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Umbrella man

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:46 pm
by Nicolai
The fact that James Files openly emerged with the announcement it was he who fired the fatal shot, raises some questions. On the one hand, his story seems to be waterproof and sounds logically. But why doesn’t he mention anything about the umbrella man and the other man, standing at the curb and swinging his arm in the air, at the moment the limousine with Kennedy passed them. It was clear these two people gave a signal. To whom and what did the signal meant? Did it mean “Get ready, they are here” or something like “he isn’t yet dead”. Or something else? The signal should also be intended for James Files if he was involved. Look at:

Dulles: You've shown me NOTHING!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:25 pm
by Phil Dragoo
NicolaiYour question is excellent. Apparently in your three and a half years here it is the only stimulus sufficient to elicit a post.I have not met James Files nee Sutton, yet his video interviews, the transcripts in the fine book, and a general overview of the dangers facing the military, intelligence and criminal facilitators provides a response.To recap Files' account, he reconnoitered the area—with Oswald. This feeds into the strong suggestion from Evica that there was a cover story of a test attack, a ruse to paralyze the Secret Service.Also, Tosh Plumlee and Sergio were part of an abort team on the South Knoll, looking for shooters.James Files says he was called to back up his trusted employer Charles “Chuck” Nicoletti when John Rosselli backed out in obedience to the abort order.If that's not confusing enough, we have accounts that Bernard Barker the CIA BOP Watergate operative flashed Secret Service credentials—did he get these from Chauncey Holt?It's my understanding Files had no intention of breaching code vis-a-vis this or any other hit—look at how it got Rosselli canned—can I get a rimshot.In all candor, Files said he wouldn't give anybody up, no one living, wouldn't do it. He had no intent of coming forward at all but for two things.The LEOs who ambushed him and his partner in a botched hit. And Joe West who became his friend, suffered for it, died leaving a widow with overwhelming medical bills.It seems correct to me that Bosch was walkie-talkie man and the umbrella was a visual coordination for a volley of shots.Plausible denial and compartmentalization dictate that a) Files would not be informed of other shooters; b) Files would be cueing off Nicolleti's shot from the Dal-Tex, not a third-party, i.e., umbrella man.He was a mechanic. He was a wheelman. He was a shooter. Wolfman gave him six mercury .222 rounds for the original 1963 Remington Fireball XP-100.Which went into the suitcase, the jacket got reversed, the hat was pumped on and it was end of businessman's lunch. To the Chevy, to the levee, drop Chucky and Johnny and down the road.Even Angleton said a mansion has many rooms; I was not privy to who struck John.Phillips was Dulles' personal assistant 1961-3. A combined experience in covert ops of decades.What Jimmy didn't know and couldn't say is part of why he's alive today.Burma Shave

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:57 am
by Kirk
Great Post Phil!

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:22 pm
by Nicolai
Hi Phil, thanks for your detailed reply. Regarding to the JFK assassination, this is one of the aspects that intrigues me very much. It's not only Files who doesn´t speak about these two guys, there is however little attention paid to it. And in my opinion that is incorrect, because these two people play a key role at the moment of the murder on Dealy Plaza. If Files is not involved in the whole operation, this could be the reason why he doesn't mentioned it. Maybe, as you indicate, the umbrella was a visual coordination for a volley of shots. If we take their physical position on Dealy Plaza in consideration, we can conclude that this was a very strategic one. They are positioned left in front of Zapruder. On his film we can only see a glimpse of the umbrella when this is opened. Furtheron on his film we can see the man who is wearing a white jacket in front of the umbrella man, with raised arm. But to the right of Zapruder, there is a gunner/gunnerteam, maybe Files. Correct me if I´m wrong, but unlike Zapruder, for this gunner/gunnerteam these two people are well positioned and in full view, maybe at the point the limousine will be for the first time in view for this gunner/gunnerteam. So when they catch the sign, they can fully concentrate on the limousine. On this location the two persons where in the sight of all the shooters/teams, both on the grassy knoll as well as from the position in front and behind the limousine. Maybe this is the point Kennedy is shot and hit for the first time from behind, so in that case there seems to be a link to the start of the shooting from behind and the actions of the umbrella man and his collegue. Simultaneously, as already mentioned, this could be also the sign for the gunner/gunnerteam on the grassy knoll to get ready. In that case, it could be even the starting point of the whole operation! Coincidence or not, but the man who was swinging his hand in the air was wearing a striking white jacket, so he was clearly visible, together with the umbrella man.

