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Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:19 pm
by Lofty
Picked this off the deep politics forum, i forget who originally posted the link, but have a look and see what you think of this, ... cover.html

Perfect Cover

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:47 am
by Phil Dragoo
LoftyI'm reading George Michael Evica's A Certain Arrogance now, in which he explores Allen Dulles' life in covert manipulation of world political reality for the benefit of his powerful international clients.In similar fashion brother John Foster Dulles has worked the political side of the street. Together they've been the Regime Change 'R' Us outfit so successful for decades.The piece you linked is full of gems not the least of which is the Lansky connection which of course draws in all the outfit players.Evica's view puts sponsors in a protected and hidden position superior to false sponsors involved for deflection and facilitators who perform the acts in compartmentalized space, neither knowing the layers above, nor known by those layers.Compartmentalization and deflection through false sponsors has preserved the conspiracy.What's significant is how much is falling into place. Ruth Paine's sister was a CIA agent, and there is a link through Michael's parents who were friends with Mary Bancroft mistress to Allen Dulles and his link to the plot to assassinate Hitler. ... htmlDulles pulled in Hunt to do his memoirs in 1961 a job that took til 1963, just the period between Bay of Pigs when Kennedy offered to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds and that little business down in Dallas which shattered Kennedy's head into a thousand pieces and scattered it to the winds.Dulles was in Zurich when the Germans put Lenin on a train for Petrograd to destabilize Russia and take the pressure off Dulles' German clients.Evica has Foster Dulles calling for America to stay out of the war against Germany in the late 'thirties and once in to be restrained for allegedly Christian purposes.I think it's safe to say we may follow the money.Abolishing the Federal Reserve, banning atomic tests, withdrawing from Vietnam, detente, no access to the heroin of the Golden Triangle—--and we recall it was Dulles who commented, “That little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god.”The CIA is a jealous god.

Re: Perfect Cover

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:08 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:LoftyI'm reading George Michael Evica's A Certain Arrogance now, in which he explores Allen Dulles' life in covert manipulation of world political reality for the benefit of his powerful international clients.In similar fashion brother John Foster Dulles has worked the political side of the street. Together they've been the Regime Change 'R' Us outfit so successful for decades.The piece you linked is full of gems not the least of which is the Lansky connection which of course draws in all the outfit players.Evica's view puts sponsors in a protected and hidden position superior to false sponsors involved for deflection and facilitators who perform the acts in compartmentalized space, neither knowing the layers above, nor known by those layers.Compartmentalization and deflection through false sponsors has preserved the conspiracy.What's significant is how much is falling into place. Ruth Paine's sister was a CIA agent, and there is a link through Michael's parents who were friends with Mary Bancroft mistress to Allen Dulles and his link to the plot to assassinate Hitler. ... htmlDulles pulled in Hunt to do his memoirs in 1961 a job that took til 1963, just the period between Bay of Pigs when Kennedy offered to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds and that little business down in Dallas which shattered Kennedy's head into a thousand pieces and scattered it to the winds.Dulles was in Zurich when the Germans put Lenin on a train for Petrograd to destabilize Russia and take the pressure off Dulles' German clients.Evica has Foster Dulles calling for America to stay out of the war against Germany in the late 'thirties and once in to be restrained for allegedly Christian purposes.I think it's safe to say we may follow the money.Abolishing the Federal Reserve, banning atomic tests, withdrawing from Vietnam, detente, no access to the heroin of the Golden Triangle—--and we recall it was Dulles who commented, “That little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god.”The CIA is a jealous god.Bravo once again Phil!!!

Re: Interesting

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:58 pm
by Shane
Thanks for posting this, Lofty. It was an interesting read and helped explain why so many people fell in line with the official story. Many had their hands dirty without even knowing it...of course it doesn't hurt that the government has the military, CIA, FBI, and media backing them up. That keeps some people quiet too. It also explains why so many "hitmen" were there that day. I do have issues coming to terms with the "planned simulated attack" theory. I want to stress, I don't discount it outright, but considering what a hostile area Dallas was to Kennedy, if there were loyal government men (Secret Service, FBI, etc) why in the world would they accept the explanation of a "simulated attack?" Especially in Dallas? Those Secret Service men who were loyal to Kennedy (or simply committed to doing their job correctly) didn't even want Kennedy going to Dallas. I find it difficult to believe anyone (who wanted Kennedy alive) would agree to a simulated attack in Dallas, one of three locations known to be dangerous.I believe on page 3 of the report it suggests Oswald "was assured the event was indeed a simulated attack." If so, it wasn't relayed to Judy Baker. She was under the impression Lee was there to "take one more bullet off Kennedy." In fact, in my humble years of research, I have never even heard of a simulated attack until this letter (take that for what it's worth). I would also like to hear from Forum members on the KGB/CIA collaboartion in Mexico. I have a hard time imagining these two working together, though I have heard theories, especially dealing with the Soviet Oswald theory, which I am not a subscriber.Also on the "wall of boxes" in the Depository created by the floor laying crew. Never heard this before.Lastly, I question that Connally "was scheduled to die on Nov 22nd." Why take out a powerful ally and a close friend of LBJ''s? I contend he was hit on accident but an open to debate on the topic.

Questions remain

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:02 am
by Phil Dragoo
ShaneYou pose three questions. I would also like to hear from Forum members on the KGB/CIA collaboartion in Mexico. I have a hard time imagining these two working together, though I have heard theories, especially dealing with the Soviet Oswald theory, which I am not a subscriber.In my view Mexico City was CIA (Angleton, Egeter, et al) painting Oswald as possibly a KGB flip, turned in the Soviet Union and sent back as an assassin—not a KGB op, nor a CIA-KGB collaboration, the rare hypothesis to the contrary notwithstanding.Ditto the Oswald as Soviet doppleganger—that arises out of CIA asset Edward Jay Epstein's Legend which is disinformation intended to introduce cognitive dissonance (confusion, doubt), to roil the waters and make CIA presence undiscernible.I will tell you my view on the commonality of CIA and KGB interests: U.S. national security hawks (including intelligence agencies) removed the dove Kennedy who was seeking detente through secret correspondence with the Soviet dove Khrushchev who was removed by Soviet hawks (including intelligence agencies).LBJ vs Leonid Brezhnev is far more profitable for the world-wide arms market and money men than the Kennedy-Khruschev face-off.A looking-glass situation, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and allied with Eastasia.Also on the "wall of boxes" in the Depository created by the floor laying crew. Never heard this before.The “wall of boxes” was a forest of stacks of boxes moved by the floor-laying crew to make way for their work. The device used was the wood and iron two-wheeler seen in some photos. That some boxes were tweaked between photos taken that day cannot be denied.Lastly, I question that Connally "was scheduled to die on Nov 22nd." Why take out a powerful ally and a close friend of LBJ''s? I contend he was hit on accident but an open to debate on the topic.Ostensibly there was a shouting match between Kennedy and Johnson as to who would ride with whom, that Johnson wanted Connally with him, and Yarborough with Kennedy. Be that as it may, hitting Connally was collateral not intentional.

Re: Interesting

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:22 am
by Shane
You are a home run hitter, Phil. Much obliged for your post. And as always, great information. Krushchev and Kennedy were isolated. And I agree with your conclusion on Connally - collateral damage.

Re: Interesting

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:23 pm
by Lofty
That document i linked has certainly provided me with food for thought, and Evica's A Certain Arrogance is next on my reading list.The idea of a simulated attack as an exercise on the 22nd is frankly a quite brilliant facet of planning, instantly providing complicity and deniability to the compromised parties.