The Kennedys"

Post by Dealey Joe »

Did you hear what he said?Secretary of State for the Vatican?what does that tell us?I think his was just after he fell down the airline ramp?