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:49 pm
by Dealey Joe
well I can't stand by on this one.Are you saying because Files never said he saw an umbrella that he was not there?Umbrella Man..It had been raining earlier so to carry an umbrella is not out of character.If the President of the United States is going past you and you have an umbrella and want to catch his attention you might do just what Umbrella man did? Or do you just Wave your arm?I find it strange that the walky talky man sat there in stunned silence after JFK was shot?I would have to see more than I do to say these guys were involved however I understand that is not a popular belief.In a small place like Dealey who would need a signal man?If I were a shooter I would be watching my target not some dude along the side of the road.I would like to see pictures of the shooters in plain sight beside Zapruder. which picture is that in?

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:39 pm
by Nicolai
Hi Dealey,No, I am not stating because of James Files didn’t mention something about the umbrella man, he is not involved. On the contrary, I think he is involved. But I believe the umbrella man and the other man with him, were also involved in the whole operation. I can imagine such an operation needs to have a coördination, so it could be these two were the starting point. I don’t say they were, but it could be. When I saw this video, (copy this link in your browser to see the video), to me it was clear they were involved in the murder, because of their strange behaviour. They look not to be the kind of ordinary people, obediently waving to their "beloved president". I've seen the DVD with James Files, and it was clear to me that he really seems to know a lot about the murder and of course he can be the man who did the final shot from the right. But if he is, still there will arise questions about cases, like these. Nicolai

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:20 pm
by Bob
Jimmy Files saw a lot of people he knew in Dealey Plaza that day, mostly those from the CIA like Frank Sturgis. But he also saw folks like Jack Ruby and Richard Cain. He also saw and talked with General Lansdale. I'm sure there were many others like Umbrella man and the man sitting next to him on the curb...Walkie Talkie man. To many of us, that man was Orlando Bosch. A man Files had to know. Still, Files was focused on his mission. Not the mission of others.

Is that a signal or are you hailing a taxi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:01 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Bosch or Felipe Vidal Santiago with a walkie-talkie. Pumping umbrella; raised arm.And behind the fence Lee Bowers observed three cars. Excerpt of his testimony with Barr: ... .htmlBEGIN EXCERPTMr. Ball. And, did you see another car? Mr. Bowers. Yes, some 15 minutes or so after this, at approximately 12 o'clock, 20 to 12--I guess 12:20 would be close to it, little time differential there--but there was another car which was a 1957 black Ford, with one male in it that seemed to have a mike or telephone or something that gave the appearance of that at least. Mr. Ball. How could you tell that? Mr. Bowers. He was holding something up to his mouth with one hand and he was driving with the other, and gave that appearance. He was very close to the tower. I could see him as he proceeded around the area. Mr. Ball. What kind of license did that have? Mr. Bowers. Had a Texas license. Mr. Ball. What did it do as it came into the area, from what street? Mr. Bowers. Came in from the extension of Elm Street in front of the School Depository. Mr. Ball. Did you see it leave? Mr. Bowers. Yes; after 3 or 4 minutes cruising around the area it departed the same way. He did probe a little further into the area than the first car. Mr. Ball. Did you see another car? Mr. Bowers. Third car, which entered the area, which was some seven or nine minutes before the shooting, I believe was a 1961 or 1962 Chevrolet, four-door Impala, white, showed signs of being on the road. It was muddy up to the windows, bore a similar out-of-state license to the first car I observed, occupied also by one white male. Mr. Ball. What did it do? Mr. Bowers. He spent a little more time in the area. He tried-he circled the area and probed one spot right at the tower in an attempt to get and was forced to back out some considerable distance, and slowly cruised down back towards the front of the School Depository Building.Mr. Ball. Then did he leave?Mr. Bowers. The last I saw of him he was pausing just about in--just above the assassination site.END EXCERPTPerhaps a radio car cruising the lot—recall the frantic search which found the muddy prints indicating a pacing, a waiting, climbing on a bumper.We pulled our 63 Econoline into the parking lot of Chicago's Lincoln Park in October 1969 and took our 16mm Beaulieu to the edge of the SDS around its burning police barricades, crossing the grass through the trees, passing a knot of Dick Tracy types clustered around a walkie talkie—six years after Dallas this device was still in use in the field.Again, compartmentalization and deniability are basic tradecraft. Add the code of criminals regarding informants and there can be no reasonable expectation that mechanics such as James Files are going to friend you on Facebook or tweet you their 1020.

