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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:40 pm
by tom jeffers
I think there should be a limit on the amount of space for a posting and it should directly relate to the JFK assassination. If I was interested in all this other stuff, I would find an appropriate forum that delt with those issues. I think you can make your point and include a link without doing a 10,000 word essay.

Tom Jeffers

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:03 am
by John S. Churchin
Some people are more long winded then others. If a person needs 10,000 words to get their point across, most of us won't read it anyway.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:21 am
by M.C.Newton
If you don't want to read it then don't read it. If the post seems un-related then skip it. The moderators are here to moderate. If they have a problem they will let us know, if they don't then we should not be concerned.

The fact is that some issues discussed here can not be explained in one line. Sometimes things are connected in a roundabout way, i.e. government crime/cover up, the people responsible for certain crimes directly related to the JFK assassination seem to still hold power in Washington and seem to influence current events that would otherwise be seemingly un-related.

I have personally posted a question similar to this in the "FORUM RULES for registration" thread, and have not heard of any problems, so I in turn do not worry about it. Since I joined here I have gotten the feeling of community from basically all involved and there seems to be a mutual respect amongst everyone, it's very familial, and that's one of the things that I and I'm sure many others really like about the forum.

p.s. Wouldn't this post fall into the "off topic" category? Probably would fit better in the above mentioned thread.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:50 am
by john geraghty
I think that some of the long posts tend to be badly structured in comparison with the short ones.

It is sometimes essential to go into detail to make a point.
I do share your frustration though.

When I see a very long post that is in one, maybe two paragraphs I just sigh and sometimes disregard it.

Thats life!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:43 am
by Billy Boggs
Confused. In order for you to understand the whole picture you must be exposed to all the aspects of the assination. Its like a spiders web that intersects at key locations. If you dont see the connections you will never understand what forces were really behind the very public execution. this is why other topics must be covered.


Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:43 am
by bobwc
Billy, once again, thanx again for youe words of wisdom. The JFK murder is a very long and winding road with very many turns in it. Also, what is happening today in the US and elsewhere was birthed on Nov. 22nd, 1963. So, IMHO, all is relevant.


Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:47 pm
by Bob
The JFK assassination IS directly related to the evil and corruption that permeates our world today. The events of 11/22/1963 are a piece of a very large puzzle. The MSM uses the approach you want Tom. Short sound bites that don't even begin to skim the surface of reality. Until we have a truly free press that has the guts and integrity to expose the real truth, all we have is the internet and forums like this to help illuminate the truth. The truth about the JFK assassination. The truth about secret societies. The truth about the Bu$hes, Rockefellers and the like. The truth about 9/11. The truth about why the U.S. invaded Iraq. The truth of the CIA infiltration into the MSM. The truth about the U.S.A. turning into a fascist state. And on and on. The answers aren't easy, nor are they easily explained in a short paragraph or two.


Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 3:06 am
by R Croxford
If you do not want to read it then do not. It is that simple, but to suggest that censorship in any way is acceptable just because you can not take the time to do your homework is no reason to complain or even suggest regulating non obscene or non vulgar post. Some times to find the right piece of the puzzle you need to do the entire puzzle. There is no quick answers and if you think you can get an insight on something you know nothing about, just by reading a paragraph or two. You are mistaken. The long post when and only when it is a subject that I find of interest can prove very plentiful to those of us who actually care about said subject. Instead of reading Wim's book would you just read the prefix? Then come in here and say you know the entire contents of his book?
Since when does posting on a forum require a writing major?

I suggest the moderaters delete whiny post from people who want to censor other forum users post just because they do not find them entertaining enough.


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:41 am
by tom jeffers
You call me whiny? I never said anything about censoring anyones posts. I merely made a remark about the cut and paste crap that some of the posts are made of. I have seen some of the same exact verbage written about a subject on other websights and intead of showing a link to the other websight, some unscrupulous authors will cut and paste the same material that takes up a lot of Wim's gigabytes. and pretend it was their ideas. I fully understand that alot of things are connected but I joined this group for info on JFK's assassination. I am sure if you try hard enough and look deep enough you could find some obscure connection between J edgar Hoover and the vacuum cleaner but that is not what this forum is about. Also some of the connections are a little weak. It is easy to make an accusation or a connection but it doesn't make it a fact without the proof. Some of you saturday night detectives need to do a little more homework than just stating a thought as fact.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:12 pm
by Billy Boggs
Here is a little more Copy And Past "Crap"

"I think there should be a limit on the amount of space for a posting and it should directly relate to the JFK assassination. If I was interested in all this other stuff, I would find an appropriate forum that delt with those issues. I think you can make your point and include a link without doing a 10,000 word essay.
This statement dosnt denote censorship, it denotes compartmentalization. Lets keep "this" subject away from "that" subject! YOU CANT SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE UNLESS YOU LOOK AT IT. It is absolutly FACT, that the Kennedy Assasination traveres the borders of other SUBJECTS! And if you cant get your head out of the sand and LOOK, you will never SEE. It boils down to, CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH?
George Bush (both) is a Bonesman, LOOK AT THE SCULL & BONES! 5 of the Warren Commision members were MASONS, LOOK AT THE MASONS!
One of those members was actually a NAZI, LOOK AT THE NAZIS!
The lies and deceptions work because people are compartmentalized into subjects and are taught not to look at other subjects. THAT IS THE REAL LIFE MATRIX! GET YOUR HEAD OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!