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:13 pm
by Shane
My understanding is that the umbrella man was there to indicate whether the shooting team got a "head shot." Once they got the head shot, mission was over and they all go home. And though I may get frustrated with Files for not laying out the detail I crave, we have to remember it was nearly 50 years ago, and according to Files, wasn't the most significant "job" he has been called on to do. So he may not have remembered the umrella man. Its all a matter of what was important to him. Clearly some of the bit players were not. I went to a 15 year high school reunion lately. We shared a couple stories and it took a team of us to get most of the details. I am impressed with what Files remembers after however many years he has spent in jail.

Re: Umbrella man

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:31 am
by Nicolai
Anyway, I am convinced that these people have played a crucial role in Dealey Plaza and it is shameful that their role is hardly examined in the whole investigation. Just as shameful it is that there are many pictures and films have been disappeared taken at Dealey Plaza. Of those who participated in the whole operation, only these two people are captured on film and photo. We don’t have film and photo’s of the other participants, like the gunmen. Maybe some vague images. Interesting is this article: In this article the opportunity is mentioned the umbrella could also have been used as a weapon. Furthermore on that page whe can read:“Coincidently", the Umbrella Man was suddenly identified in Dallas just shortly after this national appeal. An anonymous caller told researcher Penn Jones Jr. that the wanted man was the former Dallas insurance salesman Louis Steven Witt. Jones contacted some local newsmen and together they confronted Witt. Although Witt refused to talk to a newsman, he confirmed that he was in Dealey Plaza when Kennedy was killed. Jones later wrote (2): I felt the man had been coached. He would answer no questions and pointedly invited us to leave. His only positive statement, which seemed to come very quickly, was that he was willing to appear before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in Washington. Witt told the Commission that he had the umbrella to heckle Kennedy. He claimed that someone told him that an open umbrella would rile Kennedy. But he did not offer any further explanation of how it would heckle JFK. Some Committee members theorized that the umbrella somehow referred to Kennedy's father who was serving as U.S. ambassador to Britain prior to World War II. The umbrella may have symbolized the policies of Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain who always carried an umbrella. (3) I think I went sort of maybe halfway up the grassy area (on the north side of Elm Street), somewhere in that vicinity. I am pretty sure I sat down....(When the motorcade approached) I think I got up and started fiddling with that umbrella trying to get it open, and at the same time I was walking forward, walking toward the street....Whereas other people I understand saw the President shot and his movements; I did not see this because of this thing (the umbrella) in front of me....My view of the car during that length of time was blocked by the umbrella's being open. (4) None of Witt s statements were accurate. Umbrella man stood waiting for the motorcade with his umbrella in the usual position over his head. Then he pumped it up in the air as Kennedy passed. Despite Witt's bizarre story - totally incompatible with the actions of the man in the photographs - a few researchers accepted Louis Steven Witt as the "Umbrella Man". The HSCA made no effort to find the second man, the Dark-complected man, who appeared to have been talking on a radio moments after the assassination. Witt claimed he had no recollection of such a person, although on photographs he can be seen talking to him. He only recalled a "Negro man" who sat down near him and mumbling: They done shot them folks. One of the Committee's attorneys asked Witt specifically if he remembers seeing the man with a walkie-talkie. This is interesting because no one has ever admitted the possibility of radios in use in Dealey Plaza. Both men still remain in mystery among the people of Dealey Plaza.”